Tag(s): tutorial-svg-tiny-bidi
New translations into Russian and Ukrainian
Створення Невеличких SVG Сторінок в Арабській мові, Івриті та інших скриптах, які вирівнюються справа наліво (Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts)
Создание небольших SVG Страниц на Арабском языке, Иврите и других скриптах, которые выравниваются справа налево (Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts)
These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.
New translation into French
Thanks to the French Translation Team, Trusted Translations Inc., the following article has been translated into French.
Création de pages SVG Tiny en arabe, hébreu et autres scripts lus de droite à gauche (Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts)
New translations into Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese: Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts
Thanks to Trusted Translations Inc. the tutorial “Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts” has now been translated into Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese.
Creación de páginas SVG Tiny en árabe, hebreo y otros sistemas de escritura de derecha a izquierda
SVG Tiny pagina’s creëren in het Arabisch, Hebreeuws en andere ‘van rechts naar links’ schriften
Criação de SVG Tiny Pages em árabe, hebraico, e em outros scripts da direita para a esquerda
New tutorial: Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts
Right-to-left scripts include Arabic, Hebrew, Thaana and N’ko, and are used by a large number of people around the world. If you are new to dealing with bidirectional text, getting it to display correctly can sometimes appear complex and confusing, but it need not be so. If you have struggled with this or have yet to start, this tutorial should help you adopt the best approach to marking up your content. It also explains enough of how the bidirectional algorithm works for you to understand much better the root causes of most problems, and it addresses some common misconceptions about ways to deal with markup for bidirectional content
After reading this tutorial you should:
- create effective SVG Tiny 1.2 content containing text written in the Arabic or Hebrew (or other right-to-left) scripts
- understand the basics of how the Unicode bidirectional algorithm works, so that you can understand why bidirectional text behaves the way it does, and how to work around problems
- take decisions about the appropriateness of alternatives to markup
For review: Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts
Comments are being sought on this tutorial prior to final release. Please send any comments to www-international@w3.org (subscribe). We expect to publish a final version in one to two weeks.
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