Tag(s): article-quicktips
New translations into Galician
Consellos rápidos sobre a internacionalización para a Web (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
Introdución ás codificacións e ós conxuntos de caracteres (Character Sets and Encodings)
Idiomas na Web (Language on the Web)
These articles are part of the ‘Getting Started’ range.
The articles were translated thanks to Fátima Baña, Glocal Quality Solutions.
Recent translations into French
Conseils pratiques sur l’internationalisation du Web (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
Présentation des jeux et encodages de caractères (Introducing Character Sets and Encodings)
Langage sur le Web (Language on the Web)
Localisation vs Internationalisation (Localization vs. Internationalization)
Capacités d’affichage (Display capabilities)
These articles were translated into French thanks to the French Translation Team, Language Marketplace Inc.
New translation into Swedish
Snabbtips för internationalisering av webben (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
This article was translated into Swedish thanks to Olle Olsson.
New translations into Arabic
إرشادات مختصرة لتدويل الشبكة العالمية (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
الفرق بين التدويل والتوطين (Localization vs. Internationalization)
مواقع عالمية ومواقع بلغات متعددة (International & multilingual web sites)
الفرق بين المواقع أحادية اللغة والمواقع متعددة اللغات (Monolingual vs. multilingual Web sites)
These articles were translated into Arabic thanks to Mohamed Fares.
New translations into Hungarian
Gyors tippek a web internacionalizálásához (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
A b és i elemek használata (Using b and i elements)
A böngészőből jövő kérés nyelvi beállításai (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
Karakterkódolás deklarálása CSS-ben (Declaring character encodings in CSS)
A HTTP karakterkészletének (charset) paraméterezése (Setting the HTTP charset parameter)
These articles were translated into Hungarian thanks to Petra Csobanka.
New translations into Ukrainian
Приступаючи до роботи з сайтом W3C Інтернаціоналізації (Getting Started with the W3C I18n site)
Представлення наборів символів і кодування (Introducing Character Sets and Encodings)
Мова на Веб сайті (Language on the Web)
Поради Інтернаціоналізації для Веб сайту (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
These articles were translated into Ukrainian thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Russian
Приступая к работе с сайтом W3C Интернационализации (Getting Started with the W3C I18n site)
Представление наборов символов и кодировки (Introducing Character Sets and Encodings)
Язык на Веб сайте (Language on the Web)
Советы Интернационализации для Веб сайта (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
These articles were translated into Russian thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese
Thanks to the Trusted Translations, Inc., the following articles have been translated into both Iberian and Brazilian Portuguese.
Modificação da codificação da página (X)HTML para UTF-8 / Como mudar a codificação de página (X)HTML para UTF-8 (Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8)
Internacionalização – Dicas rápidas para a Web / Dicas rápidas de internacionalização para a Internet (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
Introdução de conjuntos de caracteres e codificações / Introdução a conjuntos de caracteres e codificações (Introducing Character Sets and Encodings)
New translations into Romanian
Thanks to Sorin Velescu, the following article has been translated into Romanian.
Sfaturi utile de internationalizare pentru Web (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
New translations into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
Consejos rápidos sobre internacionalización para la Web (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)
Introducción a las codificaciones y a los sets de caracteres (Introducing Character Sets and Encodings)
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