Monthly Archives: June 2008
New translation: Мультиязычные формы
Thanks to Алексей Давыдов (Alexey Davydoff) the FAQ-based article “Multilingual Forms” has now been translated into Russian (language negotiated).
New translation: Сортировка выпадающего списка
Thanks to Алексей Давыдов (Alexey Davydoff) the FAQ-based article “Sorting select options” has now been translated into Russian (language negotiated).
New translation: Język witryn internetowych
Thanks to K. Wiśniewski the Getting Started article “Language on the Web” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New translation: Szybkie wskazówki do internacjonalizacji stron
Thanks to K. Wiśniewski the Getting Started article “Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New translation: Kodowanie znaków dla początkujących
Thanks to M. Kadubiec the FAQ-based article “Character encodings for beginners” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New translation: Angabe der Zeichencodierung in CSS
Thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann the FAQ-based article “CSS character encoding declarations” has now been translated into German (language negotiated).
New translation: Änderung der Zeichencodierung einer (X)HTML-Seite auf UTF-8
Thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann the FAQ-based article “Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8” has now been translated into German (language negotiated).
New translation: HTML, XHTML, XML und Steuerzeichen
Thanks to Jens Meiert the FAQ-based article “HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes” has now been translated into German (language negotiated).
New translation: Dokument-Zeichensatz
Thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann the FAQ-based article “Document character set” has now been translated into German (language negotiated).
New translation: Einstellung der Zeichencodierungsangabe (‘charset’) in .htaccess
Thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann the FAQ-based article “Setting charset information in .htaccess” has now been translated into German (language negotiated).
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