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Tag(s): qa-b-and-i-tags


Updated article: Using <b> and <i> elements

This article was updated to reflect the latest version of text quoted from the HTML5 spec. In addition, editorial changes were made to improve the readability of the article and bring it in line with more recent templates.

Translators are requested to update the German, Spanish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian translations appropriately.

Categories: Update, w3cWebDesign

New translations into Hungarian

These articles were translated into Hungarian thanks to Petra Csobanka.

New translations into Spanish

These articles were translated into Spanish thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Trusted Translations, Inc.

New translations into German

The translations of the following articles were also updated.

These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.

New translation into Brazilian Portuguese

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the following article has been translated into Brazilian Portuguese.

New article: Using b and i elements

Answers the question: Should I use b and i elements?

The HTML5 specification redefines b and i elements to have some semantic function, rather than purely presentational. However, the simple fact that the tag names are ‘b’ for bold and ‘i’ for italic means that people are likely to continue using them as a quick presentational fix.

This article explains why that can be problematic for localization (and indeed for restyling of pages in a single language), and echoes the advice in the specification intended to address those issues.

By Richard Ishida, W3C.

For review: Using <b> and <i> tags

Comments are being sought on the article Using <b> and <i> tags prior to final release. Please send any comments to (subscribe). We hope to publish a final version in one week.

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