New translations into Arabic, Japanese, Korean and Chinese
حجم النص في الترجمة (Text size in translation)
نموذج ترميز متعدد اللغات (Multilingual form encoding)
訳文における文字サイズ (Text size in translation)
多言語フォームのエンコーディング (Multilingual form encoding)
Web 上の言語 (Language on the Web)
번역물의 텍스트 크기 (Text size in translation)
다국어 양식 인코딩 (Multilingual form encoding)
웹상의 언어 (Language on the Web)
(Simplified) Chinese:
文字大小和翻译 (Text size in translation)
多语言表单的编码 (Multilingual form encoding)
网站上的语言 (Language on the Web)
These articles were translated thanks to various groups within wintranslation.
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