Tag(s): qa-when-lang-neg
2 new translations into Chinese
时间和日期:基本概念 (Time & date: Essential concepts)
何时使用语言协商 (When to use language negotiation)
Thanks to Fuqiao Xue and Huan Cui for providing these translations.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Обслуговування HTML та XHTML (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Коли слід використовувати узгодження мови (When to use language negotiation)
Можливості відображення (Display capabilities)
Формати дати (Date formats)
Дати та час (Dates and Time)
Обслуживание HTML и XHTML (Serving HTML & XHTML)
Когда следует использовать language negotiation (согласование языка) (When to use language negotiation)
Возможности отображения (Display capabilities)
Формати даты (Date formats)
Даты и время (Dates and Time)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Romanian
Bidi- Pierdere de spatii (Bidi space loss)
HTML, XHTML, XML si Codurile de Control (HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes)
Cand sa folosim negocierea limbajului (When to use language negotiation)
These articles were translated into Romanian thanks to Costea Marian.
New translations into Hungarian
Thanks to Dénes Kohn, Metaphraser – Translation Company, the following articles have been translated into Hungarian.
Mikor használjunk nyelvi egyeztetést (When to use language negotiation)
Útmutató: A Nyelv Deklarálása XHTML-ben és HTML-ben (Tutorial: Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Szöveg nyelv nélküli címkézése (Tagging text with no language)
Miért használjuk a nyelv attribútumot? (Why use the language attribute?)
HTTP és meta a nyelvi információhoz (HTTP and meta for language information)
New translation: Wann es angebracht ist, Sprachvereinbarung (language negotiation) einzusetzen
Thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann the FAQ-based article “When to use language negotiation” has now been translated into German (language negotiated).
New translation: Kiedy stosujemy negocjację języka?
Thanks to the Tłumaczenia team the FAQ-based article “When to use language negotiation” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New article: When to use language negotiation
FAQ-based article: When is it appropriate, or not, to use language negotiation?
By François Yergeau, Alis Technologies.
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