Main Page
Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group
This is the wiki for the Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group.
- Formal decisions of the WG
- Meetings
- Publications under development with timelines
- Key Resources and Links
Current Activities
- Voice Agent Accessibility User Requirements
- MiniApp Accessibility
- APA Wish List Draft 2021
- Accessibility of Remote Meetings
- Security and Accessibility
- Privacy and Accessibility
- Specification Review
- Verticals to Track
- Web Games Workshop Position Paper
- Silver and Emerging Technology Accessibility
- XR Semantics Module
- WebXR Standards and Accessibility Architecture Issues
- Alternative Content Technologies for Media in XR checklist
- WoT Technical Accessibility Issues (Draft)
- WoT Use Cases (Draft)
- WoT Architecture review (Josh)
- APA Priorities Planning 2020
- CSS Media Queries Level 5 features: Use cases for personalization
- Functional Needs sub-group
- Framework for Accessible Specification of Technologies (FAST)
Published First Public Working Group Draft Notes:
- Accessible RTC User Requirements (RAUR)
- XR Accessibility User Requirements (XAUR)
- Pronunciation User Scenarios
- Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA Alternatives to Visual Turing Tests on the Web
- Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements
Conference Talks and Sessions:
Machine Learning Workshop (Deadline for talk proposal July 3rd)
DRAFT - Cognitive Accessibility and Machine Learning: Beyond rule based testing environments
Maps for the Web Sept-Oct 2020 (Deadline for position paper / presentation July 15th)
A good talk proposal should be concise (fewer than 600 words) and include the following information:
- Who would be presenting.
- A short title or topic statement for the presentation.
- Whether you think this topic would be best served as a full (15 minute) presentation, a lightning talk, or a Q&A panel.
- Which of the suggested topics your presentation covers; or, for a new topic, how it relates to the workshop series scope.
- What unique information, experience, or perspectives you would provide.
- For live video chat panels, what times of day (in UTC timezone) are you available for?