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HTML previews for Pull Requests

When making a Pull Request (PR) that updates an HTML file on GitHub, it’s possible to get a preview of how the HTML file will look with those changes included, so you can read it as if it was already published on the web. This means that people who reviewing the Pull Request don't need to interpret GitHub’s markup-level difference view. We recommend including a preview URL in your Pull Request's description, as well as a pointer to the current version of the document, so people can easily compare the two.

The format for the URL that will give you a preview is:<repository>/<pull-request-branch>/<file-path>

You need to fill in the following details:

  • <repository> is the name of your specific repository, e.g. “adapt” or “maturity-model”
  • <pull-request-branch> is the branch you’re working on. If you aren’t sure what it is, you con find it by visiting the Pull Request’s page on GitHub’s web site. The Pull Request’s branch name is displayed near the top, where it says “<user> wants to merge <n> commits into main from <pull-request-branch>”
  • <file-path> is where the file being updated is located within the repository or branch. This is only needed if the file is not in the root directory of the repository, or if it’s not called “index.html” (if the file is called “index.html”, you can omit that part).

Note 1: You can add a fragment link to the end of the preview URL in the normal way, in order to link to a specific section of the document, e.g. #introduction.

If the document on which you’re working is called “index.html” and is directly inside the repository, then the preview URL will be just:<repository>/<pull-request-branch>/

Note 2: After a Pull Request is merged, it’s common practice to remove the associated branch. If this happens, the preview URL will no longer work. This is no big deal, but just make sure that you don’t share preview URLs in places where a stable reference to a particular version of the document is required.

Example: Maturity Model

The latest version of the main document can always be found here:

The branch used by Pull Request #84 was called “enhance-terms”, so the preview URL for that branch was: