Tag(s): qa-validator-charset-check
New translations into German
Textlänge bei Übersetzungen (Text size in translation)
Nicht-englische Tags (Non-English tags)
xml:lang in XML-Dokument-Schemas (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
Überprüfung der Zeichencodierung mit dem Validator (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Налаштування параметру HTTP charset (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Налаштування charset інформації в .htaccess (Setting charset information in .htaccess)
Перевірка кодування символів використовуючи валідатор (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
HTML, XHTML, XML та Керуючі Коди (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
Хто використовує Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Пропущені символи і гліфи (Missing characters and glyphs)
Настройка параметра HTTP charset (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Настройка charset информации в .htaccess (Setting charset information in .htaccess)
Проверка кодировки символов используя валидатор (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
HTML, XHTML, XML и Управляющие Коды (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
Кто использует Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Пропущенные символы и глифы (Missing characters and glyphs)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Romanian
Setarea parametrului HTTP set de caractere (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Verificarea Antetelor HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
Setul de caractere in document (Document character set)
Verficarea codificarii caracterului cu ajutorul validatorului (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
These articles were translated into Romanian thanks to Echipa Traduceri W3.
New translations into Hungarian
Thanks to Dénes Kohn, Metaphraser Translation Company, the following articles have been translated into Hungarian.
Karakterkódolás ellenőrzése a validatorral (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
HTTP Fejlécek Ellenőrzése (Checking HTTP Headers)
Karakterkészletre vonatkozó beállítás a .htaccess fájlban (Setting charset information in .htaccess)
New translations into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
Verificación de encabezados HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
Configuración de información charset en .htaccess (Setting charset information in .htaccess)
Verificación de la codificación de caracteres mediante el verificador (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
New article: Checking the character encoding using the validator
FAQ-based article: How can I check that the character encoding of my document is correct using the W3C HTML Validator?
By Martin Dürst, W3C.
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