Tag(s): qa-non-eng-tags
New translations into Hungarian
Többnyelvű űrlapok kódolása (Multilingual form encoding)
Ki használ unikódot? (Who uses Unicode?)
Nem angol nyelvű tagek (Non-English tags)
Egynyelvű vagy többnyelvű honlapok (Monolingual vs. multilingual Web sites)
These articles were translated into Hungarian thanks to Petra Csobanka.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Робота з Складеними Повідомленнями (Working with Composite Messages)
Повторне Використання Рядків в Скриптовому Контенті (Re-using Strings in Scripted Content)
Ruby (Ruby)
Розмітка і Стилізація Ruby (Ruby Markup and Styling)
Використання <b> та <i> елементів (Using <b> and <i> elements)
Неанглійські теги (Non-English tags)
Перевірка Заголовків HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
Работа с Составными Сообщениями (Working with Composite Messages)
Повторное Использование Строк в Cкриптовом Контенте (Re-using Strings in Scripted Content)
Ruby (Ruby)
Разметка и Стилизация Ruby (Ruby Markup and Styling)
Использование <b> и <i> элементов (Using <b> and <i> elements)
Неанглийские тэги (Non-English tags)
The following Russian translation was also updated:
Проверка заголовков HTTP (Checking HTTP Headers)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into German
Textlänge bei Übersetzungen (Text size in translation)
Nicht-englische Tags (Non-English tags)
xml:lang in XML-Dokument-Schemas (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
Überprüfung der Zeichencodierung mit dem Validator (Checking the character encoding using the validator)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translations into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
Etiquetas que no están en inglés (Non-English tags)
Ruby (Ruby)
Estilo y etiquetado de ruby (Ruby Markup and Styling)
3 new translations: Πολυγλωσσικές Φόρμες, Κώδικες γλώσσας με δύο ή τρία γράμματα, and Μη Αγγλικά στοιχεία
Thanks to the microo.net editor team, Γιώργος Τσιλεδάκης, the FAQ-based articles “Multilingual Forms”, “Two-letter or three-letter language codes”, and “Non-English tags” have now been translated into Greek (language negotiated).
New translation: Znaczniki w językach innych niż angielski
Thanks to the Tłumaczenia Team the FAQ-based article “Non-English tags” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
İngilizce olmayan kod etiketleri
Thanks to the Turkish translation team, WTB Language Group, the FAQ-based article “Non-English tags” has now been translated into Turkish (language negotiated). This is our first Turkish translation.
New article: Non-English tags
FAQ-based article: Can I write HTML and XML element and attribute tag names in languages and scripts other than English?
By Richard Ishida, W3C.
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Questions or comments? ishida@w3.org