Linked Data for Language Technology (LD4LT) Group Kick-Off Meeting and Roadmap meeting, 21 March, Athens, Greece
Linked Data (LD) has proven beneficial in many new and unforeseen ways for Language Technology (LT) and the newly gained interoperability and availability of LT data and services is currently receiving industry adoption. With the foundation of the LD4LT W3C community group, we would like to start the discussion and analyse current trends as well as offer a crystallization point to coordinate the development of future LD-based LT applications. See the agenda.
All feedback is welcome and participation is open to all interested organisations and individuals from industry and academia.
The LD4LT Group Kick-Off and Roadmap Meeting is supported by the LIDER project, the MultilingualWeb community, the NLP2RDF project, the Working Group for Open Data in Linguistics as well as the DBpedia Project.
The event will take place 21 March in Athens, aligned with the European Data Forum 2014. Participation in the LD4LT meeting is free, but registration is required.
As input to the discussion and the work of the LD4LT group, you may consider to fill in the first LIDER survey. During the kick-off meeting, via the survey and in the LD4LT group, provide your view on how linked data and language technology should benefit each other.
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