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Monthly Archives: August 2003


New article: Monolingual vs. multilingual Web sites

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FAQ-based article: What are the trade-offs between international sites that are monolingual vs. multilingual?

By Richard Ishida, W3C.

Categories: Articles, New resource

New article: Setting the HTTP Charset parameter

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Hints on sending out character encoding information using the HTTP charset parameter. Includes pointers on how to set up your server or send the appropriate header through scripting.

By Martin Dürst, W3C.

Categories: Articles, New resource

New article: 2-letter or 3-letter language codes

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FAQ-based article: Should I use two-letter or three-letter language codes?

By Richard Ishida & Martin Dürst, W3C.

Categories: Articles, New resource

New article: Script directions & languages

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FAQ-based article: What directions are commonly localized languages written in?

By Tex Texin, XenCraft.

Categories: Articles, New resource

New article: Styling using the lang attribute

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FAQ-based article: What is the most appropriate way to associate CSS styles with text in a particular language in a multilingual XHTML/HTML document?

By Andrew Cunningham, Victoria State Library.

Categories: Articles, New resource

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