Tag(s): qa-link-lang
New translations into German
Personennamen aus aller Welt (Personal names around the world)
Angabe der Sprache in HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Stylen anhand von Sprachattributen (Styling using language attributes)
Kennzeichnung der Sprache von Linkzielen (Indicating the language of a link destination)
Warum man Sprachattribute verwenden sollte (Why use the language attribute?)
Unicode-Steuerzeichen vs. Markup für bidirektionalen Text (Unicode controls vs. markup for bidi support)
Verwendung von Unicode-Steuerzeichen für bidirektionalen Text (Using Unicode controls for bidi text)
HTML-Seiten in arabischer, hebräischer und anderen von rechts nach links geschriebenen Schriften erstellen (Creating HTML Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and Other Right-to-left Scripts)
Umgang mit Sprachangaben in HTML (Working with language in HTML)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
New article: Indicating the language of a link destination
This article is based on text that was originally published in the WG Note, Internationalization Best Practices: Specifying Language in XHTML & HTML Content. The Note will be updated in due course, at which time the material will be removed from the Note.
The article discusses some of the pros and cons for signalling the language of a page which a link points to, if that page is not in the same language as the current content. It also looks at how people have done this in the past using the hreflang attribute.
Because of its history, the article has not been through the normal review process, but comments can be sent using the feedback form.
A future version of the article may look at alternative approaches and implementations, such as those used for European languages.
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