Provide input to the planning of the Big Data Value Chain: Contribute to BDVA Summit 18-19 June, Madrid
In the context of the Big Data Value Association Madrid Summit, 17-19th June, there are two sessions of specific relevance to standards and also to multilingualism: on 18th June a session on standardization, and on 19th June a session on Multilingual Data Value Chains. If you want to have an active participation in both sessions or want to provide further feedback, please contact Felix Sasaki <> on Standardization and Asun Gomez-Perez <> on Multilingual Data Value Chains. Presentation will be short in order to promote a wide participation.
If you cannot be in Madrid please also provide your input – see above session links for further instructions. The BDVA Summit will be crucial in shaping upcoming funding opportunities related to Big Data. Don’t miss the chance to describe your views on opportunities, challenges and potential solutions for the Big Data Value Chain!
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