Tag(s): qa-personal-names
New translation into Chinese
世界各地的人名 (Personal names around the world)
Thanks to Fuqiao Xue for providing this translation.
New translations into German
Personennamen aus aller Welt (Personal names around the world)
Angabe der Sprache in HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Stylen anhand von Sprachattributen (Styling using language attributes)
Kennzeichnung der Sprache von Linkzielen (Indicating the language of a link destination)
Warum man Sprachattribute verwenden sollte (Why use the language attribute?)
Unicode-Steuerzeichen vs. Markup für bidirektionalen Text (Unicode controls vs. markup for bidi support)
Verwendung von Unicode-Steuerzeichen für bidirektionalen Text (Using Unicode controls for bidi text)
HTML-Seiten in arabischer, hebräischer und anderen von rechts nach links geschriebenen Schriften erstellen (Creating HTML Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and Other Right-to-left Scripts)
Umgang mit Sprachangaben in HTML (Working with language in HTML)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Використання <select> для Посилання на Локалізований Контент (Using <select> to Link to Localized Content)
Запровадження Багатомовної Веб Адреси (An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses)
Налаштування відображення мови за допомогою Apache MultiViews (Apache MultiViews language negotiation set up)
Особисті імена в різних мовах світу (Personal names around the world)
Использование <select> для Ссылания на Локализованный Контент (Using <select> to Link to Localized Content)
Введение Многоязычного Веб Адреса (An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses)
Настройка отображения языка с помощью Apache MultiViews (Apache MultiViews language negotiation set up)
Личные имена в разных языках мира (Personal names around the world)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translation into French
Noms de personnes à travers le monde (Personal names around the world)
This article was translated into French thanks to Stéphane Deschamps.
Draft for review: Personal names around the world
Comments are being sought on the article Personal names around the world prior to final release. This article addresses the question “How do people’s names differ around the world, and what are the implications of those differences on the design of forms, ontologies, etc. for the Web?”.
Please send any comments to www-international@w3.org (subscribe) by 7th August.
By Richard Ishida, W3C.
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Questions or comments? ishida@w3.org