Monthly Archives: August 2011
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Робота з Складеними Повідомленнями (Working with Composite Messages)
Повторне Використання Рядків в Скриптовому Контенті (Re-using Strings in Scripted Content)
Ruby (Ruby)
Розмітка і Стилізація Ruby (Ruby Markup and Styling)
Використання <b> та <i> елементів (Using <b> and <i> elements)
Неанглійські теги (Non-English tags)
Перевірка Заголовків HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
Работа с Составными Сообщениями (Working with Composite Messages)
Повторное Использование Строк в Cкриптовом Контенте (Re-using Strings in Scripted Content)
Ruby (Ruby)
Разметка и Стилизация Ruby (Ruby Markup and Styling)
Использование <b> и <i> элементов (Using <b> and <i> elements)
Неанглийские тэги (Non-English tags)
The following Russian translation was also updated:
Проверка заголовков HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
For review: 1 new and 3 updated articles about language declarations in HTML
Comments are being sought on the following new articles prior to final publication. NOTE THAT the articles are in a temporary location, and will be moved to their final location after the review.
Working with language in HTML (tutorial format)
This is a reworking of an existing tutorial to conform to the new tutorial format. It will replace the old version.
Why use the language attribute?
This is a reworking of an existing article to bring it up to date. It will replace the old version.
This is a new article derived from information that was originally in the tutorial mentioned above. The information has been rewritten, and changes have been made to reflect recent developments for HTML5.
HTTP and meta for language information
This is a reworking of an existing article to reflect recent developments in HTML5 and improve the fit with other pages listed here. It will replace the old version.
All articles use a new template with additional change to the boilerplate code. They are written in HTML5.
Please send any comments over the next two weeks to (subscribe).
We hope to publish a final version shortly after the end of the review period.
New article: Personal names around the world
How do people’s names differ around the world, and what are the implications of those differences on the design of forms, databases, ontologies, etc. for the Web?
People who create web forms, databases, or ontologies are often unaware how different people’s names can be in other countries. They build their forms or databases in a way that assumes too much on the part of foreign users. This article introduces you first to some of the different styles used for personal names, and then some of the possible implications for handling those on the Web.
By Richard Ishida, W3C.
New translation into German
Angabe der Zeichencodierung in HTML (Declaring character encodings in HTML)
This article was translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
xml:lang в схемах XML документа (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
HTTP та meta для мовної інформації (HTTP and meta for language information)
Використання Accept-Language для налаштування локалі (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
Відмітка тексту без мови (Tagging text with no language)
Призначення мови в XHTML і HTML (Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Розуміння Нових Language Тегів (Understanding the New Language Tags)
Language теги в HTML та XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)
Вибір language Тега (Choosing a Language Tag)
Двобуквені або трибуквені мовні коди (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)
Чому використовувати language атрибут? (Why use the language attribute?)
Налаштування мовних уподобань в браузері (Setting language preferences in a browser)
xml:lang в схемах XML документа (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
HTTP и meta для речевой информации (HTTP and meta for language information)
Использование Accept-Language для настройки локали (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
Отметка текста без языка (Tagging text with no language)
Назначение языка в XHTML и HTML (Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Понимание Новых Language Тэгов (Understanding the New Language Tags)
Language тэги в HTML и XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)
Выбор language Тэга (Choosing a Language Tag)
Двухбуквенные или трехбуквенные языковые коды (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)
Зачем использовать language атрибут? (Why use the language attribute?)
Настройка языковых предпочтений в браузере (Setting language preferences in a browser)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Swedish
Att sätta charset-parametern i HTTP (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Att välja & använda en teckenkodning (Choosing & applying a character encoding)
These articles were translated into Swedish thanks to Olle Olsson.
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