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Monthly Archives: April 2012


Just Published! New Version of Working Group Note, Requirements for Japanese Text Layout (日本語組版処理の要件)

Requirements for Japanese Text Layout describes requirements for Japanese layout realized with technologies like CSS, SVG and XSL-FO. For non-Japanese speakers it provides access to a wealth of detailed and authoritative information about Japanese typesetting. The document is mainly based on a standard for Japanese layout, JIS X 4051 and its authors include key contributors to that standard. However, it also addresses areas which are not covered by JIS X 4051.

This second version of the document contains a significant amount of additional information related to hanmen design, such as handling headings, placement of illustrations and tables, handling of notes and reference marks, etc.

The document was created by the Japanese Layout Task Force (with participation from four W3C Working Groups, CSS, Internationalization Core, SVG and XSL)

A Japanese version is also available.


W3C Workshop, Call for Participation: The Multilingual Web – Linked Open Data and Multi­lingual­Web-LT Requirements

11 – 13 June 2012, Dublin, Ireland, hosted by Trinity College Dublin.

Organized by the MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group, the purpose of this workshop is two-fold: first, to discuss the intersection between Linked Open Data and Multilingual Technologies (11 June), and second, to discuss Requirements of the W3C MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group (12 – 13 June). For more information, see the Call for Participation.

Participation is free. We welcome participation from both speakers and non-speaking attendees. However, whereas future MultilingualWeb workshops will continue the wide-ranging format of previous MultilingualWeb events, and will aim again at a larger audience, attendees for this workshop are required to participate actively in discussions and will need to submit a position statement for the workshop registration. There are limited spaces available.

The MultilingualWeb Working Group aims to define meta-data for web content (mainly HTML5) and “deep Web” content (for example a CMS or XML files from which HTML pages are generated) that facilitates its interaction with multilingual technologies and localization processes.

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