Draft SVG Community Group charter for discussion
Posted on:Welcome to the SVG Community Group!
But what does that mean? What is the group supposed to do? How will it work? Who gets to decide?
A group charter answers these questions. As your chair (for now, anyway) I’ve written up a draft charter for the group, which you can read at: https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/svgcg-2019.html
But that’s just my take. I hope to receive comments and suggestions about the charter from both experienced W3C folks and from community members who have signed up to be part of the group.
Please post feedback as GitHub issues (using the tag [svgcg-2019] in the issue title), so we can have all the comments in one place. If you’re not yet on GitHub, this would be a good time to set up an account — we’re planning to use it for all community group work
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