Monthly Archives: September 2008
New translation: Tagowanie tekstu bez języka
Thanks to K.Wiśniewski the FAQ-based article “Tagging text with no language” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New tests: Web fonts
These tests explore how and if a user agent supports download of font information over the Web, particularly for complex script support. Fonts are downloaded both as directly as OpenType fonts, and using an EOT wrapper. Both methods tested use the CSS @font-face mechanism.
3 new translations: Πολυγλωσσικές Φόρμες, Κώδικες γλώσσας με δύο ή τρία γράμματα, and Μη Αγγλικά στοιχεία
Thanks to the editor team, Γιώργος Τσιλεδάκης, the FAQ-based articles “Multilingual Forms”, “Two-letter or three-letter language codes”, and “Non-English tags” have now been translated into Greek (language negotiated).
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