Tag(s): qa-http-and-lang
New translations into French
En-têtes HTTP, élément meta et informations sur la langue (HTTP headers, meta elements and language information)
Types de déclaration de langues (Types of language declaration)
These articles were translated into French thanks to Jean-Christophe Helary, of K.K. DOUBLET.
One new, one updated article published
Types of language declaration describes how ‘metadata’ and ‘text-processing’ language declarations differ.
HTTP headers, meta elements and language information has been updated to read better, and the information that was to become the previously mentioned article was removed.
New translation into German
HTTP-Header, Meta-Elemente und Sprachinformationen (HTTP headers, meta elements and language information)
This article was translated into German thanks to Jens O. Meiert.
Just published: 1 new and 3 updated articles about language declarations in HTML
One tutorial and two articles have been updated, and a new article has been created from material that was moved out of the tutorial. The updates all involve major rewrites of the former text. These changes incorporate up-to-date information about how language declarations are handled in HTML5, and generally refresh and improve the previous material.
The new articles are:
Working with language in HTML (tutorial)
Why use the language attribute?
HTTP headers, meta elements and language information
All articles use a new HTML5-based template with additional change to the boilerplate code.
For review: 1 new and 3 updated articles about language declarations in HTML
Comments are being sought on the following new articles prior to final publication. NOTE THAT the articles are in a temporary location, and will be moved to their final location after the review.
Working with language in HTML (tutorial format)
This is a reworking of an existing tutorial to conform to the new tutorial format. It will replace the old version.
Why use the language attribute?
This is a reworking of an existing article to bring it up to date. It will replace the old version.
This is a new article derived from information that was originally in the tutorial mentioned above. The information has been rewritten, and changes have been made to reflect recent developments for HTML5.
HTTP and meta for language information
This is a reworking of an existing article to reflect recent developments in HTML5 and improve the fit with other pages listed here. It will replace the old version.
All articles use a new template with additional change to the boilerplate code. They are written in HTML5.
Please send any comments over the next two weeks to www-international@w3.org (subscribe).
We hope to publish a final version shortly after the end of the review period.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
xml:lang в схемах XML документа (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
HTTP та meta для мовної інформації (HTTP and meta for language information)
Використання Accept-Language для налаштування локалі (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
Відмітка тексту без мови (Tagging text with no language)
Призначення мови в XHTML і HTML (Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Розуміння Нових Language Тегів (Understanding the New Language Tags)
Language теги в HTML та XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)
Вибір language Тега (Choosing a Language Tag)
Двобуквені або трибуквені мовні коди (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)
Чому використовувати language атрибут? (Why use the language attribute?)
Налаштування мовних уподобань в браузері (Setting language preferences in a browser)
xml:lang в схемах XML документа (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
HTTP и meta для речевой информации (HTTP and meta for language information)
Использование Accept-Language для настройки локали (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
Отметка текста без языка (Tagging text with no language)
Назначение языка в XHTML и HTML (Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Понимание Новых Language Тэгов (Understanding the New Language Tags)
Language тэги в HTML и XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)
Выбор language Тэга (Choosing a Language Tag)
Двухбуквенные или трехбуквенные языковые коды (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)
Зачем использовать language атрибут? (Why use the language attribute?)
Настройка языковых предпочтений в браузере (Setting language preferences in a browser)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
Tutorial: Identificación del idioma en XHTML y HTML (Tutorial: Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Encabezado Accept-Language utilizado para ubicar la configuración (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
HTTP y metadatos para información sobre el idioma (HTTP and meta for language information)
¿Por qué utilizar el atributo de idioma? (Why use the language attribute?)
Etiquetado de texto sin idioma (Tagging text with no language)
xml:lang en esquemas de documentos XML (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
New translations into Hungarian
Thanks to Dénes Kohn, Metaphraser – Translation Company, the following articles have been translated into Hungarian.
Mikor használjunk nyelvi egyeztetést (When to use language negotiation)
Útmutató: A Nyelv Deklarálása XHTML-ben és HTML-ben (Tutorial: Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Szöveg nyelv nélküli címkézése (Tagging text with no language)
Miért használjuk a nyelv attribútumot? (Why use the language attribute?)
HTTP és meta a nyelvi információhoz (HTTP and meta for language information)
New article: Using HTTP and meta for language information
FAQ-based article: Should I declare the language of my XHTML document using a language attribute, the Content-Language HTTP header, or a meta element?
By Richard Ishida, W3C.
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Questions or comments? ishida@w3.org