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Tag(s): article-language-tags


New translation into French

Les étiquettes de langues en HTML et XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)

Thanks to Gwendoline Clavé, Clavoline Traduction for providing this translation.

Categories: New translation

New translations into Russian

These articles were translated into Russian thanks to Dmitri Kuznetsov, of the Russian Translation Agency, Taushiro Inc.

New translation into Japanese

This article was translated into Japanese thanks to Momdo Nakamura.

New translations into Russian and Ukrainian


xml:lang в схемах XML документа (xml:lang in XML document schemas)

HTTP та meta для мовної інформації (HTTP and meta for language information)

Використання Accept-Language для налаштування локалі (Accept-Language used for locale setting)

Відмітка тексту без мови (Tagging text with no language)

Призначення мови в XHTML і HTML (Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)

Розуміння Нових Language Тегів (Understanding the New Language Tags)

Language теги в HTML та XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)

Вибір language Тега (Choosing a Language Tag)

Двобуквені або трибуквені мовні коди (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)

Чому використовувати language атрибут? (Why use the language attribute?)

Налаштування мовних уподобань в браузері (Setting language preferences in a browser)


xml:lang в схемах XML документа (xml:lang in XML document schemas)

HTTP и meta для речевой информации (HTTP and meta for language information)

Использование Accept-Language для настройки локали (Accept-Language used for locale setting)

Отметка текста без языка (Tagging text with no language)

Назначение языка в XHTML и HTML (Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)

Понимание Новых Language Тэгов (Understanding the New Language Tags)

Language тэги в HTML и XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)

Выбор language Тэга (Choosing a Language Tag)

Двухбуквенные или трехбуквенные языковые коды (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)

Зачем использовать language атрибут? (Why use the language attribute?)

Настройка языковых предпочтений в браузере (Setting language preferences in a browser)

These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.

Updated article: Language tags in HTML and XML

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The section “Extension and private-use subtags” was updated to incorporate the new u extension, registered by the Unicode Consortium to add information about language or locale behavior. Editorial improvements were also added to the description of private use subtags in that section.

Translators should consider retranslating the section “Extension and private-use subtags”.

Updated article: Language tags in HTML and XML

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This tutorial was updated to incorporate changes made to BCP 47 by the recent publication of RFC 5646. Changes to BCP 47 include the introduction of extended language subtags, and the addition of ISO 639-3 language subtags, bringing the total number of subtags in the registry to almost 8,000.

Translators should consider retranslating the whole tutorial.

New translation: Etiquetas de idioma en HTML y XML

Thanks to Gaston Valente and the Spanish Translation Team, Trusted Translations, Inc., the article “Language tags in HTML and XML” has now been translated into Spanish (language negotiated).

Categories: Translation needed

Updated article: Language tags in HTML and XML

Link to article

Added a section, ‘Using the subtag registry’ to give basic advice on where and how to find the subtags.

Moved text about 2 or 3 letter ISO codes to the section on the language subtag. Changed the section title “Using language tags” to “Constructing language tags”.

Categories: Update

New article: Language tags in HTML and XML

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Language tags are used to indicate the language of text in HTML and XML documents, and are also used in HTTP headers, SMIL and SVG switch statements, CSS pseudo-elements, etc. This article describes how to choose values for language tags.

By Richard Ishida & Martin Dürst, W3C.

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