This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Sat Mar 30 2019 19:40:44 UTC
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392 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
6042 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO WONT Build a canonical set of DHTML ARIA test cases 2008-09-08 2009-05-08
6653 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE [ARIA 2.0] How should web devs monitor attribute changes? 2009-03-05 2013-03-22
6751 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO INVA Add tabindex normalization info (re: doc section 2.1) 2009-04-02 2009-04-17
6752 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO WONT Move test cases out of the spec into the testing materials 2009-04-02 2009-05-08
6753 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Integrate HTML 5 tabindex recommendations into the spec 2009-04-02 2009-06-09
6754 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE More explanation on setting the DOM focus to the current element 2009-04-02 2009-09-22
6755 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO FIXE section 3.4 list item 2: Should this be a "must not"? 2009-04-02 2009-06-19
6756 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE 3.6.2 what kind of errors are to be reported for invalid aria attribute values? 2009-04-02 2009-09-15
6757 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WONT 3.6.3 make suggestion for computing reverse relations 2009-04-02 2010-01-05
6758 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE AccessibleHypertext: reference for trimming subtrees based on roles 2009-04-02 2010-02-04
6872 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Keyboard navigation paradigm 2009-05-08 2009-06-08
6873 ARIA Core AAM cooper RESO FIXE Difference between DOM and AAPI 2009-05-08 2009-06-08
6874 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Relation to rest of ARIA suite 2009-05-08 2009-05-14
6875 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Expand intro 2009-05-08 2009-06-08
6876 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Background on AAPIs as mediator between UA and AT 2009-05-08 2009-05-14
6877 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Integrate externally linked info on controlling focus with tabindex 2009-05-08 2009-06-08
6878 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO DUPL Integrate HTML5 tabindex recommendations into the spec 2009-05-08 2009-05-08
6879 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO DUPL More explanation on setting the DOM focus to the current element 2009-05-08 2009-05-08
6880 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Strong vs. weak native semantics 2009-05-08 2010-08-04
6881 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Determine which property to use for raw data when there is not a direct mapping 2009-05-08 2010-01-05
6882 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE UA behavior when content includes abstract role 2009-05-08 2009-05-22
6883 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Transition after "Dynamic role changes are considered an error..." 2009-05-08 2011-03-31
6884 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE ARIA Mapping Table 2009-05-08 2009-06-22
6885 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO DUPL UA behavior when invalid value 2009-05-08 2009-05-08
6886 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Introduction to Relations 2009-05-08 2009-05-14
6887 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Rework flow of relations section 2009-05-08 2010-01-05
6888 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE aria-owns for ATK/AT-SPI and IAccessible2 2009-05-08 2009-09-15
6889 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO DUPL Computing reverse relations 2009-05-08 2009-05-08
6890 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO DUPL AccessibleHypertext: reference for trimming subtrees based on roles 2009-05-08 2009-05-08
6891 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Reorganization 2009-05-08 2010-01-05
6892 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE defaults for Value types Decimal and Integer 2009-05-08 2009-06-08
6893 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Table of default property values when not specified. 2009-05-08 2009-05-14
6912 ARIA Core AAM chaals RESO WONT Add ARIA drag-and-drop impl notes 2009-05-15 2012-11-20
7016 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO LATE Determine if we need a section on default style sheets for WAI-ARIA 2009-06-12 2009-09-15
7017 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE FAQ on cancelling keydown/keypress 2009-06-12 2010-01-05
7018 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Determine "where appropriate" to expose focused and focusable states 2009-06-12 2009-09-11
7019 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Need a section on activation 2009-06-12 2010-07-23
7020 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Work through aria-activedescendent scenario 2009-06-12 2011-06-02
7021 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Definition of "activation behavior" 2009-06-12 2009-09-11
7022 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Need example of platform conventions for tab order 2009-06-12 2009-09-15
7023 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Intro needs some information from the PRIMER 2009-06-12 2009-07-17
7024 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Text about WAI-ARIA support for events and actions 2009-06-12 2010-07-23
7027 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Add information on computing setsize if not provided via aria-setsize 2009-06-15 2010-07-01
7028 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Defaut values for max/min are zero unless specified by author 2009-06-15 2009-08-06
7040 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Section 3.4 - verify ATK mappings 2009-06-22 2009-08-06
7041 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Section 3.4 - do UIA mappings 2009-06-22 2009-09-08
7042 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Section 3.4 - do IA2 mappings 2009-06-22 2010-01-05
7043 ARIA Core AAM cooper RESO WONT Create table listing states and properties for each role 2009-06-22 2010-05-04
7044 ARIA General cyns RESO WONT [ARIA 2.0] Work with browser vendors to come up with convention for forward compatibility of ARIA states and properties 2009-06-22 2016-01-19
7045 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO DUPL Add a mapping table for events 2009-06-22 2010-01-05
7046 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Section 3.1 General Rules: Think about how control types & patterns fit into general concepts in first paragraph 2009-06-22 2010-01-05
7047 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Add a table to section 3.5 describing how to map unsupported states and properties in the different APIs. 2009-06-22 2010-01-05
7060 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Section 3.4 - do Mac mappings 2009-06-26 2009-11-16
7064 ARIA Core AAM cooper RESO WONT Section Add example scenarios for Text Equivalent Computation 2009-06-29 2010-11-30
7065 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WONT Create a flow chart for Text Equivalent Computation 2009-06-29 2009-11-13
7066 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT Do we need a section describing what to do if an API doesn't support something? 2009-06-29 2010-07-06
7100 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Expose ARIA mappings when script turned off? 2009-07-13 2010-01-25
7101 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE [DIVERGENCE] Address diverging aria-owns implementations 2009-07-13 2010-04-21
7115 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT 4.2 add something about properties that cause other actions to be possible 2009-07-17 2010-11-11
7116 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO DUPL 4.1 Make 4.1 into a table 2009-07-17 2009-08-05
7117 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE 4.4 Selected = true/false/not defined - what does this mean? 2009-07-17 2009-09-22
7118 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE 4.5 determine if Mac and Linux have menu events comparable to the MSAA events in 4.5 2009-07-17 2010-07-01
7119 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Find out how IE computes names and descriptions of frames/iframes and the documents inside them 2009-07-17 2010-07-20
7120 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Find out how FF computes names and descriptions of frames/iframes and the documents inside them 2009-07-17 2010-04-21
7121 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Determine if there are security issues around outer documents overriding behavior inside frames 2009-07-17 2010-07-01
7128 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Section 2.3: What happens if setting the DOM focus on ancestor with aria-activedescendent is unsuccessful 2009-07-22 2010-11-24
7129 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Is there an MSAA role for "heading" 2009-07-22 2010-07-01
7134 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WORK Section, bullet A, need case for node that is not hidden and is pointed to by describedby 2009-07-23 2010-01-19
7182 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Add section on event notification on state and property changes? 2009-07-31 2010-02-09
7217 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO FIXE 4.2 Generate comprehensive list of all actions for ARIA roles 2009-08-05 2009-09-04
7218 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WONT 4.2: Generate events to fire for each action 2009-08-05 2010-10-28
7223 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Research when AccessibleHypertext should be exposed as it relates to ARIA. (was What to do with 4.1 Exposing Supplemental Interfaces) 2009-08-05 2010-11-11
7236 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Additional References 2009-08-06 2010-07-20
7240 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WONT Event throttling required on changes to aria-valuenow 2009-08-07 2010-03-24
7634 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT Text equivalent computation: should the user-entered value be part of the name? 2009-09-15 2010-12-09
7665 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WONT Talk to IE team about grabbable objects that support more than one action when grabbed 2009-09-17 2011-01-17
7666 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE [DIVERGENCE] How do multiple aria-owns relationships work in UIA? 2009-09-17 2010-04-21
7667 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WONT [ERROR HANDLING]How is aria-relevant exposed in UIA? 2009-09-17 2011-01-17
7788 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Error handling of IDREF and IDREFS 2009-10-01 2009-11-16
7789 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WONT [ERROR HANDLING]Find out what error processing IE does for Value types decimal and integer 2009-10-01 2011-01-17
7790 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Determine what IE does wrt CSS Selectors 2009-10-01 2010-04-21
7984 ARIA Core AAM faulkner.steve RESO WONT Create WCAG techniques or WAI-ARIA best practice for click handlers 2009-10-20 2012-10-18
8148 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Update Mac API mappings to Cocoa API 2009-11-02 2011-04-07
8279 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE What is the expected behavior for alertdialog? 2009-11-13 2010-01-19
8282 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Mapping for new scrollbar role and aria-orientation property 2009-11-13 2010-01-25
8315 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WORK Add a section on how to handle ID References? 2009-11-16 2010-01-19
8316 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE [ERROR HANDLING]Add section on error reporting to ATs? 2009-11-16 2010-03-02
8317 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE [DIVERGENCE] Start a thread on WAI-XTECH about using MSAA Description field to pass role as a text string 2009-11-16 2010-04-21
8318 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WONT Raise ARIA TF issue - why do we need role="log"? 2009-11-16 2010-03-30
8319 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WONT Synchronize ARIA mapping of options with HTML 5 mapping of options 2009-11-16 2012-10-18
8421 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO DUPL Resolve issue of aria-owns implementation in MSAA and UAI 2009-12-02 2010-01-19
8441 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Change event trimming 2009-12-04 2010-11-11
8464 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE spinbutton: PF Issues 86 & 87 2009-12-08 2010-06-29
8481 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Clarify how WIA-ARIA data is passed as a text string 2009-12-11 2010-11-29
8482 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Change "log" and "search" examples in Role Mapping 2009-12-11 2010-07-01
8483 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE IA2_EVENT_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED 2009-12-11 2010-01-25
8497 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE What to do about HTML specifics in UAIG 2009-12-15 2010-07-13
8907 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT Ensure that a controls relationship is set in tab/tabpanel relation 2010-02-09 2010-05-04
8908 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Clarify what the defaults mean for required states/properties that are not specified 2010-02-09 2010-04-21
8909 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT Get clarification on issue 108 2010-02-09 2010-07-19
8947 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Address overrides of state/property defaults for certain roles 2010-02-10 2010-07-01
9363 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Add requirement that UAs trigger an API alert for alertdialog gain focus 2010-03-29 2010-11-29
9368 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Change columns in mapping tables 2010-03-30 2011-03-11
9656 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WONT ISSUE-383: what if aria-labeledby points to element with role="presentation" 2010-05-04 2011-12-09
9878 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Link 'required owned elements' to aria spec (or copy def into ours) 2010-06-08 2010-07-01
9920 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Non-abstract role examples are incorrect 2010-06-14 2010-06-29
9929 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Action 661 2010-06-15 2010-06-29
10046 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO DUPL Action 632 2010-06-29 2010-07-01
10144 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Incorrect reference to State and Propoerty Mapping section in 3.1 Controlling Focus with tabindex 2010-07-13 2010-11-11
10288 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Role mapping for "form" and "rowgroup" 2010-08-03 2010-12-07
10300 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Do we need these references to tabindex implementations? 2010-08-05 2012-11-27
10614 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO WONT Clarify what <img role=presentation alt=<not-the-empty-string> > means 2010-09-12 2010-09-27
11454 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Find out what AccessibleSelection interface should be 2010-12-02 2011-03-10
11480 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Complete ATK column in table of events to fire on state and property changes 2010-12-06 2011-04-07
11509 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Open ARIA 2.0 issue about a control pattern based approach 2010-12-09 2011-06-02
11510 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT PFWG Issue-88 request that actions not be exposed when aria-disabled="true" 2010-12-09 2011-04-18
11512 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Determine how IE handles aria-hidden 2010-12-09 2011-01-21
11513 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Resolve conflict in UAIG wrt whether or not the entire role string is passed even when there is a direct mapping to an accessibility API 2010-12-09 2011-01-21
11514 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Populate UIA column in section 5.8.1 Table of events to be fired in each API for changes in WAI-ARIA states and properties 2010-12-09 2011-12-09
11515 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT In section 5.8.2, do the scenarios in the first two rows (subtree is hidden/removed) depend on the value of aria-relevant? 2010-12-09 2011-01-06
11795 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Clarify what "additional information" bullet means in state & property mapping rules 2011-01-18 2011-01-21
11803 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Add DOMFocusIn and DOMFocusOut to tabindex section 2011-01-19 2011-01-28
11805 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT Sync "Conflicts between native markup semantics and WAI-ARIA" with the spec 2011-01-19 2011-03-31
11806 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WONT Confirm whether "aria-" should be stripped from properties 2011-01-19 2011-01-21
11808 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Implied reverse relations should be more generic. 2011-01-19 2011-01-19
11809 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE [ERROR HANDLING] aria-posinset 2011-01-19 2011-01-19
11810 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Correct actions for treeitem 2011-01-19 2011-01-19
11811 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Correct errors in handling frame and iframe elements 2011-01-19 2011-11-07
11848 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE ACTION-805: Add events for changes to live regions 2011-01-24 2011-12-09
12683 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE ISSUE-442 Should aria-valuetext always override aria-valuenow 2011-05-18 2012-04-03
12684 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Do MS APIs support mixed state for check boxes? 2011-05-18 2011-07-14
12685 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Do ATK/AT-SPI and IA2 support mixed state for check boxes? 2011-05-18 2011-07-14
12686 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Does Mac OS X support mixed state for check boxes? 2011-05-18 2011-06-02
12860 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WONT ACTION-783: - if a table with role="presentation" has a caption, what role does caption get? 2011-06-02 2011-08-17
13177 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO LATE ACTION-842 Create a diagram illustrating the accessibility tree and the DOM tree 2011-07-07 2012-10-18
13205 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE ACTION-848: Add UIA Pattern Methods to Actions Table in 5.7 Actions? 2011-07-11 2011-12-09
13206 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE ACTION-844: Rewrite definition of "managed states" 2011-07-11 2011-08-10
13207 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Definition of "widget" - contrast with element and object 2011-07-11 2011-09-29
13208 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Complete table 4.1 (re: changes to 4.2 & 4.3 about clearing the focused state, add table for each API) 2011-07-11 2011-10-31
13209 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Edits to section on conflicts between ARIA and native semantics per Cynthia's comments 2011-07-11 2011-07-14
13211 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Check on UIA and state change events 2011-07-11 2011-07-14
13213 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE ACTION-849 Expand on UIA paragraph in "Changes to document content or node visibility" 2011-07-11 2011-07-14
13214 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE ACTION-850 Clarify text on node changes where the node is not an element or does not have an accessible object 2011-07-11 2012-04-24
13215 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO FIXE Check to see if UIA has a way to indicate that a change in document content or node visibility occurred as a result of user action 2011-07-11 2011-07-12
13217 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE ACTION-494 Determine how UIA exposes aria-relevant 2011-07-11 2011-07-14
13218 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO LATE ACTION-818 - TESTING - Investigate aria-expanded for UAIG, true/false/undefined value type 2011-07-11 2012-10-18
13234 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO WONT aria-busy state change events for ATI/AT-SPI and Mac OS X 2011-07-13 2011-07-14
13246 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE SelectionItem Pattern events when used on roles gridcell, option, row, tab and similar parent/child relationships 2011-07-14 2011-11-07
13258 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Fix RFC wording in section on Selection Events 2011-07-14 2011-12-09
13288 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE ACTION-819: Default attr values - either expose as default or don't expose at all 2011-07-18 2011-11-07
13317 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WORK spinbutton - are there any special handling rules for focus like there are for tablist? 2011-07-21 2011-07-22
13705 ARIA Core AAM cyns RESO WONT ISSUE-444: Determine if IE modifies the DOM 2011-08-08 2011-08-10
13783 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO INVA its very complicated. 2011-08-15 2011-09-20
14171 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE ISSUE-454: Investigate behavior of display:none as compared to aria-hidden="true" in IE 10 2011-09-15 2011-11-07
14295 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE ACTION-920: Correct aria-hidden row in State & Property Mapping Table 2011-09-26 2011-10-25
14320 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WONT ARIA activedescendant shouldn't require ARIA menus to be DOM focusable 2011-09-28 2011-12-09
14380 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WONT Provide a test file to Cynthia for sub-documents as described in section 6.1 2011-10-04 2011-11-07
14497 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Review section 5.8 - State and Property change events. 2011-10-18 2011-10-25
14503 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO LATE ACTION-925: alert & alertdialog events 2011-10-18 2012-10-18
14504 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE ISSUE-457: Clarify how non-relevant states and properties should be exposed 2011-10-18 2011-11-07
14560 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Section 4.1 - complete the ATK column 2011-10-25 2011-11-08
14561 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE ACTION-920 Complete IA2 and ATK mapping table for aria-hidden 2011-10-25 2011-12-09
14563 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE ATK mapping for role="presentation" 2011-10-25 2011-11-08
14893 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO FIXE aria-required causes event 2011-11-21 2011-11-29
14899 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO WONT text alternative computation algorithm problems 2011-11-22 2011-11-29
16020 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE Heading mapping is incorrect for MSAA 2012-02-17 2012-04-24
16652 ARIA Core AAM andi.snowweaver RESO FIXE aria-checked mapping issues raised by Alex 2012-04-06 2012-07-31
17489 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO WONT Using ARIA to provide keyboard access 2012-06-14 2018-05-11
17716 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO FIXE Mapping role "note" to IA2_ROLE_NOTE doesn't seem appropriate 2012-07-08 2013-10-22
19127 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO FIXE update Mac AX mappings for aria-labelledby and aria-describedby 2012-09-29 2012-11-06
19760 ARIA Test Cas clown CLOS FIXE Test file for test case 552 has invalid markup. 2012-10-29 2012-12-04
19772 ARIA Core AAM cyns CLOS FIXE if statement not needed for cobobox MSAA+UIA Express 2012-10-30 2013-06-13
19775 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO FIXE Missing State in MSAA+UIAExpress for a mixed checked state value 2012-10-30 2012-11-06
19776 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO FIXE add values to togglestate for aria-checked 2012-10-30 2012-11-06
19779 ARIA Core AAM dbolter RESO WORK UI instructions are inconsistent between aria-disabled ="false" and aria-disabled ="true" 2012-10-30 2013-01-24
19780 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO FIXE change MSAA+UIA Express mapping for link 2012-10-30 2013-03-20
19781 ARIA Test Cas clown RESO LATE missing test cases 2012-10-30 2018-05-03
19786 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO FIXE change log mapping 2012-10-30 2013-02-14
19864 ARIA Test Cas clown RESO FIXE Test case 576 expected results by platform make no sense. 2012-11-05 2012-11-09
21852 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO INVA Provide ARIA support in PDF files that open (in a browser) / (as stand alone). 2013-04-26 2013-10-02
22131 ARIA General cooper RESO MOVE An ARIA guideline for building a slideshow? 2013-05-22 2018-05-03
22220 ARIA General cooper RESO FIXE @role attribute, and ARIA global content attributes should be reflected DOM attributes. 2013-05-30 2018-05-03
23285 ARIA Core AAM aria-ua-impl RESO INVA svg related bug 2013-09-19 2013-10-02
23301 ARIA Test Cas clown RESO DUPL 2013-09-19 2013-11-12
23803 ARIA General cooper RESO FIXE Add an ARIA "spec" component to Bugzilla 2013-11-12 2014-05-12
23804 ARIA General jcraig RESO FIXE Add a link from the ARIA spec to file a bug 2013-11-12 2018-05-03
23889 ARIA General cooper RESO WONT Relating role=alert with role=status is confusing 2013-11-22 2018-05-07
25085 ARIA General cooper RESO WORK ARIA 1.1 Processor errors: "Incorrectly marked cross reference to aria-describedat" 2014-03-17 2014-03-24
25121 ARIA General cooper RESO MOVE Allow a value for unknown in aria-setsize 2014-03-21 2014-03-28
25509 ARIA Practice clown RESO FIXE Spinbutton left/right and up/down 2014-04-29 2014-05-05
25729 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE define aria attributes that include a human readable text string are translatable attributes 2014-05-15 2018-05-14
25852 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- editorial: add bug filing info 2014-05-21 2016-02-09
25949 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Remove RDF references 2014-06-02 2018-05-03
25950 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Harmonize role / state / property cross reference format 2014-06-02 2018-05-03
25951 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- aria-checked lists tristate value but includes an implicit undefined value 2014-06-02 2014-08-21
26034 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE ACTION-846: Clarify how CSS list numbering fits into text alternative computation in bullet 3 2014-06-11 2018-05-08
26035 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO NEED Write definition for static (in context of #listbox) defining element as not interactive like link or checkbox. 2014-06-11 2018-05-08
26036 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Update #propcharacteristic_value to add "space-separated tokens" language and link to mapping section: 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26037 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Clean up instances of "space-delimited", "space delimited", and "space-separated." (ARIA 1.1) 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26038 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Move the text "User agents MUST provide a way for assistive technologies to be notified when states change, either through DOM attribute change events or platform accessibility API events." from 6.5.1 to the end of section 6.5 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26039 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Propose rewording or removal of excess notes in #aria-hidden, and propose new wording for APG. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26040 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Clarify that aria-multiline should not be changed on the fly because it impacts role mapping 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26041 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Mention in aria-orientation that default is vertical for scrollbar, but usual default of horizontal applies to other roles 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26042 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Clarify it is an author error to include an ARIA global attribute on an element with an explicit or inherited role of presentation. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26043 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Clarify if an author applies an ARIA global attribute on an element with an *explicit* role of presentation, the UA should ignore the presentation role and apply the default native semantic role for the element. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26044 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Clarify if an author applies an ARIA global attribute on an element with an *inherited* role of presentation, the user agent should expose the element to the accessibility tree, but the UA can use its own heuristics to determine the role (any role, includ 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26045 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Update code samples on posinset/setsize to include comment that more clearly demonstrates that the other items are not in the DOM (these attrs are only required if DOM is incomplete) 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26046 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Add informative note that authors should not rely on rowgroup mappings on all platforms and therefore should not use additional attributes on an element with role rowgroup. 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26047 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Add author MUST that if you define setsize you MUST also define posinset. Define UA behavior if one is specified but the other is not. 2014-06-11 2018-05-08
26048 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Add a translatable attributes section, to address the feedback on HTML bug 23337. 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26049 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- Note on aria-activedescendant that HTML5 has a a native autocomplete attr that may be in conflict with this one. 2014-06-11 2014-06-11
26050 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Change presentation example from <span> to generic <example> element which does not have the same baggage as span, with varying cross-browser implementations. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26051 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Clarify that aria-hidden="false" does not override hidden state of ancestor elements 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26052 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Clarify that aria-hidden="false" does not override the hidden state of parent nodes, only the current node. 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26053 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Resolve comment from Mike Smith for ARIA 1.1 2014-06-11 2018-05-14
26054 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- Clarify example in #presentation that indicates <span> is always mapped to presentation; it's not true if an element has focusability, event handlers, or some other properties 2014-06-11 2014-06-11
26055 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE TAC 2B lists "select or combobox" which is redundant b/c combobox is a type of select 2014-06-11 2018-05-03
26085 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT accessible description shouldn't duplicate accessible name 2014-06-13 2018-05-03
26106 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO INVA Support for aria-hasannotation and aria-annotatedby 2014-06-16 2018-05-03
26136 ARIA General jcraig RESO MOVE Update style guide to clarify content attribute, DOM attribute, property, and state 2014-06-18 2018-05-03
26210 ARIA General cooper RESO WONT Doctype Use 2014-06-26 2018-05-03
26223 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE WAI ARIA Spec gives example of form field in a label, html5 says that's not ok. 2014-06-27 2018-05-03
26254 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-accordion WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices include contradictory guidance for Accordions 2014-07-02 2018-05-07
26262 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO INVA Allow stock summaries to be inserted by developers in navigation menus 2014-07-03 2018-05-03
26297 ARIA General cooper RESO WONT New role "blurb" to forewarn screen readers on the role of the text block, para, etc. 2014-07-09 2018-05-07
26307 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Definition of "owned" is not strict enough; should actually be direct children, not any descendant 2014-07-11 2018-05-08
26377 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-menubutton keyboard practices don't work correctly with JAWS 2014-07-17 2015-11-25
26617 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT Changelog section: Add "See full log in %Git repo link%" 2014-08-20 2018-05-08
26627 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT Ed notes in #aria-describedat citing Dominic and Alex should link to the full comments 2014-08-21 2018-05-11
26991 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO INVA Indicate clearly in the platform mappings which properties are fallback 2014-10-07 2018-05-14
27158 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-link does not address the need to specify tabindex 2014-10-24 2015-04-30
27159 ARIA Practice w3cbugzilla RESO FIXE pattern-link does not address the need for author to manage navigation 2014-10-24 2015-04-30
27160 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-link Text contains platform-specific keyboard advice without noting the platform dependencies 2014-10-24 2015-04-30
27277 ARIA Practice w3cbugzilla RESO FIXE pattern-link Add caution note regarding preference to use native link element 2014-11-07 2015-04-30
27278 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-checkbox Separate checkbox into dual-state and tri-state checkbox examples 2014-11-07 2015-04-29
27327 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-button Add a link to menubutton pattern and a brief description of the 3 different kinds of buttons 2014-11-14 2015-04-29
27328 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-button Add guidance to state that toggle button labels shouldn't change when pressed 2014-11-14 2015-04-29
27329 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-button Clean up language in the Keyboard section 2014-11-14 2015-04-29
27389 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA added proposed mapping for HTML5 <time> element 2014-11-21 2018-05-03
27391 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Corrections for ATK 2014-11-21 2018-05-03
27394 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-radio button Change the name to Radio Group 2014-11-21 2015-04-30
27395 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-radio button - Strike the text about CTRL+Arrows. 2014-11-21 2015-04-30
27396 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-radio button - Change the Shift+Tab text to state the following 2014-11-21 2015-04-30
27397 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-radio button - Remove the text about Using Images 2014-11-21 2015-04-30
27398 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-checkbox Remove text about using images for the state 2014-11-21 2015-04-30
27399 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-radio button - Add text about labelling the radio buttons 2014-11-21 2015-04-30
27400 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-checkbox Add text about labelling 2014-11-21 2015-04-29
27431 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO WORK link to editors draft broken 2014-11-25 2018-05-03
27495 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE spec requires use of aria-hidden with display:none 2014-12-03 2018-05-03
27526 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-menu - Change first paragraph of description 2014-12-05 2015-04-30
27527 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-menu - When presenting a menu, ensure that it is completely visible on screen 2014-12-05 2015-04-30
27575 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE The Roles model introduces a potential timing problem 2014-12-11 2018-05-03
27576 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Generic UI control role is required 2014-12-11 2018-05-11
27620 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO FIXE Definition of "accessible object" 2014-12-16 2015-01-27
27683 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Typos in specification of 'aria-labelledby' 2014-12-21 2018-05-03
27788 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Allow group as child of listbox 2015-01-08 2018-04-18
27798 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT Clarify that an assistive technology must use the author-provided 'aria-describedby' on an alertdialog 2015-01-11 2018-05-03
27801 ARIA General cooper RESO FIXE Use Respec feature for Conformance section and consistently mark sections as "non-normative" 2015-01-11 2018-05-03
27809 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-menu split horizontal and vertical menus in the keyboard section 2015-01-12 2015-04-30
27810 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-menu Add discussion of aria-disabled for disabled menu items 2015-01-12 2015-04-30
27811 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-menubutton should refer to the menu pattern for keyboard interaction 2015-01-12 2015-11-25
27812 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE pattern-missing - Patterns that are missing 2015-01-12 2018-05-14
27813 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-popupmenu: remove pattern - it is not best practice 2015-01-12 2015-04-30
27838 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE merge aria mapping table into role/attribute mapping tables 2015-01-15 2015-06-24
27856 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE Pattern-Spinbutton (widget): clarify description 2015-01-19 2015-04-20
27866 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Need an aria-interactive attribute to indicate a control has its own keyboard handlers 2015-01-20 2018-05-08
27870 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Allow specifying step size for range controls 2015-01-21 2018-05-14
27871 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Add an ARIA attribute to allow elements to specify their keyboard shortcut. 2015-01-21 2018-05-14
27897 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-spinbutton Remove note about RTL as it is not relevant here. 2015-01-26 2015-04-20
27899 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-slider Change description to explain better what a slider is. 2015-01-26 2015-04-30
27900 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-slider changes in sections 2015-01-26 2015-04-20
27901 ARIA Practice w3cbugzilla RESO FIXE pattern-slider (multithumb) 2015-01-26 2015-04-20
27910 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Aria-checked doesn't list all of the roles where it's used 2015-01-27 2018-05-14
27961 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE <footer> should map to the ARIA role contentinfo 2015-02-04 2015-06-24
28028 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO INVA pattern-dialog (non-modal) This pattern suggest that keys be provided for move but makes no suggestions 2015-02-14 2018-05-14
28035 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE tooltips with keyboard example too complex 2015-02-16 2018-05-14
28036 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-tooltip drop sentence 2015-02-16 2015-04-20
28037 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-alert Need to develop a proposal for a description 2015-02-16 2015-04-29
28038 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE remove "Tables of" from discussion of live regions 2015-02-16 2015-04-30
28084 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-windowsplitter edits 2015-02-23 2015-04-20
28085 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-listbox changes based on 2/23/2015 meeting 2015-02-23 2018-05-14
28138 ARIA AccName clown RESO FIXE Placeholder should map to description, not to name 2015-03-04 2018-05-25
28161 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WONT nameFrom mismatch between spec and the RDF of roles taxonomy 2015-03-07 2018-05-03
28163 ARIA Spec jcraig NEW --- Browsing mode recommendations/requirements don't reflect reality 2015-03-07 2015-03-07
28164 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO WORK Browsing mode requirements should be more consistent 2015-03-07 2018-05-03
28165 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE How does an author set a tree as inert? 2015-03-07 2018-05-03
28177 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE reference accname aam for describedby calculation 2015-03-09 2015-06-24
28187 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Introduce role="key" 2015-03-10 2018-05-03
28206 ARIA General shane RESO WONT ReSpec: short list of roles does not list "(abstract role)" next to the name. 2015-03-13 2018-05-03
28270 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO DUPL [AAPI]: questions around placeholder usage in acc name calc 2015-03-22 2015-06-10
28313 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE <dd> should map to ARIA role="definition" 2015-03-23 2015-06-24
28314 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE Input (type attribute in the Checkbox state and parent is a menu) should map to menuitemcheckbox 2015-03-23 2015-06-24
28315 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE Add <a> (represents a hyperlink and parent is a menu) and map to role=menuitem 2015-03-23 2015-06-24
28316 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE Fix mappings for table elements 2015-03-23 2015-06-24
28317 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE Need aria-roledescription for a localized description of an app-specific role 2015-03-23 2018-05-03
28376 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-slider: Note about up and down and pageup/pagedown 2015-03-30 2015-04-20
28404 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Calculating the accessible name of a table based on caption is sometimes not ideal 2015-04-03 2018-05-03
28409 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA should we include placeholder attribute in accessible name calculation? 2015-04-06 2018-05-03
28413 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Clarify use of aria-label on elements with no role 2015-04-06 2018-05-14
28458 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE Typos in time element 2015-04-09 2015-06-24
28556 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE Consider connecting tbody, tfoot, and thead to ARIA rowgroup role 2015-04-24 2015-06-24
28572 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE Pattern - Alert or Message Dialog: visible focus indicator is required 2015-04-27 2015-04-29
28582 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE Applying aria-autocomplete="none" is applied to an element having autocomplete="on" the native host language semantics should win. 2015-04-29 2015-06-24
28604 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE 4.1.2 Keyboard Navigaton 2015-05-05 2018-05-14
28605 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE 4.1.3 Keyboard Navigation within Widgets 2015-05-05 2018-05-14
28606 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO WONT 4.1.5 Example Keyboard Operation: Radio Group/Radio 2015-05-05 2018-05-14
28607 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE 4.2.6 Author-Defined Keyboard Short-Cuts or Mnemonics 2015-05-05 2018-05-14
28608 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE Supporting Tooltips with the Keyboard 2015-05-05 2018-05-14
28609 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE When Keyboard Handlers Shortcuts Steal the Keys 2015-05-05 2018-05-14
28610 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO INVA Steps for Defining a Logical Navigational Structure 2015-05-05 2018-05-14
28611 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE 6.2.1 Live Region Properties and How to Use Them 2015-05-05 2018-05-14
28612 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE A.3 Building Accessible Applications with WAI-ARIA 2015-05-05 2018-05-03
28624 ARIA Core AAM jcraig RESO NEED Mac "AX" property and value names in AAM specs 2015-05-12 2018-05-03
28677 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE aria-hidden content misleading 2015-05-22 2018-05-03
28694 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE Emphasis on keyboard interactions, which don't translate to touch devices 2015-05-22 2018-05-03
28695 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE input(type attribute in the Time state) should not map to ROLE_SYSTEM_SPINBUTTON 2015-05-23 2015-06-24
28741 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE Need to clarify sectioning ancestors of <footer> and <header> 2015-06-03 2015-06-24
28742 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE IA2 and ATK mappings for <footer> and <header> 2015-06-03 2015-06-16
28750 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE seems like a no brainer for it to have a default role=group? 2015-06-04 2015-06-24
28751 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO NEED should img alt="" be mapped to role=presentation? 2015-06-04 2018-05-03
28766 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA AX: spec should map native @autocomplete to @aria-autocomplete in strict or weak semantics tables 2015-06-05 2018-05-03
28767 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO MOVE modify required heading mappings to reflect reality 2015-06-05 2016-04-11
28768 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO MOVE Strong semantics table missing @value, @min, @max on ranges (slider, progressbar) 2015-06-05 2018-05-03
28769 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA is role=status correct for output element? 2015-06-05 2018-05-03
28770 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA unsure about correctness of link aria mapping requirment 2015-06-05 2018-05-03
28787 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO DUPL add tbody/thead/tfoot 2015-06-10 2015-06-24
28799 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Form element should have no default role or role of region 2015-06-11 2018-05-03
28815 ARIA Core AAM jcraig RESO NEED AXRoleDescription for contentinfo is "content information" 2015-06-16 2018-05-03
28816 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO FIXE Some ARIA roles lacking explicit a11y API role mappings 2015-06-16 2018-05-03
28838 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-treeview Issues 2015-06-22 2016-03-11
28839 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-Treeview - inccorect key assignment for select to last node 2015-06-22 2016-03-11
28840 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-treeview key for expanding multiple nodes is not correct 2015-06-22 2016-03-11
28842 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-Treeview Add description of multiselection model that does not require modifier keys 2015-06-22 2016-03-11
28844 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA are rel attribute values exposed in acc APIs? 2015-06-24 2018-05-03
28847 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO INVA just learn 2015-06-24 2018-05-03
28855 ARIA AccName clown RESO FIXE Step 2D is poorly defined 2015-06-26 2018-05-25
28870 ARIA HTML AAM surkov.alexander RESO INVA What decides if div has semantic meaning and so gets accessible object in IA2 and ATK 2015-07-01 2018-05-03
28871 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO WONT Consistent presentation of mapping details across AAM documents 2015-07-01 2018-05-03
28914 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE pattern-alert clarify that alerts must be added dynamically and not at page load 2015-07-06 2018-05-03
28916 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE pattern-missing Missing a Hide-Show region 2015-07-06 2016-04-13
28917 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-accordion Create a new accordion pattern based on multiple hide/show regions 2015-07-06 2018-05-03
28934 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Add role="image" as synonym for role="img" 2015-07-09 2018-05-14
28993 ARIA Practice w3cbugzilla RESO FIXE pattern-tabpanel Changes 2015-07-27 2016-03-07
29000 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA mapping for download attribute? 2015-07-28 2018-05-03
29001 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE aria-current, aria-describedat and aria-roledescription are not categorised under "Taxonomy of WAI-ARIA States and Properties" categories 2015-07-29 2018-05-14
29023 ARIA AccName clown RESO FIXE Need clarification on what to do when an empty string or bad IDREF is found when processing aria-labelledby 2015-08-03 2018-05-25
29032 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA UIA headings mapping incorrect 2015-08-05 2018-05-03
29034 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE [AAPI]: @indeterminate is not mapped in HTML-AAM 2015-08-06 2015-08-06
29035 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA [AAPI]: @indeterminate is not mapped in HTML-AAM 2015-08-06 2018-05-03
29036 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA [AAPI]: @indeterminate is not mapped in HTML-AAM 2015-08-06 2018-05-03
29040 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA "other form elements" should be "other labelable elements" 2015-08-06 2018-05-03
29064 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Embedded button control advice is confusing 2015-08-19 2018-05-03
29069 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO INVA Order of summary and title is switched between name and details for <table> 2015-08-20 2018-05-03
29101 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-autocomplete 2015-08-31 2018-05-14
29126 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO MOVE Should a <ul> allow a role="navigation" 2015-09-14 2015-09-14
29155 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-menu and menubar: Eliminate term "menubar item" 2015-09-28 2015-11-25
29156 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-Menu and menubar: eliminate reference to "child" menubars 2015-09-28 2015-11-25
29180 ARIA HTML AAM jason RESO FIXE Remove msaa+UIA Express column 2015-10-06 2016-09-07
29195 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE Include language about implicity html semantics in the APG where appropriate 2015-10-12 2018-05-03
29201 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE Accessible Name Calculation of label 2015-10-14 2018-05-03
29214 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO INVA Unclear why aria-hidden=true on focusable elements etc. should be ignored 2015-10-20 2018-05-03
29215 ARIA Core AAM clown RESO MOVE Mapping Rules #5 and 6 in Section 5.5.1 : User agents need to make assumptions? 2015-10-20 2018-05-03
29230 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Name computation with rendered descendants not specifed for these cases 2015-10-22 2018-05-03
29245 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA accessible name calc of label-for of hidden nodes 2015-10-26 2018-05-03
29261 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE define legend/fieldset acc name relatiosnhip in accname section 2015-11-04 2015-11-11
29275 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA setsize info for menu/dl/ etc 2015-11-10 2018-05-03
29279 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO DUPL What are the "native host langague text alternative element or attribute(s)" for HTML? 2015-11-14 2015-11-19
29280 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Which elements allow “name from contents”. 2015-11-14 2018-05-03
29281 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA what are html tooltip attributes? 2015-11-14 2018-05-03
29282 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA use X attribute if it was not used as the accessible name 2015-11-14 2018-05-03
29283 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Label elements containing controls 2015-11-14 2018-05-03
29284 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA consider re-writing text alternative calculation section modeled on SVG-AAM text alternative calculation section 2015-11-14 2018-05-03
29297 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE add a section about browser and AT support for patterns 2015-11-16 2018-05-14
29301 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA mapping header (nearest sectioning ancestor being body) to banner role conflits with HTML spec 2015-11-20 2018-05-03
29303 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-dialog(modal): edits 2015-11-23 2016-05-09
29325 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE pattern-dialog(non-modal) 2015-12-07 2018-05-14
29326 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE pattern Add a move/resize pattern 2015-12-07 2018-05-14
29327 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO LATE pattern-dialog (tooltip) Gut and start over 2015-12-07 2018-05-03
29328 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO FIXE update dialog to point to aria dialog 2015-12-08 2015-12-10
29336 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE Determine how to address high contrast mode compatibility of images in custom widget development 2015-12-14 2018-05-03
29339 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO MOVE Add guidance for new aria-errormessage property 2015-12-17 2018-05-03
29352 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO NEED <label> element can provide label for more than currently included in spec 2015-12-26 2018-05-03
29391 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE Pattern-toolbar 2016-01-25 2016-03-11
29402 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Placeholder text and wrapped labels 2016-01-29 2018-05-03
29469 ARIA Practice a11ythinker RESO FIXE pattern-listbox 2016-02-15 2018-05-14
29581 ARIA Spec jcraig RESO FIXE aria-posinset and aria-setsize are not listed as supported attributes for the roles menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, and menuitemradio 2016-04-20 2018-05-03
29600 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA Focus and Keyboard Interaction with details and summary 2016-04-28 2018-05-03
30065 ARIA HTML AAM faulkner.steve RESO INVA radio buttons can be in the "mixed" state 2017-02-16 2018-05-03
30112 ARIA AccName clown RESO FIXE 4.3 Text Alternative Computation -- Including title attribute (as part of description computation) in Text Alternative Computation 2017-05-16 2018-05-25
30114 ARIA AccName clown RESO INVA Support IPv6 link-local addresses? 2017-05-25 2017-05-25
30115 ARIA AccName clown RESO INVA Support IPv6 link-local addresses? 2017-05-25 2018-05-03
30127 ARIA General cooper RESO INVA 2017-06-14 2018-05-07
392 bugs found.