Tag(s): mlw
Publication of the final OntoLex specification: lexicon model for ontologies (lemon)
Video published: Linguistic Linked Data and the LIDER project explained

This video explains what Linguistic Linked Data is and summarizes the outcomes of the LIDER project. This includes best practices for working with Linguist Linked Data, a reference architecture and a roadmap for future activities around Linguistic Linked Data. The video has been produced by the LIDER project and has been published during the European Data Forum 2015 event.
2nd Call: Linguistic Linked Data for Digital Humanities and Linguistics: 7th LIDER roadmapping workshop in Madrid, 20th October 2015
In the last two years, the LIDER project has organized several roadmapping events to gather a broad community around the topic of linguistic linked data. On October 20th 2015 LIDER will engage with two selected communities: linguistics and experts in digital humanities, via a national roadmapping workshop that will take place in Spain. The 7th LIDER roadmapping workshop will focus on these topics and will be held in Madrid at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The participation will be free and open. Spanish will be the main language of the event. For more information also about participation please visit the workshop website http://lider-project.eu/workshopMadrid/
Linguistic Linked Data for Digital Humanities and Linguistics: 7th LIDER roadmapping workshop in Madrid, October 2015

In the last two years, the LIDER project has organized several roadmapping events to gather a broad community around the topic of linguistic linked data. In October this year, LIDER will engage with two selected communities: linguistics and experts in digital humanities, via a national roadmapping workshop that will take place in Spain. The 7th LIDER roadmapping workshop will focus on these topics and will be held in Madrid at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The participation will be free and open. Spanish will be the main language of the event. For more information also about participation please visit the workshop website http://lider-project.eu/workshopMadrid/
Linguistic Linked Data in selected domains: 5th and 6th LIDER Roadmapping Workshops to be held in July 2015

For both workshops participation is limited. If you are interested in the Rome event please contact Tiziano Flati, for Munich please contact Philipp Cimiano.
Provide input to the planning of the Big Data Value Chain: Contribute to BDVA Summit 18-19 June, Madrid
In the context of the Big Data Value Association Madrid Summit, 17-19th June, there are two sessions of specific relevance to standards and also to multilingualism: on 18th June a session on standardization, and on 19th June a session on Multilingual Data Value Chains. If you want to have an active participation in both sessions or want to provide further feedback, please contact Felix Sasaki <fsasaki@w3.org> on Standardization and Asun Gomez-Perez <asun@fi.upm.es> on Multilingual Data Value Chains. Presentation will be short in order to promote a wide participation.
If you cannot be in Madrid please also provide your input – see above session links for further instructions. The BDVA Summit will be crucial in shaping upcoming funding opportunities related to Big Data. Don’t miss the chance to describe your views on opportunities, challenges and potential solutions for the Big Data Value Chain!
Multilingual Linked Data for a Digital Single Market – Dedicated LD4LT call, 2 April 2015, 3 p.m. CEST

The LIDER project is fostering the creation of a community around Linguistic Linked Data (LLD): linked data used to represent metadata about linguistic resources and the resources themselves, e.g. lexica, thesauri, corpora, multilingual semantic networks etc. In a dedicated LD4LT community group call on 2 April, 3 p.m. CEST, we will discuss how LLD can contribute to the creation of the digital single market. See for more details the slides that will be presented during the call.
Program published for W3C MultilingualWeb Workshop in Riga, 29 April

See the program. The keynote speaker will be Page Williams, Director of Global Readiness, Trustworthy Computing, Microsoft. She is followed by a strong line up in sessions entitled Developers and Creators, Localizers, Machines, and Users, including speakers from Microsoft, the European Parliament, the UN FAO, Intel, Verisign, and many more. The workshop is made possible with the generous support of the LIDER project.
Participation in the event is free. Please register via the Riga Summit for the Multilingual Digital Single Market site.
The MultilingualWeb workshops, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the W3C, look at best practices and standards related to all aspects of creating, localizing and deploying the multilingual Web. The workshops are successful because they attract a wide range of participants, from fields such as localization, language technology, browser development, content authoring and tool development, etc., to create a holistic view of the interoperability needs of the multilingual Web.
We look forward to seeing you in Riga!
Introducing LingHub – an Open Metadata Repository in the Domain of Language Resources
The LIDER project is developing LingHub, a repository of metadata about language resources and linguistic data. During a dedicated conference call on 19 March, 3 p.m. CET, LingHub will be discussed in the LD4LT community group to gather feedback from the public at large. The call is open to the public, no LD4LT group participation is required. Dial-in information is available. The call will be relevant for anybody interest specifically in language resources, or in public metadata repositories and the re-use of public sector information in general.
Call for Participation: 4th Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web
The LIDER project is co-organizing the 4th Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web, 1st June 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia, co-located with the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015).
This workshop series is concerned with research questions on how current Semantic Web infrastructure can and should be extended to advance the Semantic Web and linked data use and development across language communities around the world.
The call for participation provides further information. Deadline for submissions is 15 March 2015.
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