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Community & Business Groups

Cartography Community Group

The mission of this group is to explore how open data and metadata may be realised through animated maps and games that facilitate forecasting and understanding of risk across knowledge domains. And to help create the necessary tools that are easy to use and produce multimodal accessible resources that engage.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Linked Map platform

Dear all,

I would like to introduce to this group a tool named Linked Map platform that we have developed by the IAAA Lab (University of Zaragoza) and the SME GEOSLAB. I think that this tool fits in this community group.

The beta version of the tools is now available at:

The aim of this platform is to determine, using the knowledge of the masses, the quality of an automatic alignment created with the help of Semantic Web tools between features located in Spain belonging to the geographic datasets BCN/BTN25 (a Spanish National Map) and OpenStreetMap.

As user you can review RDF links and judge if the alignment is correct or not. Users can also comment about the perceived quality of the geometry of the aligned features. For example, it is possible for a user assess that an alignment is correct (both features describes the same real world feature) but one of the aligned geometries is incorrect (a point when it should be a geometry). The documentation for using the Linked Map platform is available at and at the Planet Data site

We are collecting data for assessing if OpenStreetMap can be considered a primary data source for keeping updated official geographic datasets in Spain. All comments and suggestions are welcome!

Francisco J

What mission does this group assigned itself?


I’m glad to see on an individual standpoint such a group appearing. I would like to start a discussion with the originators to check what is or isn’t intended to be discussed here such as:

– modelization of metadata for cartography

– “map” HTML object

– direction api

– others?

I look forward to discuss this with all of you 🙂