Internationalization (i18n)

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Tag(s): qa-changing-encoding


New translation into Chinese

将网页的编码更改为Unicode (Changing an HTML page to Unicode)

Thanks to Fuqiao Xue for providing this translation.

Categories: New translation

New translations into French, Italian, & Spanish




These articles were translated thanks to Ibidem Translations.

Updated article: Changing an HTML page to Unicode

The article was edited to make it easier for non-experts to follow. An example of an encoding declaration was added, and a form to check for HTTP headers, but most of the text was also reworked.

See the updated article.

Recent translations into Simplified Chinese

These articles were translated into Simplified Chinese thanks to Sam Chen.

New translations into German

These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.

New translations into Russian and Ukrainian


byte-order mark (BOM) в HTML (The byte-order mark (BOM) in HTML)

Нормалізація в HTML і CSS (Normalization in HTML and CSS)

Символи або розмітка? (Characters or markup?)

Заміна кодування (X)HTML сторінки на UTF-8 (Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8)

Використання екранованих символів в розмітці і CSS (Using character escapes in markup and CSS)


byte-order mark (BOM) в HTML (The byte-order mark (BOM) in HTML)

Нормализация в HTML и CSS (Normalization in HTML and CSS)

Символы или разметка? (Characters or markup?)

Замена кодировки (X)HTML страницы на UTF-8 (Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8)

Использование экранированных символов в разметке и CSS (Using character escapes in markup and CSS)

These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.

New translations into Romanian

Thanks to the Sorin Velescu, the following articles have been translated into Romanian.

New translations into Spanish

Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.

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