Tag(s): qa-controls
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Налаштування параметру HTTP charset (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Налаштування charset інформації в .htaccess (Setting charset information in .htaccess)
Перевірка кодування символів використовуючи валідатор (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
HTML, XHTML, XML та Керуючі Коди (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
Хто використовує Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Пропущені символи і гліфи (Missing characters and glyphs)
Настройка параметра HTTP charset (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Настройка charset информации в .htaccess (Setting charset information in .htaccess)
Проверка кодировки символов используя валидатор (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
HTML, XHTML, XML и Управляющие Коды (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
Кто использует Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Пропущенные символы и глифы (Missing characters and glyphs)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Romanian
Bidi- Pierdere de spatii (Bidi space loss)
HTML, XHTML, XML si Codurile de Control (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
Cand sa folosim negocierea limbajului (When to use language negotiation)
These articles were translated into Romanian thanks to Costea Marian.
New translations into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
HTML, XHTML, XML y códigos de control (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
¿Quién utiliza Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Migración a Unicode (Migrating to Unicode)
New translation: HTML, XHTML, XML und Steuerzeichen
Thanks to Jens Meiert the FAQ-based article “HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes” has now been translated into German (language negotiated).
New translation: HTML, XHTML, XML i kody kontroli
Thanks to A.Osobka and N.Fabisz the FAQ-based article “HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New article: HTML, XHTML, XML and control codes
FAQ-based article: How do I handle control codes (ie. the ‘C0’ U+0000-U+001F and ‘C1’ U+007F-U+009F ranges) in XML, XHTML and HTML?
By Tex Texin, XenCraft & François Yergeau, Alis Technologies.
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