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Tag(s): article-ruby


For review: What is Ruby?

A new article, What is Ruby? is out for wide review. We are looking for comments by 10 February.

This new article will replace an older page, simply called Ruby, with more complete and up to date information. Other articles in preparation will address how to use markup and styling in HTML and CSS.

Please send any comments as github issues by clicking on the link “Leave a comment” at the bottom of the article. (This will add some useful information to your comment.) You may find that some links in the article won’t work, because this is a copy of the article which will eventually be published on the W3C site. There is no need to report those.


New translations into Spanish

Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.

New article: Ruby markup and styling

Read the article

Ruby is a name for small annotations that are rendered alongside base text. This is especially useful for Japanese and other East Asian content (ruby is known as furigana in Japanese). The Ruby Annotation specification provides a way to mark up ruby text, and has been adopted as an XHTML 1.1 module. Work is under way in CSS3 on mechanisms to support styling of ruby text. This article will introduce you to the basic mechanisms, and discuss the current state of the art with regards to ruby support.

Categories: Articles, New resource

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