Functional Needs sub-group

From Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group


The functional needs sub-group seeks to develop a comprehensive set of accessibility user needs, to inform accessibility guideline development. This work is initially motivated by development of Framework for Accessible Specification of Technologies (FAST) and W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0.


Current participants

  • Jake Abma
  • Joshue O Connor
  • Michael Cooper
  • Todd Libby

Former participants

  • Charles Hall


Current work

Project Plan

This is a draft project plan July 2022 for discussion.

  1. Mature the list of functional needs
    1. July 2022 Fill in descriptions of the needs
    2. August 2022 Publish review draft of FAST with review emphasis on the needs
    3. Q3 - Q4 2022 Continue to work with other groups, such as coga and accessibility for children, to ensure we have a complete list
    4. Q1 2023 Separate the functional needs to a separate document
    5. Q4 2023 Publish functional needs as WG Note
    6. Q2 2024 Publish functional needs as W3C Statement
  2. Complete the outcome matrix
    1. July 2022 Present our work to APA and AG using the the vision and visual column to exemplify
    2. Q3 2022 - Q3 2023 Fill out the remainder of the matrix
      • top-down: outcomes implied by the matrix should be suggested to AG
      • bottom-up: outcomes developed in the AG should be mapped to the matrix
    3. Q4 2022 Add “responsibilities” layers to the outcome matrix (author, user agent, technology)
  3. Complete FAST
    1. Q1 2023 Identify requirements from the technology layer of the matrix
    2. Q3 2023 Obtain wide review of the technology requirements
  4. Improve FAST checklist
    1. Q4 2022 Put into better self-checkable form
    2. Q3 2023 Expand based on FAST work