Keyword(s): qa-css-lang
New translations into Chinese
使用语言属性设置样式 (Styling using language attributes)
哪些人在使用Unicode? (Who uses Unicode?)
Thanks to Fuqiao Xue for providing this translation.
New translations into German
Personennamen aus aller Welt (Personal names around the world)
Angabe der Sprache in HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Stylen anhand von Sprachattributen (Styling using language attributes)
Kennzeichnung der Sprache von Linkzielen (Indicating the language of a link destination)
Warum man Sprachattribute verwenden sollte (Why use the language attribute?)
Unicode-Steuerzeichen vs. Markup für bidirektionalen Text (Unicode controls vs. markup for bidi support)
Verwendung von Unicode-Steuerzeichen für bidirektionalen Text (Using Unicode controls for bidi text)
HTML-Seiten in arabischer, hebräischer und anderen von rechts nach links geschriebenen Schriften erstellen (Creating HTML Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and Other Right-to-left Scripts)
Umgang mit Sprachangaben in HTML (Working with language in HTML)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Призначення мови в HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Розмір тексту в перекладі (Text size in translation)
Фонові зображення, які підтримують локалізацію (Background images that support localization)
Стилізація за допомогою мовних атрибутів (Styling using language attributes)
CSS3 та Міжнародний Текст (CSS3 and International Text)
Назначение языка в HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Размер текста в переводе (Text size in translation)
Фоновые изображения что поддерживают локализацию (Background images that support localization)
Стилизация с помощью языковых атрибутов (Styling using language attributes)
CSS3 и Международный Текст (CSS3 and International Text)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
Updated article: Styling using language attributes
The major change was the addition of detailed information about use of CSS selectors with xml:lang, but there were many other edits (see the list below). Translators should consider retranslating the whole tutorial. [search keys: qa-css-lang]
The article was updated as follows:
- added section “Using CSS selectors with xml:lang”
- the title was slightly changed
- information about browser support was replaced with a link to test results (updated)
- various edits throughout to improve readability
- removed the paragraph that says that generic class or id selectors work best, since support for selectors has significantly improved
- updated various links and added links to new materials.
New translations into Spanish
Thanks to the English to Spanish Translation Team, Spanish Translation US, the following articles have been translated into Spanish.
El tamaño del texto en la traducción (Text size in translation)
Imágenes de fondo que admiten la localización (Background images that support localization)
Estilos con el atributo lang (Styling using the lang attribute)
New translation: Stylizacja z użyciem atrybutu “lang”
Thanks to A.Osobka and N.Fabisz the FAQ-based article “Styling using the lang attribute” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
Decommissioned tutorials
The tutorials “An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses” and “Using language information in XHTML, HTML and CSS” have been decommissioned, to facilitate updating of material and reduce duplication.
The information in the first tutorial is already covered by the more up-to-date article An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses. The meat of the second tutorial is covered by the articles Styling using the lang attribute, and Setting language preferences in a browser.
New translation: ถาม-ตอบ: การใส่สไตล์โดยใช้ attribute lang
Thanks to ลาวัณย์ นันทโววาทย์ (Lawan Nuntavovat), WebStarThai, the FAQ-based article “Styling using the lang attribute” has now been translated into Thai (language negotiated).
New article: Styling using the lang attribute
FAQ-based article: What is the most appropriate way to associate CSS styles with text in a particular language in a multilingual XHTML/HTML document?
By Andrew Cunningham, Victoria State Library.
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