Tag(s): lider
Video published: Linguistic Linked Data and the LIDER project explained

This video explains what Linguistic Linked Data is and summarizes the outcomes of the LIDER project. This includes best practices for working with Linguist Linked Data, a reference architecture and a roadmap for future activities around Linguistic Linked Data. The video has been produced by the LIDER project and has been published during the European Data Forum 2015 event.
2nd Call: Linguistic Linked Data for Digital Humanities and Linguistics: 7th LIDER roadmapping workshop in Madrid, 20th October 2015
In the last two years, the LIDER project has organized several roadmapping events to gather a broad community around the topic of linguistic linked data. On October 20th 2015 LIDER will engage with two selected communities: linguistics and experts in digital humanities, via a national roadmapping workshop that will take place in Spain. The 7th LIDER roadmapping workshop will focus on these topics and will be held in Madrid at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The participation will be free and open. Spanish will be the main language of the event. For more information also about participation please visit the workshop website http://lider-project.eu/workshopMadrid/
Linguistic Linked Data in selected domains: 5th and 6th LIDER Roadmapping Workshops to be held in July 2015

For both workshops participation is limited. If you are interested in the Rome event please contact Tiziano Flati, for Munich please contact Philipp Cimiano.
Industry speakers lined up to discuss use cases and requirements for linked data and content analytics

The agenda of the 4th LIDER roadmapping workshop and LD4LT event has been published. A great variety of industry stakeholders will talk about linked data and content analytics. Industry areas represented include content analytics technology, multilingual conversational applications, localisation and more.
The workshop will take place on September 2nd in Leipzig, Germany and it will be collocated with the SEMANTiCS conference. The workshop will be organised as part of MLODE 2014 and will be preceded by a hackathon on the 1st of September.
The event is supported by the LIDER EU project, the MultilingualWeb community, the NLP2RDF project as well as the DBpedia project.
Linked Data meets Content Analytics: 4th LIDER & LD4LT event, 2nd September, Leipzig

The 4th LIDER roadmapping workshop and LD4LT event will take place on September 2nd in Leipzig, Germany. It will be collocated with the SEMANTiCS conference.
The goal of the workshop is to gather input from experts and stakeholders in the area of content analytics, to identify areas and tasks in content analytics where linked data & semantic technologies can contribute. The workshop will organised as part of MLODE 2014 and will be preceded by a hackathon on the 1st of September.
The event is supported by the LIDER EU project, the MultilingualWeb community, the NLP2RDF project as well as the DBpedia Project.
Slides for the MultilingualWeb and LIDER workshops available

The slides from the MultilingualWeb workshop (including several posters) and the LIDER roadmapping workshop are now available for download. Additional material (videos of the presentations, a workshop report and more) will follow in the next weeks – stay tuned.
Call for position statements: Linked Data for Language Technology #LiderEU
The LD4LT (Linked Data for Language Technology) Workshop will be held on 21 March, in Athens, Greece, aligned with the European Data Forum 2014. See the agenda.
The workshop is a free community event – there is no admission fee for participants, but registration is required.
You are encouraged to provide a title for a position statement in your registration form. This is a simple, short statement that summarizes your ideas / technologies / use cases related to Linked Data and Language Technology.
The meeting is supported by the LIDER project, the MultilingualWeb community, the NLP2RDF project, the Working Group for Open Data in Linguistics as well as the DBpedia Project.
As input to the discussion and the work of the LD4LT group, you may also want to fill in the first LIDER survey.
Building bridges: Tutorial, Linked Data for Language Technologies at LREC 2014 Conference #LiderEU
Under the umbrella of the Lider project and the MutilingualWeb community, the tutorial on Linked Data for Language Technologies aims at building bridges between two communities. Experts in language resources and applications will learn how to work with technical building blocks of linked data (RDF, SPARQL, …); how to build linked data lexicon representations using the LEMON model; and how to integrate natural language processing workflows using the RDF NIF format. The tutorial is part of the LREC 2014 conference. The presenters are key participants in the LIDER projects and in W3C community groups like OntoLex, Best Practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data, and Linked Data for Language Technology.
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