Tag(s): qa-doc-charset
New translations into Romanian
Setarea parametrului HTTP set de caractere (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
Verificarea Antetelor HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
Setul de caractere in document (Document character set)
Verficarea codificarii caracterului cu ajutorul validatorului (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
These articles were translated into Romanian thanks to Echipa Traduceri W3.
New translations into Hindi
Thanks to the DirjeWelry, the following have been translated into Hindi.
(X)HTML पृष्ठ को UTF-8 एन्कोडिंग में बदलने के लिए (Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8)
दस्तावेज़ वर्ण सेट (Document character set)
New translations into Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese
Thanks to the Trusted Translations, Inc., the following articles have been translated into both European and Brazilian Portuguese.
Definir a codificação em aplicações de autorização web / Como definir a codificação em aplicativos de criação web (Setting encoding in web authoring applications)
Utilizando entidades de caracteres e NCRs / Uso de entidades de caracteres e NCRs (Using character entities and NCRs)
Conjunto de caracteres do documento / Conjunto de caracteres do documento (Document character set)
New translations into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
Uso de entidades de caracteres y NCR (Using character entities and NCRs)
Set de caracteres para documentos (Document character set)
Cómo cambiar la codificación de la página (X)HTML a UTF-8 (Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8)
New translations into Hungarian
Thanks to Dénes Kohn, Metaphraser – Translation Company, the following articles have been translated into Hungarian.
Karakterkódolások (Character encodings)
Dokumentum karakter beállítás (Document character set)
Megjelenítési problémák amelyeket az UTF-8 BOM okoz (Display problems caused by the UTF-8 BOM)
New translation: Dokument-Zeichensatz
Thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann the FAQ-based article “Document character set” has now been translated into German (language negotiated).
New translation: Набір символів документа
Thanks to Nataly Panchenko (Наталія Панченко) the FAQ-based article “Document character set” has now been translated into Ukrainian (language negotiated).
New translation: Набор символов документа
Thanks to Елена Неллсон (Elena Nellson) the FAQ-based article “Document character set” has now been translated into Russian (language negotiated).
Zbiór znaków dokumentu
Thanks to the Tłumaczenia Dokumentów Team the FAQ-based article “Document character set” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
Set di caratteri di un documento
Thanks to the Italian translation team, WTB Language Group, the FAQ-based article “Document character set” has now been translated into Italian(language negotiated).
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