Monthly Archives: June 2011
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Налаштування параметру HTTP charset (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Налаштування charset інформації в .htaccess (Setting charset information in .htaccess)
Перевірка кодування символів використовуючи валідатор (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
HTML, XHTML, XML та Керуючі Коди (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
Хто використовує Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Пропущені символи і гліфи (Missing characters and glyphs)
Настройка параметра HTTP charset (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Настройка charset информации в .htaccess (Setting charset information in .htaccess)
Проверка кодировки символов используя валидатор (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
HTML, XHTML, XML и Управляющие Коды (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
Кто использует Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Пропущенные символы и глифы (Missing characters and glyphs)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Spanish
Uso de los elementos b e i (Using b and i elements)
Uso de controles Unicode para texto bidi (Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8)
These articles were translated into Spanish thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Trusted Translations, Inc.
New translations into Hungarian
Dátum formátumok (Date formats)
A képernyő megjelenítési módjai (Display capabilities)
These articles were translated into Hungarian thanks to Zsolt Bikadi.
New translations into German
Accept-Language für Regionaleinstellungen verwenden (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
Änderung der Zeichencodierung einer (X)HTML-Seite auf UTF-8 (Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8)
HTTP-Header überprüfen (Checking HTTP Headers)
Kennzeichnung von Text mit keiner Sprache (Tagging text with no language)
Schreibrichtungen und Sprachen (Script direction and languages)
Warum sollte man Sprachattribute verwenden? (Why use the language attribute?)
Einstellung des HTTP-charset-Parameters (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
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