Keyword(s): qa-lang-priorities
New translations into Russian
Работа с языком в HTML (руководство) (Working with language in HTML)
Объявление языка в HTML (Declaring language in HTML)
Языковые тэги в HTML и XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)
Выбор языковых тэгов (Choosing a Language Tag)
Установка языковых настроек в браузере (Setting language preferences in a browser)
These articles were translated into Russian thanks to Dmitri Kuznetsov, of the Russian Translation Agency, Taushiro Inc.
Updated article: Setting language preferences in a browser
In addition to generally updating the information, the following changes were made:
- rearranged most of the material and rewrote the majority to make it more readable
- updated information about desktop browser settings
- limited that section to just a representative sample of major browsers
- removed ‘Finding and choosing custom tags’, since no longer relevant
- added information about mobile devices
See the updated article.
See the github commit diffs.
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
xml:lang в схемах XML документа (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
HTTP та meta для мовної інформації (HTTP and meta for language information)
Використання Accept-Language для налаштування локалі (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
Відмітка тексту без мови (Tagging text with no language)
Призначення мови в XHTML і HTML (Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Розуміння Нових Language Тегів (Understanding the New Language Tags)
Language теги в HTML та XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)
Вибір language Тега (Choosing a Language Tag)
Двобуквені або трибуквені мовні коди (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)
Чому використовувати language атрибут? (Why use the language attribute?)
Налаштування мовних уподобань в браузері (Setting language preferences in a browser)
xml:lang в схемах XML документа (xml:lang in XML document schemas)
HTTP и meta для речевой информации (HTTP and meta for language information)
Использование Accept-Language для настройки локали (Accept-Language used for locale setting)
Отметка текста без языка (Tagging text with no language)
Назначение языка в XHTML и HTML (Declaring Language in XHTML and HTML)
Понимание Новых Language Тэгов (Understanding the New Language Tags)
Language тэги в HTML и XML (Language tags in HTML and XML)
Выбор language Тэга (Choosing a Language Tag)
Двухбуквенные или трехбуквенные языковые коды (Two-letter or three-letter language codes)
Зачем использовать language атрибут? (Why use the language attribute?)
Настройка языковых предпочтений в браузере (Setting language preferences in a browser)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translations into German
Einstellung der bevorzugten Sprachen im Browser (Setting language preferences in a browser)
Einrichtung von MultiViews-Sprachvereinbarung auf Apache (Apache MultiViews language negotiation set up)
These articles were translated into German thanks to Gunnar Bittersmann.
Updated article: Setting language preferences in a browser
The whole article was largely rewritten. The list of browsers was reduced to just major browsers, but additional information on these was provided and the information was brought up to date. Further additions include a comment on IP-based negotiation, and a new section on levels of detail in language tags.
Translators should consider retranslating the whole article.
Updated article: Setting language preferences in a browser
This article was updated to add and remove browser information and correct some text. For a detailed list of changes read the full post.
Translators should consider retranslating the whole article.
In the list of command sequences, removed entries for Mozilla, Netscape Navigator, IE Mac, Galeon, and Lynx, since those are described in the location pointed to just below. Added entries for Firefox 3, Google Chrome and Konqueror.
Some of the server-side language selection mechanisms require an exact match to the Accept-Language header. If a document on the server is tagged as fr (French) then a request for a document matching fr-CH (French as spoken in Switzerland) will fail.
Some of the server-side language selection mechanisms will not match a long language tag in an Accept-Language header with a shorter tag associated with a document. If a document on the server is tagged as fr (French) then a request for a document matching fr-CH (French as spoken in Switzerland) will fail.
Decommissioned tutorials
The tutorials “An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses” and “Using language information in XHTML, HTML and CSS” have been decommissioned, to facilitate updating of material and reduce duplication.
The information in the first tutorial is already covered by the more up-to-date article An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses. The meat of the second tutorial is covered by the articles Styling using the lang attribute, and Setting language preferences in a browser.
Updated article: Setting language preferences in a browser
This article was largely rewritten. The background information was made more accessible to a general user. A command path was added for IE7. The text about specifying alternative language preferences was expanded, and instructions were added to describe how to create custom tags by finding values in the IANA Language subtag registry. The case of Chinese is discussed in detail, and a section was added about IE7’s defaults, with a suggestion that users add an additional language setting.
Please send any comments on the new text to www-international.
The Spanish, Polish and Portuguese translators should consider retranslating the whole article.
Setting language preferences in a browser
Corrected path to dialogue box for Firefox (added Advanced). Also added ‘(tab)’ to Firefox and IE.
Translators (Spanish, Br Portuguese, and Polish) should consider providing this text.
Ustawianie preferencji języka w przeglądarkach
Thanks to the Tłumaczenia Dokumentów Team the FAQ-based article “Setting language preferences in a browser” has now been translated into Polish (language negotiated). [search key: qa-lang-priorities]
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