Community Groups
This is a tracking page for APA WG to record its decisions about whether to track the activities of particular Community Groups for relevance to accessibility.
New Community Groups to review
Group Name | Description | Creation Date | Assignee | Updates | Last Update date |
name and link | description | creation date | info | status | yyyy-mm-dd |
Font and Text | discuss and develop specifications and implementations for technologies such as shaping and layout which operate on and at the interface between text encoding and font formats. | 2020-08-24 | 14 members; setting up GitHub repo | track if active - potential COGA and low vision issues; suggest to WAI-CC | 2020-09-16 |
Digital asset Standard | bring together (top companies, universities, and teams involved in digital finance technology in various industries) and frontier technology in digital finance to push forward the development to digital asset standardization. | 2020-07-28 | 14 members no activity yet | revisit | 2020-09-16 |
SVG-CH | The mission of this group is to translate W3C SVG specifications into Chinese. | 2020-05-06 | 2 members, no activity | no need to track | y2020-09-16 |
XSLT Extensions | The group aims to agree extensions to the XSLT 3.0 Recommendation published on 8 June 2017, along with supporting changes to the other specifications (XPath, Functions and Operators) on which it depends. | 2020-04-23 | 2 participants, no chair, no activity; no status change as of 2020-09-08 | no need to track | 2020-09-16 |
WebAuthN Adoption | coordinate research and actions to help with broader adoption of the Web Authentication ecosystem. Group participants will contribute to identifying the obstacles that slow down adoption of WebAuthn. No specs planned | 2020-04-23 | 31 members, meeting regularly; as of 2020-09-08 still meeting regularly | no need to track | 2020-09-16 |
Media Delivery | The mission of this group is to define several APIs that provide a standardised method of processing, optimizing and delivering images and video over the web | 2020-04-23 | 9 members, no recent ML activity; no status change as of 2020-09-08 | revisit | 2020-09-16 |
Web Fights COVID | objectives: (1) to create a repository of already existing Web resources related to covid19 (2) to identify other Web-based initiatives which are on-going (3) to share Web-based initiatives of CG Members | 2020-04-10 | 17 members, ML activity in March and April ; no status change as of 2020-09-08 | no need to track - good a11y representation | 2020-09-09 |
TNS Blockchain | explore the use of Digital Names within existing web applications and PaaS and IaaS platforms. Digital Names simplifies the remembering, typing and everyday usage of digital wallets for crypto and kind of crypto payments or receipts into or out of a Digital Wallet. | 2020-04-07 | 3 participants, no recent activity. no status change as of 2020-09-08 | revisit | 2020-09-16 |
Linked Data for Accessibility | make accessibility information about buildings, services and routes easier to find via (1) creating a common and open standard vocabulary for accessibility and (2) by providing a central place for the web community to discuss issues around physical accessibility data. | 2020-03-31 | minimal ML activity, 19 members; no status change as of 2020-09-08 | no need to track, good a11y representation (Josh) | 2020-09-09 |
OpenUI | The group will be researching components and controls across the web and also looking to native paradigms to bring interoperability for design systems, frameworks and the web platform. | 2020-03-24 | 26 members, have had teleconf; meeting monthly as of 2020-09-08 | revisit | 2020-09-09 |
Network Maintenance Notifications | discuss the possibility of creating a schema to describe network maintenance notifications. This topic has received traction in the industry, and thus a standard should at least be discussed. | 2020-03-19 | 4 members, no chair, no recent ML activity; no status change as of 2020-09-08 | no need to track | 2020-09-09 |
Rights Automation for Marketing Data | develop and publish a market-data profile for ODRL. With a standard, machine-readable way of describing market data licenses, we can look towards automating rights-management along the market data supply chain and drive efficiencies in financial markets. - still meeting as of 2020-09-08 | 2020-03-13 | meeting regularly | revisit | 2020-09-09 |
COVID-19 Remote Meet, Work, Class | A clearinghouse for experience and guidelines for people who are suddenly called to avoid travel or meetings, work-at-home or do classes online. | 2020-3-12 | 16 members - active in March but not much ML activity since; no status change as of 2020-09-08 | no need to track - good a11y representation | 2020-09-09 |
Decentralized Identity of Korean | focused discussion in Korean of the Decentralized Identity – Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), Verifiable Credentials(VC) and of related spec | 2020-03-04 | minimal activity | no need to track | 2020-09-09 |
Synthetic Media | explore modern architectures of AI to generate or synthesize media and interactive media content. We intend to advance the state of the art with a number of new standards. | 2020-03-02 | no chair, no ML activity, 13 members; no status change as of 2020-09-08 | revisit if becomes active | 2020-09-09 |
CSS4 | debate and define CSS4 as umbrella term to increase adoption, etc. of new featurs | 2020-02-24 | no chair, no ML activity | check back in December to see if activity and direction | 2020-07-15 |
Unitive Web | foster independence of the Web - create a global open virtual space of information which is responsive and reliable. It offers open customization of user interaction, open bottom-up schema mapping, integration of (AI) algorithms, and facilitates in the protection of privacy. | 2020-02-14 | 6 members, no ML activity; no status change as of 2020-09-08 | no need to track unless becomes active | 2020-09-09 |
CSS Print | gather use cases, help with specifications, and advocate for more and better implementations | 2020-02-13 | no need to track | 46 members, few ML entries | 2020-07-15 |
Inclusive Design for the Immersive Web | tracks and promotes progress on accessibility issues identified across the many relevant W3C and Khronos groups working on aspects of XR | 2020-02-12 | 5 members, good a11y representation | no need to track | 2020-09-09 |
MFX Media | explore and develop media containers to serve the growing needs of the content creator - global tracking and accountability to improve transparency | 2020-02-04 | check back in December to see if activity and direction | 5 members, no ML activity | 2020-07-15 |
Bridging GraphQL and RDF | explore how GraphQL and RDF can be combined, and to what respect they can benefit each other. | 2020-01-31 | check back in December to see if activity and direction | 44 participants, some ML activity | 2020-07-15 |
Building Device Naming Standards | Being able to efficiently collect, analyse and leverage data insights from buildings is a catalyst for optimising building performance, improving the use of resources and moving towards predictive maintenance and buildings that can respond to the climate emergency. | 2020-01-21 | no need to track | reviewed | 2020-01-29 |
Privacy | Develop privacy-focused web standards and APIs to improve user privacy on the web through enhanced browser behavior. | 2020-01-17 | revisit in May | actively meeting, 204 members - probably worth tracking | 2020-01-29 |
Cognitive AI | Work on use cases and requirements, demo's, open source, and scaling experiments. | 2019-12-10 | revisit in May | Dave Raggett is active | 2020-01-29 |
Accessibility for Children | Discuss accessibility adapted for children (age appropriate, literacy relevant). | 2019-12-06 | revisit in May | 2 members, no chair, no activity | 2020-01-29 |
Business Data APIs and Interchange | Define standards for transmission of various business data in a public, extensible, and humanly readable manner rather than current EDI format. | 2019-10-21 | no need to track | reviewed | 2020-01-29 |
Ad Blocker | Improve web standards by conveying to Working Groups use cases from an ad blocker perspective (particularly ad blocker browser extensions). | 2019-09-29 | revisit in May | 14 members, minimal ML activity but draft charter submitted in April,2020 | 2020-01-29 |
Bullet Chatting | A community group to incubate work on bullet chatting. | 2019-09-26 | revisit in May | 19 members, no ML activity in n20202 | 2020-01-29 |
Bitcoin Hypermedia | We will explore the sui generis nature of the "bit : coin :: info : creation" network/system/tree rooted in the Genesis block planted by Satoshi Nakamoto on January 3, 2009 using the seed (hash) value 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f. This group may publish specifications, but it is initially focused on the facilitation of focused, collaborative discussions. | 2019-09-19 | no need to track | reviewed | 2020-01-29 |
MiniApps | A community group to incubate work on MiniApps and serve as a base for analysis and proposals of specific work items | 2019-09-19 | taken to WAI-CC, assigned to Roy | reviewed | 2020-01-29 |
Web Thing Protocol | Define a common protocol for communicating with connected devices over the web, to enable ad-hoc interoperability on the Web of Things. The group will collaborate with the W3C Web of Things Interest Group and Working Group to ensure any specifications complement or extend the “Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description” specification. | 2019-09-17 | no need to track | reviewed | 2020-01-29 |
Immersive Captions | Determine and publish best practices for access, activation, and display settings for captions with different types of Immersive Media - AR, VR & Games. | 2019-09-17 | revisit in May | 23 members, active internal ML, good a11y representation | 2020-01-29 |
Solid | The Solid project aims to improve privacy and data ownership on the Web through a proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications. | 2018-10-03 | revisit in May | 124 members but not much recent ML activity | 2020-01-29 |
Machine Learning for the Web | Increase ML presence in Web by incubating and developing a dedicated low-level Web API for machine learning inference in the browser. | 2018-10-03 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-02 |
RDF-DEV | Collaboration around applications, schemas, and past/present/future standards related to RDF. Successor to SWIG/RDFIG. | 2018-10-16 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-02 |
Publishing | Incubation zone for Publishing@W3C. Bring your experiments here. | 2018-10-22 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-02 |
Audio | Gather and incubate new features and requirements for the Web Audio API. | 2018-10-28 | revisit in January | actively meeting in 2020 | 2019-10-02 |
BD Comics Manga | The mission of the BD Comics Manga Community Group (*) is to study and document, for all kinds of visual narratives expressed digitally, a common conceptual model and associated sets of controlled values. | 2018-10-31 | presented to WAI-CC on 2019-12-08 | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
Voter Decision Systems | This community group shall advance the theory and practice of decision-making software and decision support systems for use by citizens during voting-related and civic participation activities. | 2018-11-27 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
Notation 3 (N3) | further development, implementation, and standardization of Notation 3 - an assertion and logic language - including the N3 Rules language. | 2018-11-27 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
ARIA and Assistive Technologies | his community group is dedicated to: 1. helping assistive technology developers converge on a set of clear norms for baseline support of WAI-ARIA. 2. Helping web developers understand the current state of support for WAI-ARIA by assistive technologies. | 2018-11-30 | no need to track | coordinated with ARIA Integration practices | 2019-10-09 | | The objective of the community group is: to facilitate a consensually agreed route for the conversion and/or mapping of bibliographic data into; | 2018-12-04 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
web Video Map Tracks (WebVMT) | This group aims to encourage uptake of Web Video Map Tracks (WebVMT) to help establish an online ecosystem of users and developers | 2018-12-05 | revisit if activity | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
Knowledge Graph Construction | The overall goal of this community group is to support its participants into developing better methods for Knowledge Graphs construction. Related to R2RML language | 2018-01-08 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
Computational Legal Description Support | Our current focus is: a) the exploration of availability of formal litigations b) specification of the formal means of representation of lawsuit proceedings / legal knowledge. | 2019-01-08 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
ceddl html attribute-based markup and javascript api | Applying lessons learnt by many implementations of Customer Experience Digital Data Layer (CEDDL) and bringing this back into a specification for the browser. | 2019-01-08 | revisit if activity | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
Schema Extensions for IoT | This Community Group is for creating extensions to for IoT use cases. | 2019-01-17 | assigned-RQTF (if activity) | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
MathML Extensions | his group will focus on changes to the MathML 3 recommendation so that it better aligns with the current web environment, eases the burden on browser implementations, and increases support for assistive technology. | 2019-01-24 | no need to track | There is already disability participation | 2019-09-03 |
Talent MarketPlace Signaling | The goal of the Talent Marketplace Signaling (TalentSignal) Community Group is to assist in improving workforce signaling by refining existing types serving the talent pipeline and suggesting new types and properties where improved signaling cannot otherwise be achieved. | 2019-02-06 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
SVG | The mission of this group is to gather and incubate new features and requirements for SVG — making it easier for software developers and content creators in the SVG community to engage with the SVG standardization process. | 2019-02-13 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-10-09 |
Knowledge Domain | Exploring effective architectural and best practices support for publishing content on, and author content for the web effectively expressing knowledge domain specific content according to standard practices in that knowledge domain discipline. | 2019-02-13 | watching | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
Conversational Interfaces | The mission of the Conversational Interfaces Community Group is to enable web developers to collaborate and share conversational experiences for a variety of domains. | 2019-02-28 | take to WAI-CC | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
SPARQL 1.2 | aims to create consensus and understanding of the impact of new features with special emphasis on features that leave existing SPARQL 1.1 queries and systems unchanged. | 2019-03-29 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
ACT Rules | an open forum set up to document and harmonise the interpretation of W3C accessibility standards, such as WCAG and WAI-ARIA, for testing purposes. | 2019-04-04 | no need to track - heavily A11y representation | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
Functional Knowledge Graph | create specifications for encoding ontologies that AI Assistants can operate upon enabling them to execute functions embedded in a web page. | 2019-04-16 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
Chemistry for the Web and Publishing | focus on moving beyond simply providing images of Chemistry content on the web and in published materials to a semantically rich form that will work for everybody, including persons with disabilities. | 2019-05-14 | revisit | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
EVM | improve the specification of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, extend it, and promote its adoption for use cases including public & private blockchains and sidechains, trusted computing, and enterprise usage. | 2019-05-14 | no need to track - closed 2019-10-01 due to lack of participants | reviewed | 2019-09-03 |
Graph Standardization | take the output from the recent W3C Graph Data Workshop and develop a strategy for how the work should move ahead. Use cases, business needs, tech. work needed within W3C | 2019-05-27 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-09-03 |
Entity Reconciliation | developing a web API that data providers can expose, which eases the reconciliation of third-party data to their own identifiers. OpenRefine's reconciliation API is used as a starting point. | 2019-06-11 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
Semantic Industries | Researchers are interested in understanding the actual needs of industrial partners, gathering use cases and example data, and clarifying the challenges that further research can help address, as well as refining the methodologies for developing semantic based solutions. Syncing that with industry and developers | 2019-06-11 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
Digital Identity | mission is to identify and resolve real world identity issues, to explore and build a more secure trusted digital identity ecosystem on internet for people, organizations and things fully controlling, protecting and expressing their identity. | 2019-06-20 | take to WAI-CC in January 2020 | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
zot protocol | To standardize the Zot protocol currently used in Hubzilla and Zap, and to push its adoption for social web. (Zot The novel JSON-based protocol for implementing secure decentralised communications and services. It differs from many other communication protocols by building communications on top of a decentralised identity and authentication framework. The authentication component is similar to OpenID conceptually but is insulated from DNS-based identities.) | 2019-06-27 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
Design Tokens | The Design Tokens Community Group's goal is to provide standards upon which products and design tools can rely for sharing stylistic pieces of a design system at scale. | 2019-07-31 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
Web Certificate API | The goal of Web Certificate API Community Group is to provide a JavaScript API for certificate related operations in web applications, such as retrieving a list of certificates, obtaining a public key and a private key associated with a certificate. | 2019-09-02 | no need to track | reviewed | 2019-12-18 |
name and link | description | creation data | info | status | yyyy-mm-dd |
Community Groups the APA WG hopes to track but isn't sure if it will live or not so wants to recheck
Updated with status as of Sept. 4, 2019
- Apps Design Lab - minimal (30) mailing list entries since startin April 2081
- Veres One - no chair, minimal mailing list entries
- Blockchain and Decentralized apps - no chair,minimal mailing list (ML) entries (4) since March 2018
- Art & Culture (Museums) on the Web - 30 ML entries since Nov. 2017
- Merging of Web and Mobile App - 7 ML entries since March 2018
- Web5G Based Communications Accessibility- no chair, 2 ML entries since March 2018
- Improve Web Advertising - fairly active, >70 ML entries in 2019
- Semantic building data - closed August, 2019 - see Linked Building Data Community Group ML somewhat active - a few posts/month
- - only ML entries since July, 2017 are queries about TPAC representation
- Decentralized Communications - no chair, only ML entries since May 2018 are queries about TPAC representation
- Mixed Reality Service - only 41 ML entried since April, 2017 - recent ones all relate to TPCA representation
Community Groups the APA WG hopes to actively track
Updated with status as of Sept. 4, 2019
- Credible Web - faily active in 2018, minimal ML activity in 2019
- Web Payments and Commerce Accessibility - working with Web Commerce - no chair, 50 ML entries since July, 2017
- Web Commerce - Janina - closed August, 2019
- Synchronized Multimedia for Publications - Janina - 40 ML entries since Jan 2018
- Audio Description - Janina - 60 ML entries since May 2018
- EPUB 3 - MC: maybe, or maybe direct ARIA and WAI IG to it - active ML
- WebVR - MC: probably should follow though unclear if the CG is really active, and there is now a WG also - active ML
- Blockchain - ask WAI-IG for help@@ - active in 2017, minimal ML activity in 2018, 2019
- Getting Math onto Web Pages - many of our people are in it@@ - somewhat active, although less so in 2019, Joanie may have more info
- Voice Interaction - probably mainly interested in their output@@ - minimally active, <70 ML entries since June 2016
- Web of Things - large group but no recent activity; per July 25 2018 meeting, keep monitoring - minimal ML entries since November 2016
- Web-based Signage - Robert Pearson - minimal ML activity since Dec 2017 (since mostly just about TPAC attendance)
- Web Payments - if UI defined; very active; also working closely with Web and Mobile IG - fairly active ML
- Second Screen Presentation - Media sub-group interested; address in use cases; - active ML although CG page not updated recently
- Credentials - Shane participating - active ML
- - Shane participating; we have an interest in suggesting they adopt role values; Rich Schwerdtfeger and Matt Garrish doing related work; may relate to IndieUI: User Context or its descendants; may relate to DPub - active ML
- Automotive Ontology - may relate to Driverless Accessibility User Requirements - Not very active ML, some discussion in March 2019
- Web Platform Incubator - <100 ML entries since July, 2015; recent ones are about TPAC participation
- Music Notation - Janina to track. - ML activity in spurts since August 2015
Community Groups the APA WG thinks might need examination later
- Responsive Issues - absorbed by Web Platforms WG - Leonie to keep us updated as needed
- Licensed Content - check in late 2017 for activity@@
- Electronic Governance (eGov)
- Stereoscopic 3D Web - should send requirement for graceful degradation and other image requirements
- Open and Interactive Widgets for STEM
- ORTC (Object Real-time Communications)
- Sustainable Web Design
- Geospatial Semantic Web - Janina to send use cases
- Print and Page Layout - Janina to find ODF work on page layout and forward
- Federated Social Web - ensure PF comments on incubator document taken up
- PubSubHubbub - John Carlson, Jennison
- Open Annotation
- Accessible Infographics
- Augmented Reality
- Human Services - no idea from the abstract what they do, check in later
- Linked Building Data - might care about physical accessibility and sensor information
- Web Bluetooth - proposes an interface to manage devices so we need to look at that
- Spec Annotations - need to make sure annotation feature is accessible
- Multi-device Timing Community Group
- Web NFC Community Group - if the API specifies timeouts, need ability to specify extra time; otherwise may need WCAG techniques on implementations
- [1] - potential RDTF interest, group seems quiet but references external activity
- Schema Architypes - a11y metadata about archives may be relevant; may relate to other a11y metadata activities
- Universal Images
Community Groups whose output might interest us
- Chinese Web Accessibility
- HTML for email
- Web Audio Developers
- Accessibility in India
- Microposts
- Philosophy of the Web - Jason White, Al Gilman
- RDF JavaScript Libraries - Lisa Seeman (but hasn't joined)
- Robustness and Archiving - Output might interest Cognitive TF re finding expected resource
- Browser Sync - we might have interest if accessibility data synced; interesting OS compatibility issues if so
- Extensible Data Model Declaration Language for Education Community Group - Mark Sadecki is member
- Accessible Online Learning Community Group
- BDE-Secure societies - protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens Community Group in case they develop anything inhibits accessible logon
- Healthcare Schema Vocabulary - we want the terms to be comprehensive, and we want our work to relate to them well
Community Groups the APA WG thinks do not need to be followed
- TV Control API - per 25 July 2018 meeting, no activity
- Semantic Web Interfaces - per 25 July 2018 meeting, no activity, covered by RDWG
- Restricted Media
- Emergency Information - per 25 July 2018 meeting, no activity
- Extensible Web - per 25 July 2018 meeting, no activity
- Media Resource In-band Tracks - per 25 July 2018 meeting, no activity
- Touch Events - per 25 July 2018 meeting, no activity
- Trust & Permissions - per 25 July 2018 meeting, no activity
- Brazilian Publishing - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Multi dimensional quality metrics (MQM) - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Croation Web Developers - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- SHACL - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- RSocket Protocol Specification - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Xproc Next - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Vocabularies for Big Data Analysis - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Digital Asset Mgmt Business Ontology - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Educational and Occupational Credentials in - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Distributed Trace Content - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Process Ontology - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Distributed Compute Protocol - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- W3C Women - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Open Data Nepal - per 25 July 2018 meeting
- Organisation Profile Documents Community Group
- Internet Protocol Identity Community Group
- RDF Test Suite Curation
- Social Economy
- Machine Learning Schema
- CSV on the Web - MC: no need to follow
- Web We Can Afford - MC: don't think we need to follow, but philosophy could be pro a11y, might want to alert WAI IG, may be effectively just one person though
- World Archives of Sciences - no activity for a year; MC: no need to follow
- Meat Products - MC: no need to follow
- Data Pipelining Use Cases - MC: no need
- Hardware Based Secure Services - MC: probably need to follow, need to make sure they don't bake inaccessibility into the hardware security level
- Big Data Europe - MC: no need
- OpenActive - MC: no need
- Internet of Kendo Secure Equipment - MC: no need
- Bible Perikopes - MC: group seems dead, uncertain on a11y priority if it were living, ask dpub allies?
- RDF and XML Interoperability - MC: no need
- Smart Manufacturing - MC: no need
- Accessible Playlist - MC: group seems dead, but it's mission on we want to coordinate on
- Open Educational Resources Schema - MC: uncertain, group is dead, mission may be low level but could have important a11y overlap, need opinion from educators who work with a11y
- SPARQL Maintenance (EXISTS) - MC: no need
- experimental protocols - MC: no need
- Blockchain Digital Assets - MC: uncertain, but CG is dead
- PDF and Open Data - MC: uncertain
- Semantic Web in Health Care and Life Sciences - MC: uncertain, would say no but a11y community could have use cases; however group seems dead
- Web Media API - MC: maybe
- Chainpoint - MC: probably not
- Offline URL - MC: no need
- Paid Content - MC: maybe, may need accessible ways to do their thing, but group seems not very alive
- Digital Offers - MC: uncertain, probably not
- Declarative WebVR - MC: probably pro-a11y, not sure if we need to track
- Digital Verification - MC: may need to track (need accessible verification methods), though group may be dead
- Video Game Schema - MC: no need
- Social Web Incubator - MC: probably no need, and seems dead
- for datasets - MC: no need
- SKOS and OWL for Interoperabilty- MC: no need
- Shape Expressions - MC: no need
- WebAPI Discovery - MC: no need
- Enterprise Ethereum - MC: no need
- Color on the Web - MC: probably want to be involved, though unsure if it's a viable CG
- OpenTrack - MC: no need
- Public Alert - MC: important subject to track, but may not be a viable CG
- HTTPS in Local Network - MC: no need
- Data on the Web Best Practices - MC: no need
- GPU for the Web - MC: uncertain, might be low level, or might run into a11y challenges
- Schema Generator - MC: no need
- Distributed User Interfaces - MC: could have important a11y benefits, but CG not yet demonstrated viable
- Publishing - MC: business group, not CG, bleh, skip
- Bioschemas for lifesciences - MC: no need
- Open Science - MC: no need
- Web Platform Chinese - MC: no need
- Silver - MC: no need, we have existing coordination channels
- XPath Next - MC: no need
- Physical Ledger - MC: no need
Community Groups the APA WG wanted to follow but doesn't seem valuable to
- Accessible SVG - seems not very active, PF actively engaged with SVG WG
- Remote DOM - seems inactive
- Web App Source Code Protection - seems inactive
- Interactive APIs - seems inactive, except for one contributor on wiki
- Information Architecture - seems inactive
- Cartography - ask Jonathan Chetwynd to liaise - seems inactive
- Web Performance - James Nurthen to tell Web Performance CG about problems with CSS sprites as an optimization method - seems inactive
- Law and Technology - possible interest for Judy Brewer, Shadi Abou-Zahra, Laura Ruby, Alex Li, DAISY, Ken Salaets, Wendy Seltzer, Lainey Feingold, Cynthia Waddell - seems inactive
- Mobile Accessibility - John Foliot - seems inactive, supplanted by mobile a11y tf, maybe should close
- Web Hypertext Application Technology - is just a portal to WhatWG which is tracked elsewhere
- Digital Publication - Shawn Henry, ask DAISY - says it's closed
- HTML 5 Specifications - HTML A11Y TF - seems inactive
- HTML Editing APIs - appears to be a portal to WebApps WG
- Web App Source Code Protection - seems inactive
- Ubiquitous Application Design - seems inactive
- Zakim on Web - Janina to join if group gets traction - seems inactive
- Session management functionality exposed to the browser - seems inactive
- Future of e-payments - group closed
- Technical Architecture - ask Thomas Roessler to ping us with issues (request not accepted) - seems inactive
- African Developers Taking on the Web - Sally Cain - seems inactive
- WebApps UI - seems inactive
- ActivityPub
- Film Industry - seems inactive
- WebID - John Foliot, Matt May - seems inactive, work folded into other places
- User Interaction and Experience - seems inactive
- Federated Identities for the Open Web - seems inactive
- Web Copyright - ensure fair use for print disabled preserved - seems inactive
- SVG Streaming - seems inactive
- Web MIDI - seems inactive
- Open Linked Education - seems inactive and less relevant than we though
- Declarative Linked Data Apps - seems inactive
- VoiceXML - seems inactive
- Haptic Interaction on the Web - seems inactive
- Places - seems inactive
- Big Data - seems inactive
- WAI-Engage: Web Accessibility - seems inactive
- Collaborative Software Community Group - seems inactive
- Maps For HTML Community Group - seems inactive
- Markdown - Shane McCarron - seems inactive
- Private User Agent - also IndieUI interest - seems inactive
- Semantic Sensor Networks - seems to have been subsumed by Web of Things
- Web of Sensors - seems inactive
- Social Business - seems inactive
- Colour Blindness Accessibility - very interesting but seems inactive
- Math Protocol Handler Community Group - seems inactive
- Wearable Web - seems inactive
- Annotation UX - seems inactive
- The Hardware Pixel - seems inactive
- Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data Community Group - could relate to COGA