Tag(s): article-serving-xhtml
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Обслуговування HTML та XHTML (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Коли слід використовувати узгодження мови (When to use language negotiation)
Можливості відображення (Display capabilities)
Формати дати (Date formats)
Дати та час (Dates and Time)
Обслуживание HTML и XHTML (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Когда следует использовать language negotiation (согласование языка) (When to use language negotiation)
Возможности отображения (Display capabilities)
Формати даты (Date formats)
Даты и время (Dates and Time)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into German
Zeichencodierungen (Character encodings)
HTML und XHTML ausliefern (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Verwendung von b- und i-Elementen (Using b and i elements)
The translations of the following articles were also updated.
Zeichencodierung für Anfänger (Character encodings for beginners)
Verwendung von Zeichen-Escapes in Markup und CSS (Using character escapes in markup and CSS)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translations into Spanish
Ejecución de HTML & XHTML (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Introducción a direcciones web plurilingües (An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses)
Formatos de fechas (Date formats)
Capacidades de visualización (Display capabilities)
These articles were translated into Spanish thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US.
Updated article: Serving HTML & XHTML
Numerous changes were made to this article to address feedback, eliminate duplication in other articles, and reflect the passage of time. The focus of the article was changed to address not just XHTML 1.0 authors, but those working with HTML, XHTML and CSS in general, and sets out to provide simple introductions to MIME types and standards vs. quirks modes for authors that can be referenced from other articles. For more information about changes see below.
French, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish and Thai translators are requested to update their translations.
Description of changes:
- much of the text and article structure was rewritten
- the title was changed
- the latest template was applied, and various new style conventions that affect the markup
- changes were made to the Further Reading section
Translators should retranslate the whole article.
For review: 7 new and 3 updated articles about character encoding
Comments are being sought on the following new articles prior to final publication:
- Handling character encodings in HTML and CSS
- Essential definitions related to character encodings
- Choosing & applying a character encoding
- Character encoding declarations in HTML
- The byte-order mark (BOM) in HTML
- Normalization in HTML and CSS
- Characters or markup?
These articles have been derived from the former tutorial, which has already undergone a review. Since then, HTML5 has been brought to the fore in the articles and various small changes have been added, including some short summary information.
The three updated articles are the result of merging the tutorial material with existing articles. They are:
The character encoding section of the techniques page relating to HTML and CSS authoring has also been overhauled, to include the new material.
Please send any comments to www-international@w3.org (subscribe). We hope to publish a final version in one to two weeks.
Updated article: Serving XHTML 1.0
This article was updated to reflect the fact that IE7 no longer flips into quirks mode when an XML declaration is used. For a detailed list of changes read the full post.
The following paragraphs were changed as shown by the ins and del markup.
<p>In browsers such as <ins>Internet Explorer 7, Firefox,</ins><del>Mozilla</del>, Netscape, Opera, and others, with or without the XML declaration, a page served with a DOCTYPE declaration will be rendered in standards mode.</p>
<p> With Internet Explorer<ins> 6</ins>, however, if anything appears before the DOCTYPE declaration the page is rendered in quirks mode. </p>
<p>Because Internet Explorer <ins> 6</ins> users <ins>still</ins> count for a very large proportion of browser users, this is a significant issue. If you want to ensure that your pages are rendered in the same way on all standards-compliant browsers, you need to think carefully about how you deal with this.</p>
<p>The presence of an XML declaration in an XHTML 1.0 file served as HTML will cause your file to be rendered in quirks mode on Internet Explorer <ins> 6</ins> (and therefore for a potentially large proportion of your audience).</p>
The following list item was added to the Further Reading section:
<li><p><a href=”http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Bb250496.aspx”>Cascading Style Sheet Compatibility in Internet Explorer 7</a> <span class=”uri”>http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Bb250496.aspx</span></p></li>
Translators should retranslate the article.
New translation: Wysyłanie XHTML 1.0
Thanks to Andrew Osobka and Natalia Fabisz the article “Serving XHTML 1.0” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
การใช้ XHTML 1.0
Thanks to Lawan Nuntavovat the article “Serving XHTML 1.0” has now been translated into Thai (language negotiated). This is our first translation into Thai.
New article: Serving XHTML 1.0
Very briefly describes some, often surprising, aspects of how servers send XHTML to the user agent (eg. a browser), and how common user agents handle the markup they receive. This article provides background information that helps explain why some aspects of CSS styling don’t work the way you expect, and also sets the scene for the approach you should use for declaring encodings.
By Richard Ishida, W3C.
W3C® liability, trademark and permissive license rules apply.
Questions or comments? ishida@w3.org