Monthly Archives: December 2006
New translation: Kiedy stosujemy negocjację języka?
Thanks to the Tłumaczenia team the FAQ-based article “When to use language negotiation” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New translation: Formularze wielojęzyczne
Thanks to the Tłumaczenia team the FAQ-based article “Multilingual Forms” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New translation: Zmiana kodowania stron (X)HTML na UTF-8
Thanks to the Tłumaczenia team the FAQ-based article “Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New tests: UTF-8 auto-detection
This series of tests checks whether a user agent automatically recognizes that a file declared as US-ASCII is really UTF-8 encoded, and displays the text as UTF-8, even if the encoding declarations say otherwise.
Initial test results are also provided.
Updated tests: UTF-8 signature
Some user agents produce unexpected results when displaying files that contain a UTF-8 signature (byte order mark). This series of tests allows you to see whether that holds true for your user agent.
The tests were simplified and better documented, and a new test was added related to PHP includes. An initial set of results was also added.
New talk slides: W3C Internationalization Tag Set (ITS)
Presentation by Christian Lieske at the “Oasis Open Standards Day”, Wiesbaden, Germany, on 9 November, 2006, and at the 28th “ASLIB Translating and the Computer Conference”, London, UK, on 16 November, 2006.
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