This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Sat Mar 30 2019 20:54:11 UTC
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1018 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
7050 CSS Namespac carcone NEW --- New Feature Request - Target for Link 2009-06-22 2013-09-09
10533 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Spec the non-visual aspects of scrollIntoView() as removed from HTML 2010-09-02 2013-08-08
11328 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO WORK Canvas authors needs to be able to assess pixel resolution to rescale canvas elements 2010-11-16 2013-08-08
11329 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Browsers must generate resize event during a zoom. 2010-11-16 2013-08-08
12531 CSS Basic Us tantek NEW --- Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height 2011-04-20 2015-10-05
12778 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- add "paragraphs" pseudo selector in spec 2011-05-25 2011-11-22
13035 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO INVA on It seems this line: br { content: "\A" } is missing :before If I am wrong please update thx 2011-06-23 2011-06-24
13711 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Alternative style sheet handling undefined 2011-08-09 2013-08-08
14064 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- css2.1/t090204-display-change-01-b-ao.html attaches load event handler to document rather than window 2011-09-07 2017-12-04
14071 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO DUPL Screen.{color,pixel}Depth not sufficiently distinguished 2011-09-08 2013-08-08
14072 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO WONT Screen.alphaDepth missing 2011-09-08 2013-08-08
14143 CSS Media Qu tantek NEW --- Selectors Level 3 - E:javascript AND E:not(:javascript) 2011-09-13 2012-02-19
14172 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- <frequency>, <time>, and <angle> should require units even for zero 0 2011-09-15 2012-12-04
14197 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Inconsistent naming convention - media_query_list 2011-09-18 2013-08-08
14203 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- JavaScript API to access unsupported CSS properties 2011-09-18 2013-08-08
14207 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE ElementCSSInlineStyle needs binding to Element 2011-09-19 2013-08-08
14216 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO INVA getComputedStyle and null 2011-09-19 2013-08-08
14217 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Use DOMString instead of DOMString? for setProperty 2011-09-19 2013-08-08
14399 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO INVA Table height for absolutely positioned tables in face of table rows with 100% height 2011-10-06 2012-01-15
14420 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- 'inherit' keyword incorrectly resolves to the specified value of parent 2011-10-11 2012-06-16
14437 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Editorial issues with small-caps 2011-10-12 2017-12-04
14440 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Editorial tweaks to sentence wrt font-variant 2011-10-12 2017-12-04
14473 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO DUPL column-sizing algorithm forgets to include padding and borders 2011-10-14 2012-01-15
14599 CSS Animatio dino NEW --- Need to be clearer about shorthands and animation (border-style issue) 2011-10-30 2014-05-12
14602 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE In transition-property: all, <property>, is <property> a duplicate ? 2011-10-30 2012-02-17
14603 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE shorthand/longhand handling in transition property 2011-10-30 2012-02-18
14604 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE How mismatched transition-* value lengths are resolved 2011-10-30 2012-03-29
14605 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Can/should a change of currentColor's computed value trigger a transition? 2011-10-30 2014-01-08
14606 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE transition-duration's inital value is '0' without a unit 2011-10-30 2012-02-17
14607 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE The cubic bezier coordinates shouldn't be clamped to [0, 1] 2011-10-30 2011-10-30
14608 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO DUPL Interpolating transforms: a proposal to avoid Euler angles in favor of using quaternions 2011-10-30 2012-05-09
14609 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Interpolating 'other' value types should apply delay (and step timing functions if necessary) 2011-10-30 2014-01-10
14610 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Interpolating images 2011-10-30 2012-02-17
14611 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Query about the order of animations in a transition on multiple properties 2011-10-30 2014-01-08
14612 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Interpolating linear gradients 2011-10-30 2012-02-17
14613 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE should font weights be interpolated? 2011-10-30 2012-03-29
14614 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE display properties missing; delay property unclear 2011-10-30 2015-02-11
14615 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- What should happen when a value is changed midway through a transition? 2011-10-30 2015-02-11
14616 CSS Transiti dino RESO DUPL Can/should a change of currentColor's computed value trigger a transition ? 2011-10-30 2011-10-30
14617 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- API to force a transition to start 2011-10-30 2014-01-08
14618 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE grid property is animatable? 2011-10-30 2012-03-29
14619 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Transitioning and animating the visibility property 2011-10-30 2012-03-29
14620 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE times written as '0' 2011-10-30 2011-10-30
14621 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Transitions and multiple backgrounds 2011-10-30 2013-02-13
14622 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE Transitioning shorthands 2011-10-30 2012-02-17
14623 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE steps() function should take <integer>, not <number> 2011-10-30 2011-10-30
14624 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE transparent transitions, premultiplied alpha 2011-10-30 2013-02-04
14625 CSS Transiti dino RESO INVA gradient pre-multiplied interpolation 2011-10-30 2012-02-18
14626 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Animating zoom 2011-10-30 2012-03-29
14627 CSS Transfor smfr RESO WONT Making relative animation of transforms possible 2011-10-30 2017-01-13
14632 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Add animationcancelled event 2011-10-31 2012-03-29
14635 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT animating properties that affect other properties 2011-10-31 2012-08-14
14636 CSS Animatio smfr RESO FIXE Describe how missing properties evaluate in keyframes 2011-10-31 2012-02-02
14639 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT Should we rename feCustom to feShader 2011-10-31 2013-02-26
14640 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT make it possible for the shader resource to provide a shader mesh default other than 1x1 2011-10-31 2013-12-06
14641 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Should we have a media query for CSS shaders? 2011-10-31 2013-07-04
14642 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE How is hit testing handled with shaders that significantly adjust geometry 2011-10-31 2012-11-09
14643 CSS Filter E dino RESO INVA Do we need an additional transform uniform to convert coordinates to 'page' space? 2011-10-31 2014-11-03
14644 CSS Filter E dino RESO INVA Do we need a way to control texture interpolation (min/mag filters)? 2011-10-31 2014-11-03
14645 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Support blending? 2011-10-31 2013-07-04
14647 CSS Transfor smfr RESO DUPL transform-origin: left bottom 20px is ambiguous 2011-10-31 2012-02-01
14657 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE Clarify "Implementations also must not start a transition when the computed value changes because it is inherited (directly or indirectly) from another element that is transitioning the same property" 2011-11-01 2014-01-08
14658 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Clarify "Duplicate animation names" behavior 2011-11-01 2012-10-30
14659 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE 'animation-iteration' event on last iteration 2011-11-01 2012-04-10
14668 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Animations and transitions need a warning about WCAG SC 2.3.1 2011-11-01 2013-02-22
14669 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Animations and transitions need a warning about WCAG SC 2.3.1 2011-11-01 2013-02-05
14670 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- note about not using display: table as data table in accessibility apis 2011-11-01 2012-12-04
14692 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE CSS shader feature detection 2011-11-04 2013-07-04
14713 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Dynamic changes to animation properties or keyframes 2011-11-07 2014-10-22
14714 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Reverse timing function (like alternate, but in other iterations) 2011-11-07 2012-04-03
14715 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Clarify interpolation of some transform functions (for transitions/animations) 2011-11-07 2012-05-24
14716 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Animating box-shadow from inset to outset 2011-11-07 2012-02-17
14717 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Interaction between transitions and animations 2011-11-07 2014-01-08
14718 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Add a way to pause an animation when leaving :hover 2011-11-07 2012-03-12
14719 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Disagreement over KEYFRAMES_RULE 2011-11-07 2012-02-11
14720 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Confusion over shorthands and non-animatable properties 2011-11-07 2014-05-12
14721 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL 'animation-iteration' event on last iteration 2011-11-07 2012-02-26
14722 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Duplicate animation names 2011-11-07 2012-02-26
14723 CSS Transiti dino RESO DUPL Transitioning font-size and relative lengths 2011-11-07 2014-01-08
14749 CSS General dave.null NEW --- Additional CSS3 box-shadow property to add shadow over img element 2011-11-10 2012-01-31
14763 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Remove Applies-To lines 2011-11-10 2017-12-04
14766 CSS Filter E vhardy RESO WONT Should we allows shaders implemented as a special 'shader' WebWorker 2011-11-10 2013-01-14
14772 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Treatment of animation-iteration-count:0 2011-11-11 2011-12-17
14774 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Effect of animation-play-state:paused when animation not yet running 2011-11-11 2014-09-17
14775 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Effect of animation-play-state:paused when animation not yet running 2011-11-11 2011-11-11
14776 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Clarify animation shorthand parsing prose 2011-11-11 2012-10-04
14777 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Proposal: animation along a path 2011-11-11 2012-03-29
14778 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Clarify resolution of multiple animations of the same property 2011-11-11 2012-04-10
14779 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Clarify animation application rule 2011-11-11 2013-02-21
14780 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Proposal: support even frame distribution mechanism 2011-11-11 2012-03-29
14781 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Clarify when missing 0%/100% keyframes are constructed 2011-11-11 2012-08-16
14782 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Case-sensisitivity of keyframes at-rule 2011-11-11 2011-12-17
14783 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Clarify resolution/handling of animation-* list values 2011-11-11 2012-10-30
14784 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Errors in animation-* value definitions 2011-11-11 2014-05-19
14785 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Effect of display:none on animations 2011-11-11 2012-12-18
14786 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Clarify multi-value support for animation-play-state 2011-11-11 2012-12-17
14787 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Whether the animation shorthand should include animation-play-state 2011-11-11 2013-01-11
14788 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] Can a comma-separated list of keys be passed to deleteRule/findRule? 2011-11-11 2015-01-09
14789 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Clarify the handling of dynamic changes to animation properties or keyframes 2011-11-11 2012-01-30
14790 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Clarify parsing of animation-name subproperty of animation shorthand 2011-11-11 2014-06-16
14791 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the handling of 'initial' and 'inherit' in animation-name values 2011-11-11 2013-02-08
14792 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Handling of !important inside @keyframes 2011-11-11 2012-07-12
14794 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Update Applies-To definition to match css3-transitions 2011-11-11 2011-12-17
14795 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the resolution of @keyframes selectors outside [0%-100%] 2011-11-11 2012-08-08
14796 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the effect of multi-value animation-timing-function inside @keyframes 2011-11-11 2013-02-22
14797 CSS Animatio smfr RESO FIXE Animation events should not be cancelable 2011-11-11 2012-02-08
14798 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Complex animations: calc() in animation-delay 2011-11-11 2012-03-29
14799 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Animating the visibility property 2011-11-11 2012-02-26
14800 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE animation-iteration-count and negative values 2011-11-11 2011-12-17
14802 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL CSSKeyframeRule.keyText when rule has multiple keys 2011-11-11 2012-10-04
14803 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Support for complex animations 2011-11-11 2012-07-03
14804 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE animation-delay, onload, and animation-fill-mode 2011-11-11 2014-05-19
14805 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Interaction between animation-timing-function on keyframes and reverse animations 2011-11-11 2014-10-21
14806 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Define or reference timing functions 2011-11-11 2012-04-03
14807 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Interaction of animation-delay and animation-iteration-count 2011-11-11 2014-10-02
14849 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Revise text on shader 'failure' 2011-11-17 2013-07-04
14857 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE Shouldn't filter effects work with Canvas 2D context? 2011-11-17 2012-11-08
14871 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Should there be a feature detect if a shader fails to load 2011-11-18 2013-07-04
14925 CSS General dave.null NEW --- Add a way to rotate background images with CSS 2011-11-25 2011-11-25
14938 CSS General dave.null RESO INVA Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height 2011-11-25 2011-11-25
14939 CSS General tantek NEW --- Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height 2011-11-25 2014-09-05
14948 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE What should getFlowByName return if there is no flow with the given name? 2011-11-28 2012-04-11
14986 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Restarting animations through removal/reapply: clarify 2011-11-29 2013-02-20
14988 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Clarify vertical-align animatability 2011-11-29 2012-03-29
14989 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Need a method to retrieve list of keyframeKeys 2011-11-29 2012-07-11
15009 CSS Regions vhardy RESO INVA Should we have additional events for CSS Regions? 2011-11-30 2012-03-14
15010 CSS Regions vhardy RESO DUPL Need to add a CSSRegionRule to Region OM 2011-11-30 2012-03-13
15083 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO FIXE Concerns over Error accumulation vs. performance 2011-12-06 2012-12-03
15084 CSS Shapes stearns RESO LATE Fluidity of the layout with respect to different amounts of content 2011-12-06 2014-12-03
15085 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO FIXE do we need wrap-through? 2011-12-06 2012-12-03
15086 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO WONT should the wrapping context be generic and include floats? 2011-12-06 2013-06-07
15087 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO FIXE Interaction of floats and exclusions (Howcome's questions) 2011-12-06 2012-12-03
15088 CSS Exclusio ratan RESO FIXE Add an example with auto-height content and z-index for exclusions order. 2011-12-06 2012-01-29
15089 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO DUPL shrink-to-fit circle / shape 2011-12-06 2013-05-14
15090 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO WONT Use the contour keyword in shape-outside property? 2011-12-06 2012-12-04
15091 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO WONT Simplify the syntax for shapes 2011-12-06 2012-10-05
15092 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO FIXE Specify what happens with animated images 2011-12-06 2012-10-05
15093 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO WONT Do we need to provide properties to repeat exclusion images as for the background-image property? 2011-12-06 2012-12-04
15116 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Add CSS OM Interface for @region style rules 2011-12-08 2012-04-24
15125 CSS Regions vhardy RESO DUPL Add layout example to the initial example 2011-12-09 2011-12-09
15131 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Add layout to initial example 2011-12-09 2012-04-11
15136 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Specify that CSS shaders operate on pre-multiplied RGBA values 2011-12-10 2013-07-04
15137 CSS Filter E dino RESO INVA Add additional texture control parameters 2011-12-10 2014-11-03
15138 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Handling of partial error in vertex/fragment shader pair or in filter chain 2011-12-10 2013-07-04
15139 CSS Filter E dino RESO INVA Specify whether or not texture(<uri>) allow rendering of DOM elements 2011-12-10 2013-07-04
15159 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Add code samples to the CSS regions use cases page 2011-12-12 2012-03-13
15181 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO WORK Override of non-recognised media type appears unsupported in xml-stylesheet processing 2011-12-14 2013-08-08
15183 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO MOVE Is the CSS exclusions processing model incorrect? 2011-12-14 2019-02-11
15186 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Is a mechanism to auto-generate regions necessary in order to support reusable style sheets? 2011-12-14 2012-11-05
15187 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Explain how regions and pages interact. How can regions be placed onto certain pages, and how can they be positiond wrt. pages. 2011-12-14 2012-09-27
15188 CSS Regions vhardy RESO MOVE add functionality for having textual description like "continued here" or "continued on page x" to regions. 2011-12-14 2012-10-19
15189 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Should regions be non-breakable? 2011-12-14 2012-10-12
15190 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE List of region style properties 2011-12-14 2012-10-04
15191 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Should we allow multi-column elements to be regions? 2011-12-14 2012-04-24
15204 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO INVA W3C India Website 2011-12-15 2012-01-25
15240 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL what happens if the same name occurs 2+ times in animation-name 2011-12-17 2012-02-26
15241 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Define whether the animationiteration event is fired for last iteration 2011-12-17 2012-02-26
15242 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Clarify interaction between transitions and animations 2011-12-17 2014-05-19
15243 CSS Animatio dbaron RESO FIXE Whether to extend animation-direction 2011-12-17 2012-04-03
15245 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Clarify the scope of keyframes 2011-12-17 2012-08-03
15246 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Provide a keyframesRuleList property to enumerate @keyframes rules 2011-12-17 2012-07-11
15247 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Use constructors instead of init methods for Animation Events 2011-12-17 2012-02-08
15248 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE Use constructors instead of init methods for Transition Events 2011-12-17 2014-01-08
15249 CSS Animatio dbaron RESO FIXE Where in the cascade do animations go? 2011-12-17 2012-10-30
15250 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Add keyList property to CSSKeyframesRule? 2011-12-17 2012-07-11
15251 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Animation events and empty @keyframes rules 2011-12-17 2013-01-11
15253 CSS Filter E dino RESO INVA Custom Filters / CSS Shaders: add normal matrix uniform to enable lighting 2011-12-17 2014-11-03
15273 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Are @keyframes defined inside @media valid? 2011-12-19 2012-07-09
15303 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Clarify ordering of CSS filters and transforms 2011-12-21 2012-11-08
15338 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Remove the initAnimationEvent method 2011-12-26 2012-10-02
15339 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Remove the initTransitionEvent method 2011-12-26 2013-02-13
15372 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Flex code in CSS2 appendix incorrectly lexes at-keywords 2012-01-01 2017-12-04
15381 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO FIXE Incorrect "Applies To" line for 'overflow' property (Error in resolution for Issue 120) 2012-01-02 2012-09-13
15382 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Typos in 15.5 ('font-variant') 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15383 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Incorrect terminology in 15.5 ('font-variant') : replace "letters"/"characters" with "glyphs" 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15384 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Value assignment on shorthand properties is not well-defined 2012-01-02 2013-08-08
15385 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- 6.1.2 discusses 'inherit' as a specified value, yet 'inherit' can never a specified value 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15387 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Not clear what 'inherit' on shorthand properties means 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15388 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- "Computed Value" line for 'float' is wrong 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15389 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Flawed description of float position when a source-preceding box has a negative vertical margin 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15391 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- "Computed Value" line for 'font-weight' is wrong 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15392 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- % height inside of auto-height container should result in % computed value but used value is determined as if computed value were 'auto' 2012-01-02 2013-05-08
15393 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Numbering error in painting order rules in Appendix E 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15395 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Processing model of 'content' is not sufficiently defined 2012-01-02 2012-12-04
15413 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- <label> :checked state should reflect the input's one 2012-01-04 2012-02-02
15423 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Where does filter happen in the CSS rendering model? 2012-01-04 2012-11-08
15430 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Interaction with getBoundingClientRect/elementFromPoint is not defined 2012-01-05 2013-09-30
15431 CSS Transfor smfr RESO DUPL getComputedStyle().transform should be explicitly required to return numbers for all entries, not lengths 2012-01-05 2012-03-12
15432 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE 3D syntax for transform-origin conflicts with background-position-like syntax, causing ambiguity 2012-01-05 2012-03-07
15433 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Resolved value of transform-origin is different from computed value in implementations 2012-01-05 2012-03-12
15441 CSS Transfor smfr RESO LATE raises() is no longer part of WebIDL 2012-01-06 2012-02-26
15442 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Typo: "three=dimensional" 2012-01-06 2012-01-25
15443 CSS Transfor smfr RESO LATE CSSMatrix is defined, but there's no way to get one 2012-01-06 2012-02-23
15448 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- page-break-* shouldn't create a break if you're at the top of the page 2012-01-07 2012-12-04
15449 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Description of quotes nesting level is inaccurate 2012-01-07 2012-12-04
15457 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Computed value of 'content' property seems undefined for :first-line and :first-letter 2012-01-08 2012-12-04
15458 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Computed Value line of 'content' property fails to handle the case of <string> or <counter> 2012-01-08 2012-12-04
15459 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO INVA Grammar : possible conflict between S in G.2 and S in 4.1.1 2012-01-08 2012-01-08
15460 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Unclear how non-auto width cell in first row determines column width in fixed table layout 2012-01-08 2012-12-04
15461 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Auto-height table row ignores explicit cell heights 2012-01-08 2012-12-04
15462 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Does auto-height table row height depend on padding+border of cells or just height? 2012-01-08 2012-12-04
15466 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- A column box should not span multiple columns 2012-01-08 2012-12-04
15467 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Incorrect example in 17.3 (Columns) 2012-01-08 2012-12-04
15471 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Should resolved value of transform be "none" in some cases? 2012-01-09 2012-03-12
15472 CSS Transfor smfr RESO WORK Nothing specifies what translation percentages are evaluated relative to 2012-01-09 2012-02-01
15498 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO LATE CSSMatrix should align with SVGMatrix 2012-01-10 2012-02-23
15499 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE CSSMatrix interface should use double instead of float 2012-01-10 2012-02-11
15500 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Cleanup of Unmatrix code 2012-01-10 2012-02-14
15502 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Unmatrix code and 3D transforms 2012-01-10 2012-02-14
15504 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Initial value of 'transform-origin' should be 'auto' 2012-01-10 2012-02-10
15505 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Initial value of 'transform-origin' on SVG elements should be '0 0' 2012-01-10 2012-02-10
15507 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO DUPL Separate values for translate, rotate, matrix, ... by comma and/or spaces 2012-01-10 2012-02-21
15508 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Support rotate(<angle>[, <length>, <length>]) 2012-01-10 2012-02-26
15521 CSS Transfor smfr RESO LATE Add 'transform-origin' value 'baseline' 2012-01-11 2012-02-21
15525 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO DUPL Support values without units in transformation functions for SVG 2012-01-11 2012-02-21
15530 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- 2 errors in section 17.6.1 The separated borders model ; diagram of width of table 2012-01-12 2012-12-04
15535 CSS Transfor smfr RESO DUPL Specification for 3D getComputedStyle().transform does not match implementations 2012-01-12 2012-03-12
15537 CSS Transfor smfr CLOS FIXE skew() is not defined 2012-01-12 2012-02-13
15538 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Row/column need swapping in definition for perspective() 2012-01-12 2012-02-13
15564 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Trivial typos - bulk bug report 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15566 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Phrases like "is treated as", "computes to" are unnecessarily vague 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15568 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Grammar - escaping of single quote (') is unnecessary 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15569 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Trivial formatting issue in G.2 (Lexical scanner) 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15571 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- When *exactly* do elements not increment or reset a counter? 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15572 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Do 'visibility:hidden', 'display:none' elements reset a counter? 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15573 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Box model for inlines in bidi paints margin/padding/border on wrong side 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15574 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Ambiguous definition of containing block of absolutely positioned elements with ancestor inlines in bidi context 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15575 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Trivial editorial issue in 9.4.2 (Inline formatting contexts) 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15576 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Selectors3 changes the restrictions on the :lang pseudo-class 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15577 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Border vagueness in definition of table width in fixed table layout 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15579 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Defined term "proper table row parent" is merely used to define "tabular container" 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15580 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Definition of "consecutive" in 17.2.1 (Anonymous table objects) is unnecessarily wide? 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15581 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Convoluted sentence for generate missing parents in 17.2.1 (Anonymous table objects) 2012-01-15 2012-12-04
15598 CSS Transfor smfr CLOS FIXE 0 needs to be allowed wherever we allow <angle> 2012-01-17 2012-02-13
15605 CSS Transfor dino RESO MOVE Define how exactly to apply perspective (w-parameter) 2012-01-18 2017-01-13
15610 CSS Transfor dschulze CLOS FIXE Definition for rotate3d() doesn't match implementations 2012-01-18 2012-02-14
15612 CSS Transfor dino RESO FIXE rotate[XYZ]() should be defined in terms of rotate3d() 2012-01-18 2012-03-12
15628 CSS Transfor smfr RESO WONT Allow <translation-value>s in the appropriate entries of matrix() (and matrix3d()) 2012-01-19 2012-02-08
15631 CSS Transfor dino RESO DUPL transform-origin value description is confusing, or possibly incorrect 2012-01-19 2012-01-25
15647 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Change definition of CSS brightness() filter 2012-01-20 2013-03-26
15664 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Unexpectedly-located table-column elements hinder fixed table layout algorithm 2012-01-21 2012-12-04
15665 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Unclear how column count in fixed table layout is determined 2012-01-21 2012-12-04
15666 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Which "first" row determines column widths in fixed table layout? 2012-01-21 2012-12-04
15671 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Should anonymous blocks be able to establish containing blocks? 2012-01-22 2012-12-04
15672 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Term "ancestor box" is ambiguous in definition of containing block (Issue 142) 2012-01-22 2012-12-04
15678 CSS Transfor dschulze CLOS FIXE Percentages should be disallowed in translate Z-components by the grammar, not just prose 2012-01-23 2012-02-10
15679 CSS Regions alexmog RESO DUPL elementFromPoint and CSS regions 2012-01-23 2013-04-05
15680 CSS Transfor dino RESO DUPL perspective-origin doesn't specify handling for a single value 2012-01-23 2012-02-29
15681 CSS Transfor dino RESO FIXE Computed values for perspective and perspective-origin don't match implementations 2012-01-23 2012-03-12
15686 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO FIXE Containing block for internal tables elements should be table not table wrapper (Error in resolution for Issue 120) 2012-01-24 2012-09-13
15702 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Does the root element establish a block formatting context? (Issue 209) 2012-01-24 2012-12-04
15708 CSS Transfor dino RESO FIXE "refer to the size of the element's box" is ambiguous 2012-01-25 2012-02-07
15709 CSS Values a jackalmage NEW --- Constraints need to be placed on rounding for testability 2012-01-25 2012-05-09
15710 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Serialization of inline style should be specified for function lists (e.g., transform) 2012-01-25 2013-08-23
15711 CSS Transfor smfr RESO DUPL "the method described by unmatrix" is a dead link 2012-01-25 2012-02-11
15712 CSS Transfor smfr RESO WONT CSSTransformValue should not use named constants 2012-01-25 2012-01-31
15713 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Model for styling element fragments 2012-01-25 2013-05-14
15716 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Add a 'transform-origin' presentation attribute to SVG 2012-01-25 2012-02-26
15733 CSS Regions vhardy RESO WONT Should the region specification define a mechanism to create blocks that can be regions with CSS syntax? 2012-01-27 2013-11-12
15734 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE @region and specificity 2012-01-27 2013-05-14
15735 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Terms "form controls" and "frames" are used without describing which languages they come from (Issue 256) 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15736 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Rewrite phrases of the form "if property 'x' is set" since all properties exist for all elements (part of Issue 262) 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15737 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Description of box model properties refers to width of (e.g.) margin area instead of margin piece 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15738 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- 'list-item' elements are not the only ones which may generate additional boxes (Issue 271) 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15739 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Incorrect wording used for flowing content to "the other side" of a float (Issue 273) 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15740 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- The term "rule" is used sometimes to mean "declaration" and sometimes to mean "rule set" (Issue 277) 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15741 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Regions intrinsic size 2012-01-27 2012-04-11
15742 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Clarify where line boxes are permitted next to floats (Issue 288) 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15743 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: editorial issues 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15744 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: certain rules should depend on "collapsing" margins not "adjoining" margins 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15745 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: overflow:hidden boxes no longer self-collapse 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15746 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: zero-height, zero-min-height boxes with self-collapsing children no longer themselves self-collapse 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15748 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- top margin edge - hence static position - is not well-defined 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15749 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Remove note about zero-height line boxes from 8.3.1 (Collapsing margins) 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15750 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: exclude block formatting contexts from some of the notes 2012-01-27 2012-12-04
15755 CSS Transfor smfr RESO WONT Inline boxes should be transformable too 2012-01-27 2012-01-30
15756 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Link broken in "Transitions and animations between transform values" 2012-01-27 2012-02-11
15757 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Typo: "to produce resulting transform value" -- "the" is missing 2012-01-27 2012-01-29
15758 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO DUPL Clarification on animation of corresponding functions 2012-01-27 2012-03-14
15772 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Clarify that it's the /computed/ value used in used value algorithms for width/height in 10.4 and 10.7 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15773 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Rule 5 for float placement needs minor editorial tweak 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15774 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Over-simplification in description of how clearance acts as spacing above top margin 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15775 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Clearance: editorial issues 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15776 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Height definitions in 10.6.1 and 10.6.3 also apply to anonymous boxes 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15777 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Height description in 10.6.3 contains various editorial problems 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15778 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Clarify that content area height of inline box doesn't depend on its descendant boxes 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15779 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Example of overflow situation confusingly focuses on absolutely positioned elements 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15780 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Editorial issue in 8.6 (bidi) 2012-01-29 2012-12-04
15781 CSS Transfor smfr RESO NEED What values to use for zNear and zFar are not specified 2012-01-30 2012-03-12
15782 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE perspective docs list 'length' in prototype but 'depth' in description 2012-01-30 2012-03-07
15783 CSS Transfor smfr RESO DUPL How to sort geometry is not specified 2012-01-30 2012-02-22
15784 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE How to deal with intersecting geometry must be specified 2012-01-30 2012-03-07
15797 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Computed value for 'transform' should be "As specified" again 2012-01-30 2012-03-12
15798 CSS Transfor smfr RESO INVA Should value units be preserved 2012-01-30 2012-04-20
15800 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Add example to clarify how transform-origin is applied to elements 2012-01-30 2012-04-25
15801 CSS Transfor smfr RESO LATE Add optional translation arguments for scale 2012-01-30 2012-02-26
15811 CSS Regions alexmog RESO FIXE Creating a named flow from external resource 2012-01-31 2012-10-12
15815 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Need to clarify that everything is relative to table wrapper box, not table box 2012-01-31 2012-03-12
15824 CSS Regions vhardy RESO WONT Should regions not create a new stacking context? 2012-02-01 2012-11-05
15827 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Specify behavior of stacking contexts that are split between regions 2012-02-01 2013-04-17
15828 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Should add a 'name' property on NamedFlow and should have a Document method to get all existing NamedFlow instances. 2012-02-01 2012-03-13
15832 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Should we have region-overflow:nobreak and have region-overflow apply to all regions, not just the last? 2012-02-01 2012-09-27
15833 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Decide what to require for fixed backgrounds 2012-02-01 2012-03-14
15834 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Define effect of transforms on the root element's background-image 2012-02-01 2012-03-15
15835 CSS Regions vhardy RESO DUPL Describe how filtered or transparent content get rendered across region boundaries 2012-02-01 2012-02-03
15838 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Given transition-duration:0s and transition-delay:0s, does a transition occur? 2012-02-02 2012-03-29
15839 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Should a cancel event fire when the animation is canceled during its delay stage? 2012-02-02 2012-03-09
15840 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE What does animation-fill-mode do when animation-iteration-count is zero? 2012-02-02 2014-08-26
15841 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE animation-fill-mode:fractional iteration counts, new animation-direction values and step() 2012-02-02 2014-10-20
15842 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Should there be a transitionStart event ? 2012-02-02 2014-01-08
15843 CSS Transiti dino RESO DUPL Handling color transition to/from transparent 2012-02-02 2012-02-17
15844 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Define the transition to/from auto values 2012-02-02 2017-07-20
15845 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE Define whether cubic-bezier should be clamped to [0,1] 2012-02-02 2012-02-17
15846 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define whether/which events fire for animations running on pseudo-elements 2012-02-02 2013-01-28
15847 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Define whether events fire for transitions on pseudo-elements 2012-02-02 2012-03-29
15848 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the start time of an animation 2012-02-02 2014-06-09
15849 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL What if different keyframes have different sets of properties? 2012-02-02 2012-02-02
15850 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Handling of invalid @keyframes 2012-02-02 2012-10-17
15858 CSS Fragment fantasai.bugs ASSI --- Should first region be ICB for flow content? 2012-02-02 2012-04-12
15870 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Describe how containing blocks are used for element fragments 2012-02-03 2012-04-30
15871 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE 'opacity' should not cause transform-style: preserve-3d to be ignored (resolved) 2012-02-03 2012-10-18
15873 CSS General dave.null NEW --- Normal 2012-02-03 2012-02-03
15878 CSS Regions vhardy RESO DUPL region-overflow:nobreak 2012-02-04 2012-04-26
15879 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE getRegionsByContentNode and contentNodes: change naming? 2012-02-04 2012-04-11
15880 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Interaction of scrollbars with the CSS box model is not well-defined (Issue 208 etc) 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15881 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- An attempt to define float position when a source-preceding box has a negative vertical margin 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15882 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Proposed editorial simplification to description of block formatting contexts in 9.4.1 (Issue 263) 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15883 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Make undefined the used height of auto-height replaced elements with intrinsic ratio? (Issue 283) 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15884 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Trivial editorial issue in 9.4.1 (Block formatting contexts) 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15885 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Incorrect "Applies to" line for the 'clear' property 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15886 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Incorrect statement of application of the 'float' property in 9.5.1 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15887 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Editorial problems with Example 1 in 9.5.2 ('clear') 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15888 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Incorrect "Applies to" line for the 'line-height' property 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15889 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Misleading definition of <length> value on 'line-height' property 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15890 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Description of 'vertical-align' values refers to baseline but inline replaced elements don't have one 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15891 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Proposal to define the baseline of an inline replaced element 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15892 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- What's the baseline of an inline table with no rows? 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15894 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Position of top content edge of non-replaced block-level elements is not clearly defined 2012-02-04 2012-12-04
15895 CSS General dave.null NEW --- css3-writing-modes: broken links, validation error 2012-02-04 2012-02-04
15896 CSS General dave.null NEW --- css3-writing-modes: "inline axis" and "block axis" seem mixed up 2012-02-05 2012-02-05
15930 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Issues link broken 2012-02-07 2012-04-14
15931 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE WebIDL snippets need updating 2012-02-07 2012-03-15
15932 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE References missing or out-of-date 2012-02-07 2012-03-14
15933 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Terms in WebIDL snippets inconsistently linked 2012-02-07 2012-10-04
15934 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Resolve SVG and CSS parsing differences for transforms 2012-02-08 2012-02-26
15937 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Clarify that units in the matrices are CSS pixels (editorial) 2012-02-08 2012-10-22
15938 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Attaching events to content flows 2012-02-08 2012-04-11
15943 CSS Transfor smfr RESO WONT Should transform-style behave specially for tables (as it seems to in WebKit)? 2012-02-09 2012-03-07
15944 CSS Transfor smfr RESO LATE Move to Mercurial 2012-02-09 2012-02-12
15947 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Use 'bounding box' instead of 'border box' 2012-02-10 2012-02-10
15952 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE CSSOM section should define REGIONS_RULE on CSSRule 2012-02-10 2012-04-24
15955 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Replace <x-angle> and <y-angle> by <angle> for skew 2012-02-10 2012-02-13
15957 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Duplication of data type specification 2012-02-11 2012-02-13
15958 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Remove links to SVG Transforms 2012-02-11 2012-03-14
15959 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Use 3x2 CSSMatrix beside, or just 4x4 CSSMatrix? 2012-02-11 2012-02-14
15960 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Use euler angles or quaternions to decompose matrices 2012-02-12 2012-05-24
15964 CSS Transfor smfr RESO LATE Behavior on invalid arguments for CSSMatrix underspecified 2012-02-13 2012-02-23
15971 CSS Image Va jackalmage RESO FIXE (purely editorial) avoid fragment ids of the form #ltxxx 2012-02-13 2012-02-17
15976 CSS Transfor smfr RESO WONT 'perspective-origin' missing in Introduction 2012-02-13 2012-02-14
16002 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE flow-into and anonymous blocks or fix-ups 2012-02-16 2012-10-02
16003 CSS Transfor smfr RESO LATE CSSTransformValue is defined, but there's no way to get one 2012-02-16 2012-02-23
16007 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE align values: start/end vs. before/after 2012-02-16 2012-06-07
16016 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Place some constraints on when computed values must be deemed to change 2012-02-17 2015-02-11
16023 CSS Image Va jackalmage RESO INVA CSS3 Image and element() with 3D transforms? 2012-02-18 2012-02-27
16024 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- should some/all of the prose on transitioning gradients be deferred? 2012-02-18 2012-02-29
16033 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Stacking contexts: incorrect edit made to 9.9.1 2012-02-20 2012-12-04
16036 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- Margin collapsing: pathological collapsing behaviour for auto-height, non-zero min-height elements with self-collapsing child (Issue 211) 2012-02-20 2012-05-21
16037 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- Margin collapsing: unintuitive collapsing between last child and auto-height, large min-height parent 2012-02-20 2012-05-21
16038 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Better define what constitutes a valid cell name in the template 2012-02-20 2013-08-19
16041 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Update spec text regarding grid-template and writing-mode sensitivity 2012-02-20 2012-04-26
16042 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Remove auto keyword as synonym for fit-content 2012-02-20 2012-04-26
16043 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Consider allowing negative spans, row and column specifications as outlined in this thread 2012-02-20 2013-08-19
16044 CSS Grid Lay pcupp NEW --- Correct issues (or at least document them) for auto-placement when grid-flow is not none 2012-02-20 2015-03-03
16045 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Clarify interactions between the grid-template property and the other grid positioning properties 2012-02-20 2013-08-19
16046 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Grid-row and grid-column are too similar to grid-rows and grid-columns 2012-02-20 2013-08-19
16047 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Move the grid-template property to a section where "defining the grid" is discussed 2012-02-20 2012-04-26
16048 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Grid positions should cascade atomically 2012-02-20 2013-08-19
16049 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- Margin collapsing: clarification needed to Note in 10.7 (min-height and max-height) 2012-02-20 2012-05-21
16050 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE (editorial) keyword values should not be quoted 2012-02-21 2012-04-26
16055 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO WONT (editorial) update links from to 2012-02-21 2013-08-08
16062 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE Behavior for out-of-range values needs to be defined 2012-02-21 2015-02-10
16064 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE perspective-origin syntax should match 2D transform-origin syntax 2012-02-21 2012-03-12
16072 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: clarification needed as to where a collapsed margin manifests itself 2012-02-22 2012-12-04
16082 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Sandwich model graphic should use 'CSS Animation' 2012-02-22 2012-03-01
16085 CSS Backgrou fantasai.bugs NEW --- (editorial) typo in the Changes section 2012-02-23 2015-08-17
16109 CSS Transiti dino RESO WORK outline-offset is listed as integer, but should be length 2012-02-24 2013-02-04
16111 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE drop use of DOMStringList 2012-02-24 2013-08-08
16112 CSS Shapes stearns RESO FIXE Address security concern with automatic shape extractions for images 2012-02-24 2013-07-19
16113 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- How horizontal margins of a BFC block adjacent to a floated block should be rendered 2012-02-24 2012-12-04
16114 CSS Transfor smfr RESO DUPL Contributing of SVG Animations to the animation sandwich module 2012-02-24 2012-02-26
16115 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Animation sandwich model does not consider CSS3 Transitions and SMIL Animations 2012-02-24 2012-07-03
16116 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Term 'intrinsic style' not defined 2012-02-24 2014-09-17
16117 CSS Image Va jackalmage RESO FIXE (editorial) typo s/<extent>/<size> in the description of radial-gradient() 2012-02-25 2012-02-27
16119 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- [9.5.1 Floats] How nested floats with one zero-height margin box should be rendered 2012-02-25 2012-12-04
16120 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Animations' precedence over transitions 2012-02-25 2012-02-26
16121 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Request for more complex easing functions e.g. bounce effects 2012-02-25 2014-01-08
16122 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE Automatically reversing transitions and multiple transition-delays 2012-02-25 2015-02-11
16123 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Cleanup style and markup of spec 2012-02-26 2012-02-26
16141 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Add "Canonical Order" fields to all the propdef tables for flexbox 2012-02-27 2012-04-17
16143 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO WONT Consider 'display:flexbox-item' 2012-02-27 2012-04-17
16144 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO LATE transitions with flex:0 2012-02-28 2012-04-17
16145 CSS Flexbox alexmog RESO FIXE CSSOM for pos-flex, neg-flex and preferred-size 2012-02-28 2012-05-08
16156 CSS Image Va jackalmage RESO FIXE (editorial) link <position> to the definition in css3-background 2012-02-28 2012-02-29
16173 CSS Image Va jackalmage NEW --- (purely editorial) replace certain double quotes with ‘<code></code>’ 2012-03-01 2012-03-01
16174 CSS Image Va jackalmage NEW --- (editorial) Property index is missing 2012-03-01 2012-03-01
16183 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Make parsing of non-positive perspectives consistent 2012-03-01 2012-03-12
16185 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO WONT Serialization of <family-name> don't match browsers 2012-03-01 2013-08-26
16225 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: switch the order of the "adjoining" and "collapsing" parts of 8.3.1 2012-03-04 2012-12-04
16226 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: Clarify Note in 8.3.1 to use computed values of properties 2012-03-04 2012-12-04
16228 CSS Fonts jdaggett RESO FIXE Font matching algorithm should explain cluster-based matching 2012-03-04 2013-01-30
16265 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- Define transition for "z-index: auto" 2012-03-07 2015-02-11
16266 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Specify that <shape> is serialized with commas 2012-03-07 2013-08-23
16274 CSS Position dave.null NEW --- SVG documents should always have a new stacking context 2012-03-08 2012-03-12
16276 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "elements" don't have "edges" 2012-03-08 2013-08-08
16286 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE NamedFlow should return a static node list 2012-03-09 2012-04-11
16300 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Remove 'skew' from transform functions 2012-03-10 2012-07-30
16316 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Resolved value for "width" underspecified when box-sizing: border-box 2012-03-11 2013-08-08
16321 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE clarify definition of 'definite size 2012-03-12 2012-05-09
16322 CSS Flexbox alexmog RESO LATE same-sign flexibility in flexing algorithm 2012-03-12 2012-04-17
16324 CSS Flexbox alexmog RESO INVA how exclusions affect flexbox layout? 2012-03-12 2012-05-09
16325 CSS Filter E dino RESO INVA Add a attached keyword for mesh specification 2012-03-12 2013-07-04
16326 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Various table-related elements are not transformable per spec 2012-03-12 2012-03-15
16327 CSS Transfor ayg RESO FIXE perspective and perspective matrix poorly described 2012-03-12 2012-03-19
16328 CSS Transfor smfr RESO MOVE Use of "containing block" does not match CSS2.1 definition 2012-03-12 2017-01-13
16345 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE removeProperty doesn't define returned value 2012-03-13 2013-08-08
16346 CSS General dave.null NEW --- It would be nice to allow zero-padding the displayed number. Maybe even a choice of hexadecimal number besides decimal one. 2012-03-13 2016-02-04
16348 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "CSS layout box" definition missing 2012-03-13 2016-01-26
16349 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE backface-visibility underdefined 2012-03-13 2012-03-19
16374 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Allow transform function list with out explicit separation 2012-03-14 2012-03-17
16375 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Remove SVG atttributeType definition 2012-03-14 2012-03-16
16376 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Add paragraph how to deal with arguments on animateTransform 2012-03-14 2012-03-16
16377 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Define handling of singular 3D transforms 2012-03-14 2012-06-06
16380 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Define what happens if content is in a display: none iframe 2012-03-14 2013-08-08
16382 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Should we have a NamedFlow.getRegionsByFlowRanges? 2012-03-15 2012-10-05
16383 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Strictly disallow pseudo-elements to flow into regions directly. 2012-03-15 2012-04-11
16389 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- resolved value for top/left/bottom/right doesn't match most browsers 2012-03-15 2014-06-30
16391 CSS Regions stearns RESO FIXE regionLayoutUpdate needs to be async 2012-03-15 2012-10-18
16396 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Document the behavior of the grid-template property when the number of letters in each string is unequal 2012-03-16 2013-08-19
16397 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Document allowable non-letters in grid-template property and their role 2012-03-16 2013-08-19
16403 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- innerWidth and innerHeight are inconsistent across browsers (especially mobile) 2012-03-16 2013-08-08
16404 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Fix specification dependencies 2012-03-16 2012-10-11
16405 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE s/Transformation Function/Transform Function/ 2012-03-16 2012-03-16
16406 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Add section about just supporting the 2D part 2012-03-16 2012-05-10
16407 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Rename 'Transform Values and Lists' to 'Transform Lists' + remove duplicated definition of values 2012-03-16 2012-03-19
16410 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the interaction of animation-fill-mode with running/completed animations 2012-03-16 2014-10-02
16429 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Ensure that non-rectangular grid-template regions are explicitly called out as forbidden in the grid layout spec 2012-03-19 2012-04-26
16437 CSS Exclusio ratan RESO FIXE Consistent use of start/end/top/bottom 2012-03-19 2013-01-22
16444 CSS Multi-co howcome NEW --- (editorial) s/establish block container boxes/establish containing blocks/ 2012-03-20 2012-03-20
16445 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE (editorial) Ch 4. Flexbox Items 2012-03-20 2012-04-17
16448 CSS Shapes stearns RESO FIXE Should we revisit the decision to not allow SVG path syntax in the shape-inside, shape-outside properties 2012-03-20 2015-08-27
16456 CSS Writing fantasai.bugs RESO WONT direction property should support auto as a value 2012-03-20 2012-03-29
16460 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO FIXE Specify overflow behavior for shape-inside 2012-03-21 2012-10-01
16474 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO FIXE Improve Example 3 about exclusion order 2012-03-22 2013-05-21
16475 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE 'Modules interaction' and 'Values' sections are missing 2012-03-22 2012-04-24
16483 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Clarify why blocks inside of an inline [do|do not] get their own flexbox item 2012-03-22 2012-04-17
16517 CSS Variable jackalmage NEW --- CSS variables: Need a way to define a default value 2012-03-26 2012-07-16
16521 CSS Transiti dbaron RESO FIXE Rounding of integer values is inconsistent with SVG and SMIL 2012-03-26 2013-02-13
16527 CSS Regions stearns REOP --- [Shadow]: getFlowByName and shadow DOM 2012-03-26 2014-11-20
16545 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Clarify the restart of an animation 2012-03-27 2014-09-03
16584 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Spec Algorithm Error: DistributeSpaceToTracks should only use TracksForGrowth instead of all GridTracks 2012-03-30 2012-04-26
16585 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Grid Spec should be explicit about grid's baseline behavior 2012-03-30 2012-04-26
16587 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO INVA Grid Spec Algorithm should ensure Max Breadth is at least as big as Used Breadth 2012-03-30 2014-04-18
16588 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Grid spec should describe shrink-to-fit behavior of Grid element 2012-03-30 2012-04-26
16622 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Should we rename region-overflow to flow-overset? 2012-04-04 2012-09-27
16636 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Should re-introduce region order 2012-04-04 2012-10-01
16673 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- Specify how MouseEventExtension coordinates are set using initMouseEvent() 2012-04-09 2015-10-05
16705 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE transform-origin with just one argument 'top' or 'bottom' not well defined 2012-04-12 2012-04-29
16716 CSS Shapes stearns RESO LATE Extracting shapes from visible content. 2012-04-12 2013-06-07
16717 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO DUPL Security issue with image exclusions 2012-04-12 2012-04-25
16718 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Use repeat() function instead of ()[] 2012-04-12 2012-04-26
16736 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO INVA Update automatic item placement to account for gutters 2012-04-13 2014-04-18
16751 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Rename the alignment properties 2012-04-17 2012-06-07
16752 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Rename the 'display' value for Flexbox 2012-04-17 2012-06-07
16753 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Baseline of a flexbox 2012-04-17 2012-06-07
16754 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO WONT Baseline of flexbox items 2012-04-17 2012-07-03
16755 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO WONT Swap the ordering of flex-pack and auto margins 2012-04-17 2012-06-07
16756 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Rename flex-order to box-order 2012-04-17 2012-06-07
16806 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Should negative animation-duration be a parse error? 2012-04-20 2012-07-12
16812 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE scrollIntoView should work for vertical writing modes 2012-04-21 2013-08-08
16819 CSS Regions stearns RESO FIXE No display when combining flow-from and flow-into is bad 2012-04-22 2012-10-11
16837 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Use syntax on 'SVG Data Types' for all SVG presentation attributes 2012-04-24 2012-04-25
16838 CSS Filter E dino RESO DUPL Adding normal matrix to CSS shaders 2012-04-24 2013-07-04
16855 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE flexbox must not assume child writing mode is same or parallel 2012-04-25 2012-09-27
16856 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE consider using division for negative flexibility 2012-04-25 2012-06-07
16858 CSS Regions stearns RESO WONT Should creation of regions from elements be disallowed? 2012-04-25 2014-01-30
16859 CSS Regions stearns RESO FIXE Reconsider using @rule for region styling 2012-04-25 2013-05-14
16861 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE @rule for filters 2012-04-25 2013-03-26
16865 CSS Text fantasai.bugs NEW --- the UTX11 version the spec links to has very broken style 2012-04-26 2012-04-26
16870 CSS Grid Lay pcupp NEW --- Resolve containing block discrepancy for Grid/Exclusions 2012-04-26 2012-04-26
16885 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Hidden issues in spec source 2012-04-29 2012-10-18
16893 CSS Exclusio vhardy RESO FIXE Should there be wrap-flow:minimum? 2012-05-01 2012-05-25
16906 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO WONT Resolved values (getComputedStyle) of grid-rows / grid-columns should not depend on layout or the element's children 2012-05-02 2014-04-18
16912 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Emphasize use of 'flex' instead of longhand properties in spec 2012-05-02 2012-05-09
16913 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE flex section needs examples 2012-05-02 2012-06-07
16921 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Should text-align be added to region styling properties 2012-05-03 2012-10-09
16967 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Update grid-flow syntax 2012-05-07 2013-08-19
16991 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE "flex-basis:auto" should be max-content, not fit-content 2012-05-08 2012-05-09
17011 CSS General dave.null RESO MOVE This appears to be untrue; both CSS background images and fonts will typically delay the load event (and so are critical subresources) in normal circumstances but may not in other circumanstances (only referenced by a selector that doesn't match the docum 2012-05-09 2017-03-08
17016 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE How to apply non-scaling-stroke on 3D transforms of ancestor elements (resolved) 2012-05-10 2012-06-06
17017 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE "unmatrix" code for 2D transforms incorrect 2012-05-10 2013-12-13
17018 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE SVG Objects without oob should use oob of the referencing element 2012-05-10 2012-05-10
17019 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Need to describe how SVG by- and to- animations of transform work 2012-05-10 2012-10-19
17020 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Initial value must be single value 2012-05-10 2012-05-10
17024 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO NEED examples should use valid html5; other minor improvements 2012-05-10 2012-07-09
17095 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE CSSStyleDeclaration needs to support indexed access 2012-05-18 2013-08-08
17096 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE setProperty should set a default value for priority in IDL, not in prose 2012-05-18 2013-08-08
17097 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE s/long/float/ for offsetLeft et al.? 2012-05-18 2013-08-08
17098 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Supporting JS properties whose names are CSS property names on CSSDeclaration objects 2012-05-18 2014-04-29
17119 CSS Text fantasai.bugs NEW --- CSS text-align:justify; with HTML <br /> 2012-05-20 2012-05-25
17120 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Index corrections - bulk bug report 2012-05-20 2012-12-04
17121 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO FIXE Desire to introduce the concept of a "formatting context" for forwards compatibility 2012-05-20 2012-09-13
17122 CSS CSS Leve bert REOP --- "Applies To" line for 'overflow' property hinders forwards-compatibility 2012-05-20 2012-09-13
17123 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Percentage values of height are not well-defined 2012-05-20 2012-12-04
17124 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Negative values of padding and border-width should be explicitly illegal 2012-05-20 2012-12-04
17126 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Unclear box tree behaviour of 'content'-generated replaced elements 2012-05-20 2012-12-04
17127 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Border edge of a collapsed-borders table cell is not defined 2012-05-20 2012-12-04
17130 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Margin collapsing: clarify the transitivity 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17131 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Fixed table layout algorithm should clarify result when cell has horizontal padding greater than the column width 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17132 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Ch. 17 (Tables): does term "cell spacing" refer to 'border-spacing' property? 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17133 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- table layout: border conflict resolution should happen before layout in collapsing border model 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17134 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Strange max row height for non-auto-height table rows 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17135 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Border vagueness in definition of table height and in layout algorithms 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17136 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Ch. 17 (Tables): Invalid reference from 17.4 to 17.5 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17137 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Incorrect references to table box's containing block for sizing algorithms 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17138 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Stricter use of box terminology throughout in spec (follow-up to Issue 120, inc Issue 266) 2012-05-21 2012-12-04
17150 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Editorial issue with regions breaks 2012-05-22 2012-05-24
17152 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Support centering an element when scrolling into view. 2012-05-22 2017-09-12
17182 CSS Values a jackalmage RESO INVA DIV width in cm has an incorrect length 2012-05-25 2012-05-25
17237 CSS Transfor smfr RESO MOVE 'Module interactions' needs more information (editorial) 2012-05-30 2017-01-13
17238 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE 'The Transform Rendering Model' normative? (editorial) 2012-05-30 2012-10-18
17239 CSS Transfor eoconnor RESO FIXE Better naming than "HTML namespace" (editorial) 2012-05-30 2012-10-19
17301 CSS Transiti dino NEW --- a "transitioncancel" event to listen for when a transition is removed before completion 2012-06-03 2016-01-04
17431 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Rendering order and CSS 2012-06-07 2012-07-12
17433 CSS Transfor dino RESO MOVE Term 'accumulated 3D transformation matrix' misleading 2012-06-07 2017-01-13
17441 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Painting order of reordered flex items? 2012-06-07 2013-01-19
17442 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Tab order within a reordered flexbox? 2012-06-07 2013-01-19
17475 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE 2012-06-12 2012-07-09
17500 CSS Backgrou fantasai.bugs NEW --- background-opacity 2012-06-15 2012-06-15
17501 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- 'inherit' should not match the '<font-family>' type 2012-06-15 2012-06-15
17505 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Wider set of properties should apply to table wrapper box instead of table box 2012-06-16 2012-12-04
17506 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- Incorrect syntax for 'font-family' 2012-06-16 2012-06-16
17509 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- Include sign in NUMBER, PERCENTAGE, and DIMENSION tokens 2012-06-16 2012-06-17
17510 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Trivial editorial flaws - bulk bug report 2012-06-16 2012-12-04
17511 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Add comment to clarify simple_selector production in G.1 2012-06-16 2012-12-04
17512 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- Erratum: Add comment to clarify simple_selector production 2012-06-16 2012-06-16
17513 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Unclear how width of absolutely positioned table is determined 2012-06-16 2012-12-04
17514 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- URI token should be agnostic to escaping the characters 'u', 'r', 'l' (reopening of Issue 23) 2012-06-16 2013-01-14
17518 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO WORK Presence of white-space after serialization of CSS values is unspecified 2012-06-16 2013-08-12
17519 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- No constructors for individual rule types specified in CSSRules 2012-06-16 2013-08-23
17520 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE does not specify how to handle multiple rules on insertRule 2012-06-16 2013-08-08
17521 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Revise of background-attachment: fixed and transforms [editorial] 2012-06-16 2012-10-19
17522 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE pixelDepth and colorDepth do not mean the same thing. 2012-06-16 2013-08-08
17523 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO WORK Specification should define behavior when immutable values are changed 2012-06-16 2013-08-08
17526 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE MediaList.mediaText isn't sorted in implementations 2012-06-17 2013-08-08
17527 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO WORK Grammatical error in insertRule definition 2012-06-17 2013-08-08
17537 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE shouldn't be a CSSStyleDeclaration 2012-06-18 2013-08-08
17548 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE flexbox spec needs s/containers/items/ in min-width/height:auto intro text 2012-06-19 2012-07-09
17550 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO WONT Interaction of timing functions specified in a keyframe with properties defined in other keyframes 2012-06-20 2013-02-20
17559 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] Clarify what elapsedTime should return when animation-delay is specified 2012-06-20 2014-10-22
17569 CSS Media Qu tantek NEW --- Remove the obsolete note regarding XMLSTYLE 2012-06-22 2012-06-22
17589 CSS Media Qu tantek NEW --- Editorial: "Publication as a W3C Recommendation does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership." !? 2012-06-25 2012-06-25
17614 CSS Box mode bert NEW --- align-vertical:middle issue 2012-06-27 2012-12-04
17621 CSS Position dave.null NEW --- Can "height" automatically occupy the remaining space of parent DOM? 2012-06-28 2012-06-28
17671 CSS Variable jackalmage NEW --- Add example showing one var filling in multiple args of a function 2012-07-02 2012-07-16
17677 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Image broken in example 1 in editor's draft 2012-07-03 2012-07-09
17678 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Typo: ‘flex’ should be ‘inline-flex’ 2012-07-03 2012-07-09
17738 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Shorthand should process animation-name last 2012-07-10 2012-07-10
17747 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Nits in Flexbox specification 2012-07-11 2012-07-11
17748 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Can't find definition of "hypothetical cross size" 2012-07-11 2012-07-19
17751 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE A opposite wrong descriptions about window.screenX & window.screenY 2012-07-12 2013-08-08
17753 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- 10.6.5 fails to cover all cases 2012-07-12 2012-12-04
17764 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Inconsistency between computed value of 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' 2012-07-12 2012-12-04
17778 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Undefined term "block equivalent" used in painting order rules in Appendix E 2012-07-14 2012-12-04
17779 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Can a replaced box be a table box or an internal table box? 2012-07-14 2012-12-04
17780 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Can an internal table element establish a stacking context? 2012-07-14 2012-12-04
17782 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Painting order in Appendix E fails for tables whose captions have negative stack level 2012-07-14 2012-12-04
17783 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Appendix E painting order does not handle replaced table cells or inline children of table cells 2012-07-14 2012-12-04
17812 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- :read-write should always apply to input elements if @readonly doesn't apply 2012-07-18 2016-04-20
17844 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Spec img.x/y 2012-07-18 2014-07-30
18026 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs RESO LATE Right-aligning a numeric table column is much more work than it should be 2012-07-18 2016-01-27
18108 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Flexbox ED has a stray <body> and <head> tag 2012-07-18 2012-07-19
18136 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Flexbox ED has duplicate IDs 2012-07-18 2012-07-19
18284 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE Flexbox ED Example Rendering of "Example 1" (computer starter kit) is broken in firefox due to reliance on explicitly-undefined-in-CSS behavior 2012-07-18 2012-07-19
18324 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO DUPL Specify the return value of removeProperty 2012-07-19 2013-08-08
18344 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Appendix E imprecise about background propagation to canvas 2012-07-20 2012-12-04
18346 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- Desire to define "Block container element" 2012-07-21 2012-09-20
18366 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Don't multiply transform functions before interpolation on non equal transform lists 2012-07-23 2012-10-18
18436 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Re-add support for skew() 2012-07-30 2012-08-30
18451 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO FIXE Should named lines be allowed in track repeater syntax? 2012-07-31 2013-08-19
18462 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Style sheet owner node is mentioned twice 2012-08-01 2013-08-08
18476 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- Failure to define that a table-caption element is block-level 2012-08-02 2012-09-20
18484 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE SVG mask is not a transformable element - should be removed from spec 2012-08-03 2012-10-19
18494 CSS Grid Lay alexmog RESO FIXE Example 7 should reference IDENTS and not use strings 2012-08-06 2013-08-19
18495 CSS Grid Lay pcupp RESO WONT Consider suggestions for terminology amendments: modules, fields, gutters 2012-08-06 2013-08-19
18497 CSS CSS Leve bert ASSI --- Should values of 'overflow' applying to (inline-)table elements be restricted? 2012-08-07 2012-09-13
18500 CSS Transfor eoconnor RESO DUPL Language about establishing containing blocks is incorrect 2012-08-08 2012-10-18
18517 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Web IDL syntax error in definition of NamedFlow 2012-08-10 2012-08-11
18538 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE description problem about "change the preferred style sheet set name" steps 2012-08-11 2013-08-08
18580 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE CSSKeyframeRule.keyText is wrong 2012-08-15 2012-10-04
18693 CSS Regions vhardy RESO FIXE Property index is missing 2012-08-26 2012-08-29
18724 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- 10.3.9 should refer to "atomic inlines" 2012-08-28 2012-12-04
18767 CSS Regions vhardy RESO LATE Something appears to be wrong with the checkSpecificationIssues() call 2012-09-01 2012-10-19
18839 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE array() values shall be comma-separated 2012-09-11 2012-10-28
18930 CSS CSS Leve bert RESO MOVE Do all rendered elements generate a principal box? 2012-09-20 2018-06-15
18937 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Ambiguous animation shorthand 2012-09-20 2012-09-20
18939 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE Ambiguous transition shorthand 2012-09-20 2012-09-20
18961 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE The pseudo-code for matrix-decomposing has a typo in the check for a coordinate system flip 2012-09-21 2012-10-18
19142 CSS Cascadin howcome NEW --- multiple values of backgrounds, shadows aren't so "cascading" 2012-09-29 2012-09-29
19155 CSS Image Va jackalmage RESO WORK Great Idea - CSS3 element(), image() and image-set() functions for "content" property 2012-10-01 2012-10-01
19458 CSS Text fantasai.bugs RESO FIXE Specify a CSS feature to do balanced line wrapping as in WebVTT 2012-10-11 2015-04-08
19469 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE "ident token" used instead of "identifier token" 2012-10-11 2012-10-16
19471 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE In the data state, [ is emitted when { is found 2012-10-11 2012-10-16
19484 CSS Syntax jackalmage NEW --- Inconsistency in regards to EOF (and EOF token) 2012-10-11 2012-10-11
19518 CSS Syntax jackalmage NEW --- Definitions for items that can appear in tree are not linked to 2012-10-12 2012-10-12
19520 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE Capitlization issues with "reconsume the current input token" 2012-10-12 2012-10-16
19525 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO INVA Number token is created with empty representation, but minimum is 1 character 2012-10-13 2012-10-16
19526 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE "percent token" emitted; "percentage token" expected 2012-10-13 2012-10-16
19527 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE Add " (%)" after "U+0025 PERCENT SIGN" 2012-10-13 2012-10-16
19563 CSS Image Va jackalmage NEW --- Use URL for referencing SVG paint server instead of element() function 2012-10-16 2012-10-16
19610 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE (editorial) "Applies to" → "Applies To" 2012-10-18 2013-01-19
19612 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Check for other properties that can cause flattening of preserve-3d 2012-10-18 2013-10-07
19613 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO FIXE (editorial) pictures in the Flex Lines section are broken 2012-10-18 2013-01-19
19636 CSS Transfor smfr RESO DUPL background-attached: fixed interacts as scroll on transform. Does it affect computed style? 2012-10-19 2012-10-19
19637 CSS Transfor smfr RESO DUPL 3D Transform Rendering description does not match implementation 2012-10-19 2012-10-19
19638 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO FIXE Should percentage values be relative to viewport or object on SVG resources. 2012-10-19 2012-10-26
19640 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE Make BOM take precedence over HTTP-level charset 2012-10-19 2015-02-09
19693 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Please add getDefaultComputedStyle 2012-10-25 2013-08-08
19708 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE Add feUnsharpMaskElement support 2012-10-25 2013-01-14
19709 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE Add feDiffuseSpecularElement support 2012-10-25 2013-01-14
19710 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE Add further filter functions 2012-10-25 2013-01-14
19711 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT Add RelaxNG schema? 2012-10-25 2013-07-04
19712 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Update description of contrast() filter 2012-10-25 2013-01-14
19737 CSS Values a jackalmage NEW --- Interaction of vw/vh and scrollbars is undefined 2012-10-27 2012-10-27
19738 CSS Values a jackalmage RESO FIXE Conformance criteria around omitted-unit zero lengths are unclear 2012-10-27 2012-12-03
19739 CSS Values a jackalmage RESO INVA Investigate whether attr() needs "invalid at computed-value time" concept 2012-10-27 2012-11-26
19753 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Add plural versions of document.elementFromPoint() and document.caretPositionFromPoint() 2012-10-29 2013-08-08
19774 CSS Filter E dschulze RESO FIXE Spec should say that it requires an SVG implementation for SVG Filters 2012-10-30 2012-11-08
19882 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE @charset rule logic is not case insensitive & should state ASCII interpretation for clarity 2012-11-06 2012-11-07
19886 CSS Filter E dino RESO DUPL CSS Shaders idea - using "element(#DOM)" for textures (sampler2D) 2012-11-07 2013-01-14
19904 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE DomStringList return type of styleSheetSets 2012-11-08 2013-08-08
19965 CSS Regions stearns RESO FIXE Rework region styling example to use color changes 2012-11-14 2013-03-01
19995 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO WONT StyleSheet interface should have a "scoped" IDL attribute 2012-11-18 2013-08-08
20092 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Ability to have "adjacent" keyframes / "instantaneous" interpolations 2012-11-26 2012-12-17
20231 CSS General dave.null NEW --- DSS [Dynamic Style Sheet] Idea. A separate branch for CSS. 2012-12-04 2012-12-04
20246 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- Provide a system to observe nodes entering and leaving the viewport 2012-12-05 2016-08-28
20262 CSS Text fantasai.bugs NEW --- Styling of first letter pseudo-element in Indian languages 2012-12-06 2012-12-06
20266 CSS Writing tyagi RESO INVA styling of vertical arrangement in Indian languages 2012-12-06 2014-02-04
20269 CSS Text fantasai.bugs NEW --- styling of horizontal spacing in Indian languages 2012-12-06 2012-12-06
20272 CSS Text fantasai.bugs NEW --- Word Boundaries (Hyphenation) in Indian languages (UAX#29) Text Segmentation 2012-12-06 2012-12-06
20284 CSS Text fantasai.bugs NEW --- Line breaking in Indian languages as per the Unicode Standard (UAX#14) 2012-12-07 2012-12-07
20289 CSS Device A rune RESO FIXE not resolving relative lengths to 0 absolute lengths 2012-12-07 2013-05-07
20328 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- new method, like document.elementFromPoint(), but in the document's coordinate space 2012-12-10 2013-08-08
20454 CSS Animatio galineau RESO LATE [feature-request] steps() timing function sometimes unintuitive 2012-12-20 2014-07-17
20461 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE keyframe selector unit specifier: implement s,ms,µs 2012-12-20 2013-01-09
20522 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- :sorted, :sorted(ascending), and :sorted(descending) 2012-12-27 2013-11-25
20586 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Incorrect Example of 'clear' in 9.8.3 (Floating a box) 2013-01-07 2013-01-07
20587 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- [cssom] ensure stylesheet uniqueness when loading >1 time from same source 2013-01-07 2013-08-08
20591 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Better description of 'color-interpolation-filters' 2013-01-08 2013-12-06
20609 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE Multiple occurrences of the same 'animation-name' in animation shorthand 2013-01-08 2014-07-17
20640 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE checking for infinity and nan values in window.scroll 2013-01-11 2013-08-08
20658 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Redundancy in section 15 "Filter primitive feComponentTransfer" 2013-01-14 2013-01-14
20716 CSS Transiti dino RESO WORK Typo in transition-timing-function property value 2013-01-20 2013-01-20
20727 CSS Generate fantasai.bugs NEW --- CSS3 "selector {content: box(100px, 100px);}", and other ideas 2013-01-22 2013-01-22
20762 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Drop-shadow filter should not allow negative blur radius values 2013-01-24 2013-02-27
20781 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE SVGFEGaussianBlurElement implements SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes; mentioned twice 2013-01-26 2013-01-26
20782 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE SVGFEMergeElement lacks SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes implements statements 2013-01-26 2013-01-26
20832 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- Consider defining methods for converting points between different transformed coordinate systems 2013-01-31 2013-08-08
20983 CSS CSSOM zcorpan CLOS MOVE Expose page-margin rules inside @page (CSSPagerule) 2013-02-12 2013-08-08
21018 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE cascading of keyframes in @keyframes should be per-property rather than per-rule 2013-02-16 2014-05-19
21101 CSS Transiti dino RESO FIXE transitionend event should not be cancelable 2013-02-24 2014-01-10
21132 CSS Regions stearns RESO LATE Regions need a way to respond to events in their content fragment 2013-02-26 2013-06-24
21190 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE generalize {set,get}Property descriptions to take CI/CS parameter for use by invoking specs 2013-03-04 2013-08-08
21274 CSS CSSOM Va glenn RESO FIXE Ack annevk 2013-03-13 2013-03-13
21610 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE drop-shadow with support for inset shadow 2013-04-07 2013-11-03
21611 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE Auto calculation of filter regions 2013-04-07 2014-11-03
21612 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Support child, child selector as CSS Masking 2013-04-07 2013-07-04
21613 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE Allow filtering of background and borders 2013-04-07 2013-07-04
21621 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Define the "top of the document" in a semantic way. 2013-04-08 2013-08-08
21622 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- CSSOM defines algorithms named "create a style sheet" and various other similar ones. These need to be explicitly invoked somehow so that <link rel=stylesheet> elements correctly contribute to document.styleSheets. 2013-04-08 2013-08-08
21680 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT feConvolveMatrix resolution dependent? 2013-04-12 2014-11-03
21688 CSS Backgrou fantasai.bugs NEW --- No rounded corners 2013-04-13 2013-04-13
21701 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE "If either x or y is infinite or NaN terminate t..." 2013-04-15 2013-08-08
21713 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO INVA "The getClientRects operation" 2013-04-16 2013-08-08
21714 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE "The {@name{} attribute" 2013-04-16 2013-08-08
21718 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO INVA xrefs are broken 2013-04-16 2013-08-08
21763 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Build system for CSSOM drops [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] on the floor 2013-04-22 2013-08-08
21765 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE removeProperty may need fixing to deal with shorthands 2013-04-22 2013-08-08
21782 CSS Device A rune RESO FIXE Fractional and minimal used lengths 2013-04-23 2013-05-07
21783 CSS Device A rune NEW --- List priority of legacy meta tags and doctypes (normatively?) 2013-04-23 2013-04-23
21784 CSS Device A rune NEW --- What is the effect of @viewport in a desktop browser 2013-04-23 2013-04-23
21785 CSS Device A rune RESO FIXE How do @viewport and @page interact? 2013-04-23 2013-10-02
21786 CSS Device A rune RESO FIXE How do @viewport and @media interact 2013-04-23 2013-10-02
21788 CSS Device A rune NEW --- Should the @viewport rule apply to top-level documents only? 2013-04-23 2013-10-03
21789 CSS Device A rune RESO FIXE Should both numbers and percentages be allowed for zoom descriptors? 2013-04-23 2013-05-02
21827 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "The return value is intended to be 'DOMString[]..." 2013-04-25 2013-08-08
21828 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO INVA Bugs in the build system for CSSOM specs 2013-04-25 2013-08-08
21840 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Switch to upstream "xref" 2013-04-26 2013-08-08
21847 CSS Flexbox jackalmage RESO INVA The ‘flex’ Shorthand: Grow shorthand 2013-04-26 2013-04-26
21848 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Sort out the mess with the .style attribute 2013-04-26 2013-08-08
21965 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO INVA Duplicate IDs 2013-05-08 2013-08-08
21973 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO INVA "PseudoElement implements GetStyleUtils;" 2013-05-08 2013-08-08
21982 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO INVA WebIDL unions not supported "readonly attribute union? ownerNode;" 2013-05-09 2013-08-08
21984 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE Transform intermediate filter effect results 2013-05-09 2013-07-04
22039 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO INVA partial dictionary not supported 2013-05-15 2013-08-08
22060 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE scrollIntoView should work for SVG elements 2013-05-16 2013-08-08
22063 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE "The clientWidth attribute returns the viewpo..." 2013-05-16 2013-08-08
22124 CSS Cascadin howcome NEW --- The concept of “presentational hints” is an unnecessary complication. The theoretical difference that it makes is that a user style sheet does not override such a hint unless it uses !important, [...] 2013-05-21 2016-03-06
22133 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Violations of WebIDL, using a sequence as the type of an attribute 2013-05-22 2013-08-08
22176 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO NEED Allow scrolls to elements to be positioned at an offset of the viewport 2013-05-27 2013-08-08
22182 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "[ArrayClass]" for MediaList 2013-05-28 2013-09-19
22206 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;" should have [PutForwards=cssText] 2013-05-30 2013-08-08
22207 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "insertRule" should throw SyntaxError for @charset 2013-05-30 2013-08-08
22208 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Modifications of @namespace 2013-05-30 2015-08-26
22241 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Integrate with css-syntax "parse a CSS rule" 2013-06-03 2013-08-08
22266 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "setProperty(DOMString property, DOMString value" consider [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] 2013-06-04 2013-08-08
22267 CSS Conditio dbaron NEW --- Move CSSGroupingRule to CSSOM? 2013-06-04 2013-06-17
22308 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Should null and undefined stringify as "null" and "undefined" for media queries? 2013-06-07 2013-08-08
22345 CSS Filter E dino RESO INVA 3d context 2013-06-12 2013-07-04
22396 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE scrollIntoView assumes element and scrolling box has the same writing mode 2013-06-18 2013-08-08
22404 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Abstract fetch bits into "fetch a stylesheet" 2013-06-19 2013-06-27
22415 CSS Media Qu tantek NEW --- Remove 'color' media query 2013-06-20 2013-06-20
22427 CSS Transfor smfr RESO MOVE transform-style does not describe keywords 2013-06-23 2017-01-13
22435 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Add a note that numOctaves of feTurbulence should be 10 or less 2013-06-24 2014-11-03
22448 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE elementFromPoint() and pointer-events:none on root 2013-06-25 2013-08-23
22449 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Always (maybe?) include the root element in elementsFromPoint 2013-06-25 2013-08-08
22450 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE elementsFromPoint and multiple overlapping boxes per element 2013-06-25 2013-08-08
22451 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE should have [PutForwards=mediaText] 2013-06-25 2013-08-08
22452 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE <?xml-stylesheet?> should probably also block scripts. Maybe Link: too if we don't decide to kill it. 2013-06-25 2013-08-27
22453 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "getComputedStyle" note that it exposes cross-origin information 2013-06-25 2013-08-08
22474 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Percentage top and bottom property does not always refer to the height of containing block 2013-06-26 2013-06-26
22478 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Handle the case where media=""/title="" is changed while the stylesheet is being fetched/parsed. 2013-06-26 2013-08-08
22479 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "disabled flag" should look at media/alternate/etc 2013-06-26 2016-03-30
22490 CSS Syntax jackalmage NEW --- Parse a rule return value bogus? 2013-06-27 2013-06-27
22500 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "CSSPageRule" is bogus 2013-06-27 2013-08-21
22503 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "serialize a CSS declaration block" shorthands 2013-06-27 2013-08-09
22504 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "setProperty" order 2013-06-27 2013-08-12
22508 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Should assume all supported properties are case-insensitive and normalize case 2013-06-28 2013-08-08
22528 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE The computedStyle attribute 2013-07-01 2013-08-20
22577 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT Should subregions clip input, output or both results? 2013-07-04 2013-12-06
22578 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT Reference security model of SVG Integration spec 2013-07-04 2013-11-04
22579 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE blur() may support horizontal and vertical blur 2013-07-04 2013-11-03
22580 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT Define subregions for shorthand filters 2013-07-04 2013-12-06
22581 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT Do shorthand filters apply on premultiplied colors? 2013-07-04 2013-12-06
22582 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Shorthand filter apply on sRGB color space 2013-07-04 2013-07-04
22583 CSS Filter E dino RESO WONT Transitions between shorthand filters limited 2013-07-04 2013-11-03
22617 CSS Regions stearns RESO FIXE NamedFlowCollection item and namedItem should return null 2013-07-09 2013-07-11
22632 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Typo for backgrounds 2013-07-10 2013-10-07
22662 CSS Fragment fantasai.bugs NEW --- 2013-07-13 2013-07-13
22766 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO DUPL document.width, document.height, etc available for cross-platform 2013-07-23 2013-09-02
22769 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE insertRule() should parse generic qualified rules / at-rules further 2013-07-23 2013-08-26
22772 CSS Position dave.null NEW --- Ability to position an element relative to and overlapping a non-sibling and non-ancestor element (see comment 15) 2013-07-23 2013-09-05
22844 CSS Device A rune RESO WONT What is the behaviour for high-DPI displays? 2013-07-31 2013-08-16
22884 CSS Fonts jdaggett NEW --- “whitespace” is undefined; please include a reference 2013-08-05 2013-08-05
22885 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "The same object must be returned on each get ac..." 2013-08-05 2013-08-13
22917 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE "If the element is the root element and the elem..." 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
22935 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE " readonly attribute Element offsetParent;" 2013-08-13 2013-08-23
22939 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO INVA "The cascadedStyle attribute must return a new C..." 2013-08-13 2013-08-13
22946 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "throw an NoModificationAllowedError " 2013-08-13 2013-08-14
22950 CSS Filter E dino RESO MOVE All color values/formulas either between 0..1 or 0..255 2013-08-14 2017-12-24
22951 CSS Filter E dino RESO LATE No interpolation on SVG filter reference or <child> selectors 2013-08-14 2013-11-04
22964 CSS Display jackalmage NEW --- Spec refers to a missing display-box property 2013-08-14 2013-08-14
23014 CSS Transfor smfr RESO MOVE Backface-visibility cannot be tested by only looking at m33 2013-08-19 2017-01-13
23015 CSS Transfor smfr RESO MOVE Preserve-3d + backface visibility semantics need to be clarified 2013-08-19 2017-01-13
23048 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Split ScrollOptions to different dicts 2013-08-23 2013-08-23
23066 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Opinions wanted: preferred behavior of setProperty 2013-08-26 2014-10-02
23068 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Serialization of <angle> don't match browsers 2013-08-26 2013-08-27
23079 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE "double screenX = 0;" 2013-08-27 2013-08-27
23127 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Specify moveBy moveTo resizeBy resizeTo 2013-09-02 2013-09-03
23144 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "in lexicographical order" 2013-09-03 2013-09-03
23191 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "serialize a CSS value" wrong for 'border:solid' 2013-09-09 2013-09-12
23197 CSS Generate howcome RESO FIXE Typos introduced by 2013-09-10 2018-12-10
23221 CSS Syntax jackalmage NEW --- Add a "conformance checker" conformance class 2013-09-12 2013-09-12
23222 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Define "scrolling box" 2013-09-12 2013-09-12
23228 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Define devicePixelRatio 2013-09-12 2013-10-17
23233 CSS Variable jackalmage RESO WONT Remove race condition for things that cause a download 2013-09-13 2013-09-13
23237 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "When a method or an attribute is said to call a..." 2013-09-13 2013-09-13
23238 CSS Regions stearns RESO FIXE Region styling syntax should sync with 'distributed' from Shadow DOM 2013-09-13 2013-11-27
23304 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "when applying the transforms that apply to the ..." 2013-09-20 2013-09-20
23374 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE "DOMPointLiteral" -> DOMPointInit 2013-09-26 2013-09-26
23429 CSS Device A rune NEW --- Postpone orientation descriptor to level 2 2013-10-03 2013-10-03
23448 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Should setting scrollTop on root element really reset scrollLeft to 0? 2013-10-07 2013-10-07
23452 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE MediaList.item can return null 2013-10-07 2013-10-07
23453 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE scrollTop "and the element does not have any overflow" 2013-10-07 2013-10-07
23457 CSS Position dave.null NEW --- Status of absolute positioning for elements with display table-cell 2013-10-08 2013-10-08
23466 CSS Transfor smfr RESO INVA CSS3 scale transform should update an element's getComputedStyle's width/height 2013-10-09 2013-10-09
23529 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO WONT Behavior of CSS.escape(undefined) 2013-10-15 2013-10-16
23548 CSS Media Qu tantek RESO FIXE Specify that 'resolution' is affected by page zoom but not by pinch zoom 2013-10-17 2013-11-13
23555 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE "devicePixelRatio" when there's no screen 2013-10-17 2013-10-17
23566 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE scrollIntoView IDL probably doesn't match implementation reality 2013-10-18 2013-10-21
23581 CSS Image Va jackalmage NEW --- The case when @src refers to a image without intrinsic width/height (SVG) is undefined. 2013-10-21 2016-02-05
23603 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE should body.scrollTop/Left return an overflown body's scroll offset in both strict and quirks modes? 2013-10-23 2013-10-24
23607 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE overflow:scroll should mean there's a scrolling box even if there's no overflow 2013-10-23 2013-10-23
23627 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- Move offsetParent et al from HTMLElement to Element? 2013-10-25 2013-10-25
23723 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "offsetLeft" reality check 2013-11-05 2013-11-05
23741 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "Return the border edge width of the first CSS l..." 2013-11-06 2013-11-06
23825 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- " hit testing" is not defined 2013-11-14 2016-05-13
23826 CSS Cascadin howcome NEW --- Editorial nit about <s> 2013-11-14 2013-11-14
23852 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Specify interaction with Web Components 2013-11-18 2013-11-18
23859 CSS Conditio dbaron RESO FIXE Semicolons are missing in WebIDL of css-conditional 2013-11-19 2014-12-26
23875 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE Skew function has no ID attribute 2013-11-20 2014-01-25
23925 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "For each CSS property property that is a suppor..." 2013-11-26 2013-11-26
23968 CSS Values a jackalmage NEW --- Reference the URL spec 2013-12-03 2013-12-20
23997 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "If document is in quirks mode, response is CORS..." 2013-12-04 2013-12-04
23998 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "Set if response is CORS-same-origin, or unset o..." 2013-12-04 2013-12-04
24006 CSS Writing fantasai.bugs RESO FIXE normativity issues in bidi integration text 2013-12-05 2014-02-07
24030 CSS Position dave.null RESO INVA Progettazione Creazione Forniture Installazioni Riparazioni 2013-12-08 2014-02-24
24095 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- MouseEvent and TouchEvent co-ordinate types should be kept in-sync 2013-12-13 2014-04-09
24112 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Window.matchMedia must have the [NewObject] attribute in WebIDL 2013-12-16 2015-04-02
24115 CSS CSSOM zcorpan REOP --- Introduce CSS.isValidSelector() 2013-12-16 2016-03-16
24151 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Use document's encoding for url query encoding in xml-stylesheet 2013-12-21 2013-12-21
24159 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Is returning a noninteger Window.innerWidth/innerHeight/outerWidth/outerHeight web-compatible? 2013-12-23 2015-02-12
24160 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Should innerWidth/Height and company really be readonly? 2013-12-23 2015-04-07
24230 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Revised "initial containing block" definition to read "initial containing block (ICB)" 2014-01-08 2014-01-08
24231 CSS Box mode bert NEW --- Revised "initial containing block" definition to read "initial containing block (ICB)" 2014-01-08 2014-01-08
24236 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "If the object is a CSSNamespaceRule Return MARG..." 2014-01-08 2015-04-02
24239 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- More clarification for argument in :not() and :matches() 2014-01-08 2014-01-08
24258 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE "When a ProcessingInstruction node node is inser..." 2014-01-09 2014-01-10
24283 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "CSS rules" not initialised 2014-01-13 2014-01-13
24284 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Add "disabled" attribute to interface LinkStyle 2014-01-13 2014-01-13
24299 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Support both style.webkitFoo and style.WebkitFoo 2014-01-15 2014-01-15
24383 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- Is :nth-match() and :nth-last-match() are necessary? 2014-01-24 2014-01-28
24387 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- Expose media queries to workers 2014-01-24 2014-10-02
24388 CSS Conditio dbaron NEW --- Expose CSS-support API to Web Workers 2014-01-24 2014-10-02
24391 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Move definition of environment encoding for <?xml-stylesheet ?> from CSS Syntax to CSSOM 2014-01-25 2014-02-06
24397 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- Example 53 for column combinator is wrong 2014-01-26 2014-01-26
24411 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Expose supported media formats API to Web Workers 2014-01-27 2014-01-30
24425 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- Add new indexing pseudo-class for cell in column 2014-01-28 2014-01-28
24449 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Define when a StyleSheet is added to a StyleSheetList collection 2014-01-30 2014-01-30
24630 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "Append property to s. " 2014-02-12 2014-02-12
24631 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "Append value to s. " 2014-02-12 2014-02-12
24661 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE Consume a numeric token misses the first digit 2014-02-14 2014-02-14
24734 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- Small bug in Selector table, Relative Selectors and :focus 2014-02-19 2014-02-20
24748 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- An event to notify the page that we're about to scroll (e.g. because a node was focused) 2014-02-20 2014-03-11
24761 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "The term # SVG layout box refers to the same te..." 2014-02-21 2015-09-09
24787 CSS Position dave.null NEW --- Remaining issues for sticky positioning on CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3 Draft 2014-02-24 2014-02-28
24906 CSS Device A rune NEW --- Remove min- and max- prefixes for width/height in favor of media queries 2014-03-04 2014-03-04
25006 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Containing block for absolutely positioned descendants of a relatively positioned table 2014-03-11 2014-03-11
25034 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] Clarify CSSKeyframesRule.deleteRule() effect when multiple rules use the same key 2014-03-12 2014-10-22
25035 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] The side-effects of programmatically duplicating a rule key are undefined 2014-03-12 2014-10-31
25076 CSS Box mode bert NEW --- Please introduce scrollable tables (vertical, horizontal) into next CSS 2014-03-16 2014-03-16
25107 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] What is the format of the key argument to CSSKeyframesRule.findRule/deleteRule ? 2014-03-21 2014-05-28
25110 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Clarify handling of lone surrogates 2014-03-21 2014-03-21
25117 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "elementFromPoint" + inert 2014-03-21 2014-03-21
25134 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE translateY() = translateX ??? 2014-03-24 2015-08-12
25176 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Serialization of <url> values is broken 2014-03-27 2014-03-27
25289 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE IDL in Filter effects spec is missing indentation 2014-04-08 2014-11-03
25296 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Remove obsolete "in" from IDL fragments 2014-04-09 2014-11-03
25304 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE "addListener" use an event instead 2014-04-10 2014-06-09
25322 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "event event" typo 2014-04-11 2014-04-11
25323 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "fire an event named scroll" use UIEvent? 2014-04-11 2016-03-14
25328 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- "fire an event" xref dom spec 2014-04-11 2014-04-11
25330 CSS CSS Scop jackalmage NEW --- Adjust definitions of shadow styling features to respect private/closed shadow DOM flag 2014-04-11 2014-04-11
25341 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE RTL behavior should do what Gecko generally does 2014-04-14 2014-09-22
25344 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] 'none' should not be a valid value for 2014-04-14 2014-10-22
25411 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Confusion over the specularExponent attribute 2014-04-22 2015-02-11
25426 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Don't escape --foo 2014-04-23 2015-09-08
25474 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- display:run-in missing 2014-04-26 2014-04-26
25475 CSS Counter jackalmage RESO NEED pad example has width instead of pad 2014-04-26 2014-04-28
25476 CSS Counter jackalmage RESO INVA want to add @counter-style decimal-zero-padded 2014-04-26 2014-04-27
25481 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- enhancement: some way to set width, height of span without causing line break 2014-04-27 2014-04-27
25488 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Serialize attribute selector should serialize flags 2014-04-28 2014-04-28
25498 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO WONT Why all methods generated trusted event? 2014-04-29 2014-04-30
25500 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Don't escape U+0080 to U+009F in identifiers (and strings) 2014-04-29 2014-04-30
25503 CSS Display jackalmage NEW --- How should <br> styling be defined 2014-04-29 2014-09-04
25514 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE (editorial) Typo in changes section <number-token> 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
25597 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- Editorial: typo "not" in data model section 2014-05-08 2014-05-08
25598 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- Data model: attributes have namespace 2014-05-08 2014-05-08
25599 CSS Selector fantasai.bugs NEW --- Nits about id/class quirk 2014-05-08 2014-05-08
25666 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE Clarify what media Animations apply to 2014-05-12 2014-08-20
25667 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE [feature-request] Animation timing keywords for better bounce animations 2014-05-12 2014-07-17
25670 CSS Animatio galineau RESO WONT [om] Should CSSKeyframesRule inherit from CSSGroupingRule 2014-05-12 2014-10-31
25671 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE Clarify the effect of inserting a new @keyframes rule 2014-05-12 2014-07-17
25673 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Define getter/setter behavior when given values such as 'none' 2014-05-12 2014-05-19
25685 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan REOP --- Seems that WindowProxy open should have [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for compat with Blink and Firefox<27 (we have a bug report from regressing this). 2014-05-13 2016-03-06
25722 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- Empty string for open() features argument 2014-05-15 2014-05-15
25728 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO WORK element.scrollIntoView should implement scrolling animation 2014-05-15 2014-11-11
25822 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Should define rules for serializing shorthands 2014-05-20 2014-05-20
25838 CSS Transfor smfr RESO INVA Inconsistencies in naming css-transforms 2014-05-20 2015-08-12
25989 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- Add Hint for crossorigin attribute on <link> 2014-06-05 2014-06-05
26082 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- Add new BoxType for scrollport rect and "scrolled content" rects 2014-06-13 2014-06-13
26116 CSS CSSOM zcorpan NEW --- "A CSS style sheet is an abstract concept that r..." 2014-06-17 2014-06-17
26126 CSS CSS Leve bert NEW --- Buat css 2014-06-18 2014-06-18
26264 CSS Display jackalmage NEW --- The <wbr> style should be along the lines of wbr::after { content: '\200B'; white-space: normal; }. 2014-07-04 2017-01-24
26270 CSS Syntax jackalmage RESO FIXE produce tokens for "/*" and "*/", or define an unclosed comment as a parse error 2014-07-05 2014-07-07
26294 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- CSSOM-View extensions to Element.scrollLeft and Element.scrollTop are not valid WebIDL 2014-07-08 2014-09-25
26432 CSS Filter E dino RESO FIXE Specify that filter regions clip input 2014-07-24 2015-02-11
26463 CSS Style At tantek NEW --- CSS Table Cell Calculated Height 2014-07-30 2014-07-30
26466 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- s/Excensions/Extensions/ 2014-07-30 2014-07-30
26470 CSS Transfor dschulze RESO MOVE Clarify behavior for gradientTransform and patternTransform 2014-07-30 2017-01-13
26516 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE Make resize events etc to be synchronized with animation frames 2014-08-04 2014-12-02
26588 CSS Transfor smfr RESO FIXE transform-origin: value definition and description are inconsistent 2014-08-15 2015-08-20
26608 CSS Lists an jackalmage RESO NEED Provide a way to specify font for list-style-type 2014-08-19 2014-09-07
26692 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE Clarify whether zero duration animations fire start/end events 2014-08-28 2014-09-17
26746 CSS Text fantasai.bugs RESO FIXE bear0000 2014-09-07 2014-09-07
26756 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE devicePixelRatio should always use vertical pixel size 2014-09-08 2014-09-15
26773 CSS Basic Us tantek NEW --- Tag 2014-09-10 2014-09-10
26775 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO FIXE CSSOM-View extensions to Element and Window break backwards-compatibility 2014-09-10 2014-09-12
26816 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE Note about Web IDL not allowing dashes in identifiers is out of date 2014-09-16 2014-09-16
26817 CSS CSSOM zcorpan RESO FIXE The per-supported-property attributes on CSSStyleDeclaration might need [TreatNullAs] annotations 2014-09-16 2014-09-16
26822 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- features 2014-09-16 2014-09-16
26854 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan NEW --- Enabling scroll customization 2014-09-19 2014-09-22
26909 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO WORK Scrolling in one direction aborts smooth scroll in the other direction 2014-09-26 2014-09-29
26941 CSS CSSOM Vi zcorpan RESO WONT The 'scroll-behavior' CSS property should accept 'auto'. 2014-09-30 2014-10-15
27181 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [Editorial][om] Add examples, and note 2014-10-27 2015-02-25
27221 CSS Filter E dino RESO