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The initial value of the 'transform-origin' property should be 'auto'. A new paragraph should describe the differences between SVG and HTML. Sections that would need a change: 3 'The "transform-origin" Property' 2nd paragraph: "to be 'center'" 3 'The "transform-origin" Property' detailed property description: "Initial: 50% 50%" 5 'Transform Values and Lists' last paragraph: "transform-origin of 50% 50%"
Are you saying we should add an actual "auto" keyword? Or that we should make the initial value of transform-origin differ between SVG and HTML, instead of requiring "svg | * { transform-origin: top left }" in UA stylesheets? The former doesn't seem to match browsers, and I don't know why we'd want it. The latter I'm not sure about.
(In reply to comment #1) > Are you saying we should add an actual "auto" keyword? Or that we should make > the initial value of transform-origin differ between SVG and HTML, instead of > requiring "svg | * { transform-origin: top left }" in UA stylesheets? The > former doesn't seem to match browsers, and I don't know why we'd want it. The > latter I'm not sure about. It would mean both. If the initial value is 'auto', we would also need 'auto' as keyword. A short description would notify that 'auto' means 'center center' for HTML elements and '0 0' for SVG elements.
We could also change Initial: 50% 50% to Initial: 0 0 for SVG elements, 50% 50% for all other elements to achieve a similar effect. Why is this better than the current spec, which requires a UA stylesheet rule? (Notwithstanding the fact that the UA stylesheet rule given right now is wrong, as you point out in bug 15505.)
(In reply to comment #3) > We could also change > > Initial: 50% 50% > > to > > Initial: 0 0 for SVG elements, 50% 50% for all other elements > > to achieve a similar effect. Why is this better than the current spec, which > requires a UA stylesheet rule? (Notwithstanding the fact that the UA > stylesheet rule given right now is wrong, as you point out in bug 15505.) The initial values were already set when I wanted to modify the spec. I just clarified that just SVG elements without an associated CSS layout rect would take 0 0 as initial values. We want inline SVGSVGelements behave like every other HTML box element. Would be confusing if not. I removed the UA string, because of the change. I don't think that we need to have it. Seems like a duplication, even if it can be interpreted as implementer hint. Fixed that with the update on 2012/02/10.