Tag(s): ld4lt
Shape the future of content analytics applications: dedicated LD4LT call on the LIDER draft roadmap
The LIDER project is gathering feedback on a roadmap for the use of Linguistic Linked Data for content analytics. As part of this activity, the LD4LT community group is organizing a conference call on 19 February.
The call is open to the public, no LD4LT group participation is required. Dial-in information is available. No knowledge about linguistic linked data is required. We especially are interested in feedback from potential users of linguistic linked data in content analytics related application areas.
Industry speakers lined up to discuss use cases and requirements for linked data and content analytics
The agenda of the 4th LIDER roadmapping workshop and LD4LT event has been published. A great variety of industry stakeholders will talk about linked data and content analytics. Industry areas represented include content analytics technology, multilingual conversational applications, localisation and more.
The workshop will take place on September 2nd in Leipzig, Germany and it will be collocated with the SEMANTiCS conference. The workshop will be organised as part of MLODE 2014 and will be preceded by a hackathon on the 1st of September.
The event is supported by the LIDER EU project, the MultilingualWeb community, the NLP2RDF project as well as the DBpedia project.
Linked Data meets Content Analytics: 4th LIDER & LD4LT event, 2nd September, Leipzig
The 4th LIDER roadmapping workshop and LD4LT event will take place on September 2nd in Leipzig, Germany. It will be collocated with the SEMANTiCS conference.
The goal of the workshop is to gather input from experts and stakeholders in the area of content analytics, to identify areas and tasks in content analytics where linked data & semantic technologies can contribute. The workshop will organised as part of MLODE 2014 and will be preceded by a hackathon on the 1st of September.
The event is supported by the LIDER EU project, the MultilingualWeb community, the NLP2RDF project as well as the DBpedia Project.
Workshop report: Summary of the LD4LT group kickoff / LIDER roadmapping workshop
The LIDER project has published a report on the first Linked Data for Language Technology event, which was held 21st March in alignment with the European Data Forum in Athens. Read the report.
Industry stakeholders from many areas (localization, publishing, language technology applications etc.) and key researchers from linked data and language technology discussed promises and challenges around linguistic linked data. The report summarizes all presentations and includes an initial list of use cases and requirements for linguistic linked data. This and the overall outcome of the event will feed into work of the LD4LT group (see especially the LD4LT latest draft version of use cases), and the field of multilingual linked data in general.
The LD4LT group is part of the MultilingualWeb community – learn more about related projects.
Slides for the MultilingualWeb and LIDER workshops available
The slides from the MultilingualWeb workshop (including several posters) and the LIDER roadmapping workshop are now available for download. Additional material (videos of the presentations, a workshop report and more) will follow in the next weeks – stay tuned.
Program published for W3C MultilingualWeb Workshop in Madrid, 7-8 May
See the program. The keynote speaker will be Alolita Sharma, Director of Language Engineering from the Wikimedia Foundation. She is followed by a strong line up in sessions entitled Developers, Creators, Localizers, Machines, and Users, including speakers from Microsoft, Wikimedia Foundation, the UN FAO, W3C, Yandex, SDL, Lionbridge, Asia Pacific TLD, Verisign, DFKI, and many more. On the afternoon of the second day we will hold Open Space breakout discussions. Abstracts and details about an additional poster session will be provided shortly.
The program will also feature an LD4LT event on May 8-9, focusing on text analytics and the usefulness of Wikipedia and Dbpedia for multiilngual text and content analytics, and on language resources and aspects of converting selected types of language resources into RDF.
Participation in both events is free. See the Call for Participation for details about how to register for the MultilingualWeb workshop. The LD4LT event requires a separate registration and you have the opportunity to submit position statements about language resources and RDF.
If you haven’t registered yet, note that space is limited, so please be sure to register soon to ensure that you get a place.
The MultilingualWeb workshops, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the W3C, look at best practices and standards related to all aspects of creating, localizing and deploying the multilingual Web. The workshops are successful because they attract a wide range of participants, from fields such as localization, language technology, browser development, content authoring and tool development, etc., to create a holistic view of the interoperability needs of the multilingual Web.
We look forward to seeing you in Madrid!
Registration for Workshop on Linked Data, Language Technologies and Multilingual Content Analytics now open!
Register now for the recently announced workshop on Linked Data, Language Technologies and Multilingual Content Analytics (8-9 May, Madrid). A preliminary agenda has been created and the registration form is available.
If you are interested in contributing a position statement please indicate this in the dedicated field in the registration form. The workshop organizers will come back to you with questions to answer in the position statement. We then will select which statements are appropriate for presentations on 9 May, and inform you by 28 April.
We are looking forward to see you in Madrid, both for this event and the MultilingualWeb workshop!
Call for position statements: Linked Data for Language Technology #LiderEU
The LD4LT (Linked Data for Language Technology) Workshop will be held on 21 March, in Athens, Greece, aligned with the European Data Forum 2014. See the agenda.
The workshop is a free community event – there is no admission fee for participants, but registration is required.
You are encouraged to provide a title for a position statement in your registration form. This is a simple, short statement that summarizes your ideas / technologies / use cases related to Linked Data and Language Technology.
The meeting is supported by the LIDER project, the MultilingualWeb community, the NLP2RDF project, the Working Group for Open Data in Linguistics as well as the DBpedia Project.
As input to the discussion and the work of the LD4LT group, you may also want to fill in the first LIDER survey.
Linked Data for Language Technology (LD4LT) Group Kick-Off Meeting and Roadmap meeting, 21 March, Athens, Greece
Linked Data (LD) has proven beneficial in many new and unforeseen ways for Language Technology (LT) and the newly gained interoperability and availability of LT data and services is currently receiving industry adoption. With the foundation of the LD4LT W3C community group, we would like to start the discussion and analyse current trends as well as offer a crystallization point to coordinate the development of future LD-based LT applications. See the agenda.
All feedback is welcome and participation is open to all interested organisations and individuals from industry and academia.
The LD4LT Group Kick-Off and Roadmap Meeting is supported by the LIDER project, the MultilingualWeb community, the NLP2RDF project, the Working Group for Open Data in Linguistics as well as the DBpedia Project.
The event will take place 21 March in Athens, aligned with the European Data Forum 2014. Participation in the LD4LT meeting is free, but registration is required.
As input to the discussion and the work of the LD4LT group, you may consider to fill in the first LIDER survey. During the kick-off meeting, via the survey and in the LD4LT group, provide your view on how linked data and language technology should benefit each other.
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