Tag(s): qa-navigation-select
Recent translations into German
Verwendung von Auswahllisten (select) für sprachspezifische und regionalspezifische Inhalte (Using select to link to localized content)
Visuelle vs. logische Buchstabenreihenfolge (Visual vs. logical ordering of text)
Angabe der Sprache in HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Verwendung des translate-Attributs in HTML (Using HTML’s translate attribute)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New translation into German
Anwendung des Elements select an lokalen Inhalten (Using select to Link to Localized Content)
This article was translated into German thanks to Kamila Ścisłowicz (Tłumaczenia niemiecki).
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Використання <select> для Посилання на Локалізований Контент (Using <select> to Link to Localized Content)
Запровадження Багатомовної Веб Адреси (An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses)
Налаштування відображення мови за допомогою Apache MultiViews (Apache MultiViews language negotiation set up)
Особисті імена в різних мовах світу (Personal names around the world)
Использование <select> для Ссылания на Локализованный Контент (Using <select> to Link to Localized Content)
Введение Многоязычного Веб Адреса (An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses)
Настройка отображения языка с помощью Apache MultiViews (Apache MultiViews language negotiation set up)
Личные имена в разных языках мира (Personal names around the world)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into Spanish
Declaración de idioma en HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Uso de select para enlazar contenido localizado (Using select to link to localized content)
¿Caracteres o lenguaje de etiquetas? (Characters or markup?)
These articles were translated into Spanish thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Trusted Translations, Inc.
New translation: 使用<select>鏈結到本地化內容
Thanks to Samuel Chong the FAQ-based article “Using <select> to Link to Localized Content” has now been translated into Traditional Chinese.
New translation: Zastosowanie elementu <select> do treści lokalnych
Thanks to Andrew Osobka and Natalia Fabisz the FAQ-based article “Using <select> to Link to Localized Content” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated).
New article: Using <select> to link to localized content
FAQ-based article: What are the best practices for using pull-down menus based on the select element to direct visitors to localized content?
By Richard Ishida, W3C & John Yunker, Byte Level Research.
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Questions or comments? ishida@w3.org