Monthly Archives: January 2015
Recent translations into Swedish
Att välja & att använda en teckenkodning (Choosing & applying a character encoding)
Att deklarera teckenkodning i CSS (Declaring character encodings in CSS)
Att deklarera teckenkodning i HTML (Declaring character encodings in HTML)
These articles were translated into Swedish thanks to Olle Olsson, SICS.
Unicode 7.0 Paperback Available

The Unicode 7.0 core specification is now available in paperback book form.
Responding to requests, the editorial committee has created a pair of modestly-priced print-on-demand volumes that contain the complete text of the core specification of Version 7.0 of the Unicode Standard.
The form-factor in this edition has been changed from US letter to 6×9 inch US trade paperback size, making the two volumes more compact than previous versions. The two volumes may be purchased separately or together. The cost for the pair is US$16.27, plus postage and applicable taxes. Please visit to order.
Note that these volumes do not include the Version 7.0 code charts, nor do they include the Version 7.0 Standard Annexes and Unicode Character Database, all of which are available only on the Unicode website.
1st Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD’15)

The 1st Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD-15) will be held from June 15th to 19th 2015 at Residencia Lucas Olazábal of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Cercedilla, Madrid.
The SD-LLOD datathon will provide practical knowledge about Linguistic Linked Data. The event targets both industry and academia. Participants will learn how to migrate linguistic data and publish them as Linked Data on the Web. The datathon is organized by the LIDER project and will include practical sessions, seminars on selected topics and hacking sessions. To register, participants are expected to submit a short description (no more than 500 words) of their work and the resources they plan to work with during the datathon.
The cost of the datathon is sponsored by the LIDER project, which includes accommodation and meals of participants. There will be an administrative fee of 50€ for registering in the datathon. A limited amount of travelling grants will be available for attendants from less-developed countries who cannot cover their trip with other funds. Registration will be closed on 15th March.
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