Monthly Archives: March 2011
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Вибір і застосування кодування (Choosing & applying a character encoding)
Призначення кодування символів в HTML (Declaring character encodings in HTML)
Призначення кодування символів в CSS (Declaring character encodings in CSS)
Кодування символів: Основні поняття (Character encodings: Essential concepts)
Выбор и применение кодирования (Choosing & applying a character encoding)
Назначение кодировки символов в HTML (Declaring character encodings in HTML)
Назначение кодировки символов в CSS (Declaring character encodings in CSS)
Кодирование символов: Основные понятия (Character encodings: Essential concepts)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
Don’t forget to register for the W3C MultilingualWeb Workshop in Pisa
If you are planning to attend the W3C MultilingualWeb Workshop in Pisa, Italy on 4-5 April 2011 and you haven’t yet registered, please do so as soon as possible to secure a place. The workshop is free and open to the public.
The program is packed with interesting speakers and we are looking forward to another great workshop, with plenty of excellent networking opportunities.
If you have yet to book a hotel, don’t forget to check out the list of hotels with specially negotiated prices.
For more information see the Call for Participation.
The MultilingualWeb project, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the W3C, is looking at best practices and standards related to all aspects of creating, localizing and deploying the multilingual Web. The project will raise visibility of what’s available, identify gaps, and provide networking opportunities via a series of four events, over two years.
8 days left for the Internationalization & Unicode Conference Call for Participation
The Unicode® Consortium will close its call for participation in the 35th Internationalization & Unicode® Conference (IUC 35) on Friday, March 25. If you want to talk at the conference, you should submit your proposal soon.
The Program Committee will notify authors by Wednesday, April 20. Final presentation materials will be required from selected presenters by Wednesday, August 3.
The conference will take place in Santa Clara, Calif., USA; October 17-19, 2011, sponsored by Adobe. The conference is produced by OMG®.
This is the premier conference on technologies and practices for the creation and management of global and multilingual software solutions. This annual event is praised for its excellent technical content, industry-tested recommendations and updates on the latest standards.
New translation into Polish
Obsługa kodowania znaków w HTML i CSS (Handling character encodings in HTML and CSS)
This tutorial was translated into Polish thanks to Bartosz Matusiak.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Ukrainian: Обробка кодування символів в HTML і CSS (Handling character encodings in HTML and CSS)
Russian: Обработка кодирования символов в HTML и CSS (Handling character encodings in HTML and CSS)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
MultilingualWeb Pisa, Program published !
The MultilingualWeb project, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the W3C, is looking at best practices and standards related to all aspects of creating, localizing and deploying the multilingual Web. The project will raise visibility of what’s available, identify gaps, and provide networking opportunities via a series of four events, over two years.
The second workshop takes place in Pisa, Italy on 4-5 April 2011. It is free and open to the public.
A first view of the workshop program has just been published. The 34 speakers represent a wide range of organizations and interests, such as:
Facebook, FAO of the UN, Lionbridge, CNGL, Microsoft, Opera, SAP, SDL, Software AG, TAUS, Thompson Reuters, W3C, VZ Netzwerke, and more.
Session titles include: Developers, Creators, Localizers, Machines, Users, and Policy. The workshop should provide useful cross-domain networking opportunities.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, see the Call for Participation for details on how to register.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Ukrainian: Кодування символів для початківців (Character encodings for beginners)
Russian: Кодировка символов для начинающих (Character encodings for beginners)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into German
Einführung in Zeichensätze und Zeichencodierungen (Introducing Character Sets and Encodings)
Sprachangaben im Web (Language on the Web)
Einsprachige vs. mehrsprachige Websites (Monolingual vs. multilingual Web sites)
Auswahloptionen sortieren (Sorting select options)
Ruby (Ruby)
Zeichencodierung bei mehrsprachigen Formularen (Multilingual form encoding)
The translations of the following articles were also lightly updated, although Gunnar was not the original translator.
Wer verwendet Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Internationale und mehrsprachige Websites (International & multilingual web sites)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translations into Ukrainian
Приступаючи до роботи з сайтом W3C Інтернаціоналізації (Getting Started with the W3C I18n site)
Представлення наборів символів і кодування (Introducing Character Sets and Encodings)
Мова на Веб сайті (Language on the Web)
Поради Інтернаціоналізації для Веб сайту (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
These articles were translated into Ukrainian thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Russian
Приступая к работе с сайтом W3C Интернационализации (Getting Started with the W3C I18n site)
Представление наборов символов и кодировки (Introducing Character Sets and Encodings)
Язык на Веб сайте (Language on the Web)
Советы Интернационализации для Веб сайта (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
These articles were translated into Russian thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
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