Tag(s): article-css3-text
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Призначення мови в HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Розмір тексту в перекладі (Text size in translation)
Фонові зображення, які підтримують локалізацію (Background images that support localization)
Стилізація за допомогою мовних атрибутів (Styling using language attributes)
CSS3 та Міжнародний Текст (CSS3 and International Text)
Назначение языка в HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Размер текста в переводе (Text size in translation)
Фоновые изображения что поддерживают локализацию (Background images that support localization)
Стилизация с помощью языковых атрибутов (Styling using language attributes)
CSS3 и Международный Текст (CSS3 and International Text)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Romanian
Thanks to the Sorin Velescu, the following articles have been translated into Romanian.
Schimbarea codificarii paginii (X)HTML in UTF-8 (Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8)
CSS3 si textul international (CSS3 and International Text)
New translation into Spanish
Thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following article has been translated into Spanish.
CSS3 y texto internacional (CSS3 and International Text)
New article: CSS3 and International Text
The CSS3 modules currently in development will introduce a large number of properties designed to support non-Latin text, from vertical script support to kashida justification, from ruby positioning to list numbering. This article will give you a glimpse of some of the properties that lie in store, and discuss how you can help to make these improvements a reality.
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