W3C Workshop on Conversational Applications
A call has gone out for a Workshop on Conversational Applications — Use Cases and Requirements for New Models of Human Language to Support Mobile Conversational Systems, 18-19 June 2010, Hosted by Openstream, NJ, US
Scope of the Workshop Submissions must describe (1) requirements and use cases for improving W3C standards for conversational interaction and (2) how the use cases justify one or more of these topics:
- Formal notations for representing grammar in: Syntax, Morphology, Phonology, Prosodics
- Engine standards for improvement in processing: Syntax, Morphology, Phonology, Lexicography
- Lexicography standards for: parts-of-speech, grammatical features and polysemy
- Formal semantic representation of human language including: verbal tense, aspect, valency, plurality, pronouns, adverbs, etc.
- Efficient data structures for binary representation and passing of: parse trees, alternate lexical/morphologic analysis, alternate phonologic analysis
- Other suggested areas or improvements for standards based conversational systems development
Experts in the following technology areas would be welcome.
- computational linguistics
- speech prosody
- syntax
- internationalization
- mobile applications
- MMI/voice technology
For more information see http://www.w3.org/2010/02/convapps/cfp.html
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