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From Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group

Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group

This is the wiki for the Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group.

Current Activities

Published First Public Working Group Draft Notes:

Conference Talks and Sessions:

Machine Learning Workshop (Deadline for talk proposal July 3rd)

DRAFT - Cognitive Accessibility and Machine Learning: Beyond rule based testing environments

Maps for the Web Sept-Oct 2020 (Deadline for position paper / presentation July 15th)

A good talk proposal should be concise (fewer than 600 words) and include the following information:

  • Who would be presenting.
  • A short title or topic statement for the presentation.
  • Whether you think this topic would be best served as a full (15 minute) presentation, a lightning talk, or a Q&A panel.
  • Which of the suggested topics your presentation covers; or, for a new topic, how it relates to the workshop series scope.
  • What unique information, experience, or perspectives you would provide.
  • For live video chat panels, what times of day (in UTC timezone) are you available for?