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Tag(s): qa-utf8-bom


New translations into Spanish

Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.

New translations into Hungarian

Thanks to Dénes Kohn, Metaphraser – Translation Company, the following articles have been translated into Hungarian.

New translation: Darstellungsprobleme durch das UTF-8-BOM

Thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann and Juliane Wünsche the FAQ-based article “Display problems caused by the UTF-8 BOM” has now been translated into German.

Categories: Translation needed

New translation: Проблеми с визуализацията на UTF-8 BOM

Thanks to Ivan Baldwin the FAQ-based article “Display problems caused by the UTF-8 BOM” has now been translated into Bulgarian.


New translation: Sygnatura UTF-8 BOM a problemy z wyświetlaniem

Thanks to Ana Backstone the FAQ-based article “Display problems caused by the UTF-8 BOM” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).

Categories: Translation needed

Updated article: Display problems caused by the UTF-8 BOM

Read the article

This article was largely rewritten to provide greater clarity, and further information about how to detect and remove a UTF-8 signature.

Changes include a new title and question, and the integration of the former background section into the answer.

Categories: Update

New article: Display problems caused by the UTF-8 BOM

Read the article

FAQ-based article: When using UTF-8 encoded pages in some user agents, I get an extra line or unwanted characters at the top of my web page or included file. How do I remove them?

By Deborah Cawkwell, BBC World Service.

Categories: Articles, New resource

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