Tag(s): article-text-reuse
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Робота з Складеними Повідомленнями (Working with Composite Messages)
Повторне Використання Рядків в Скриптовому Контенті (Re-using Strings in Scripted Content)
Ruby (Ruby)
Розмітка і Стилізація Ruby (Ruby Markup and Styling)
Використання <b> та <i> елементів (Using <b> and <i> elements)
Неанглійські теги (Non-English tags)
Перевірка Заголовків HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
Работа с Составными Сообщениями (Working with Composite Messages)
Повторное Использование Строк в Cкриптовом Контенте (Re-using Strings in Scripted Content)
Ruby (Ruby)
Разметка и Стилизация Ruby (Ruby Markup and Styling)
Использование <b> и <i> элементов (Using <b> and <i> elements)
Неанглийские тэги (Non-English tags)
The following Russian translation was also updated:
Проверка заголовков HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
Códigos de idioma de dos o tres letras (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)
Cómo trabajar con mensajes compuestos (Working with Composite Messages)
Reutilización de cadenas en contenido de script (Re-using Strings in Scripted Content)
New article: Re-using Strings in Scripted Content
The article looks at a particular design and development practise that can cause major problems for translation of content. Many programmers and designers decide that if a particular string is used in many places, they will use copies of the same string rather than implement many identical strings. String reuse is not necessarily a bad thing. The trick is to know what constitutes a good candidate for reuse and what does not. If you get it wrong, you can be creating an insuperable obstacle to good localization.
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