Tag(s): qa-date-format
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Обслуговування HTML та XHTML (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Коли слід використовувати узгодження мови (When to use language negotiation)
Можливості відображення (Display capabilities)
Формати дати (Date formats)
Дати та час (Dates and Time)
Обслуживание HTML и XHTML (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Когда следует использовать language negotiation (согласование языка) (When to use language negotiation)
Возможности отображения (Display capabilities)
Формати даты (Date formats)
Даты и время (Dates and Time)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Swedish
Lokalisering och internationalisering (Localization vs. Internationalization)
Deklarera teckenkodning i HTML (Declaring character encodings in HTML)
Skärmegenskaper (Display capabilities)
Datumformat (Date formats)
Datum och tid (Dates and Time)
These articles were translated into Swedish thanks to Olle Olsson.
New translations into Hungarian
Dátum formátumok (Date formats)
A képernyő megjelenítési módjai (Display capabilities)
These articles were translated into Hungarian thanks to Zsolt Bikadi.
New translations into German
Darstellungsvermögen (Display capabilities)
Datum und Uhrzeit (Dates and Time)
Datumsformate (Date formats)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Steffen Herkert, Nico Kutscherauer, and Tobias Klevenz (data2type GmbH).
New translations into Spanish
Ejecución de HTML & XHTML (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Introducción a direcciones web plurilingües (An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses)
Formatos de fechas (Date formats)
Capacidades de visualización (Display capabilities)
These articles were translated into Spanish thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US.
New translations into Romanian
Thanks to the Sorin Velescu, the following articles have been translated into Romanian.
Data si Ora (Dates and Time)
Formate pentru data (Date formats)
Capacitati de afisare (Display capabilities)
Updated article: Date formats
At the request of Mark Davis, added the text:
“See also ICU4J since it contains more up-to-date data (and more functionality) than the JDK routines.”
New article: Date formats
FAQ-based article: How do I prepare my web pages to display varying international date formats?
By Lloyd Honomichl, Lionbridge.
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