
Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 877 actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Test trackbot Dan Connolly 2007-06-21
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Contact Don Brutzman to query about possible contacts about naming in V-Ws and integration with the Web Noah Mendelsohn 2007-11-05
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Write to the chairs of the working groups about the overlap Stuart Williams 2007-07-09
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Review definitions of partial understanding, backward compatible, and forward compatible Dan Connolly 2007-09-06 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Review "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" [DONE] Stuart Williams 2007-07-16
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Revise Dereferencing HTTP URIs finding in response to F2F discussion Rhys Lewis 2007-07-16 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-7 (edit) closed draft a position regarding extensibility of HTML and the role of the validator for consideration by the TAG Tim Berners-Lee 2008-12-11 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Put up straw poll to try to find a new slot for this meeting Stuart Williams 2007-08-20
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Create new TAG issue called "HTTP Redirections" per minutes of 16/7/07 Stuart Williams 2007-08-20 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Discuss TAG slot at TP with Steve Bratt, informed by above discussion Stuart Williams 2007-08-20
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Tell Steve Bratt that the TAG doesn't want a slot at the AC meeting Stuart Williams 2007-08-20
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Try to reach TBL to get approval for top-level path Dan Connolly 2007-08-29
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Ask KdB if categories can be restricted to particular login lists Dan Connolly 2007-08-30
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Announce the new issue Norman Walsh 2007-08-20 scalabilityOfURIAccess-58
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Review XHTML Modularization ( Henry Thompson 2007-09-17 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Incorporate the NVDL text into the findings. David Orchard 2008-09-11 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Check that the XML test suite contains an equivalent test Henry Thompson 2007-08-27 xml11Names-46
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Review the article and make a proposal. David Orchard 2007-08-27 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-19 (edit) closed Update the tag soup document with the discussion thru 20 Aug 2007 T.V. Raman 2007-08-27 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Discuss with DanC what might be most useful and productive wrt providing input to the HTML WG Stuart Williams 2007-09-06 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-21 (edit) closed Provide a set of test cases of ways in which RDDL is actually used Norman Walsh 2007-09-06 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Start an ontology including docns/documentElementNamespace. Dan Connolly 2007-10-10 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-23 (edit) open track progress of #int bug 1974 in the XML Schema namespace document in the XML Schema WG Henry Thompson 2012-11-06 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-24 (edit) closed clarify , perhaps by using N3 Tim Berners-Lee 2009-06-17 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-25 (edit) closed summarize history of DTD/namespace/mimetype version practice, including XHTML, SOAP, and XSLT. T.V. Raman 2008-02-21 xmlFunctions-34
ACTION-26 (edit) closed Henry to prepare new draft of xmlFunctions-34 Henry Thompson 2007-10-31 xmlFunctions-34
ACTION-27 (edit) closed ask Mimasa and Mark Birbeck about feasability of using substitution groups in XHTML modularization, cc public-xml-versioning Dan Connolly 2007-09-06 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-28 (edit) closed draft a blog item for review and, pending creation of a TAG blog mechanism, post it. Noah Mendelsohn 2007-09-06 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-29 (edit) closed write up his paper comments on extensibility and versioning Noah Mendelsohn 2007-06-29 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-30 (edit) closed revise Self-Describing Web finding in response to 2007-07 F2F discussion Noah Mendelsohn 2008-09-12
ACTION-31 (edit) closed produce a new version of URI Schemes and Web Protocols Noah Mendelsohn 2007-08-24 schemeProtocols-49
ACTION-32 (edit) closed explore the space of external registries and to post to the tag member list David Orchard 2007-08-24 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-33 (edit) open revise naming challenges story in response to Dec 2008 F2F discussion Henry Thompson 2013-01-01 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-34 (edit) closed Look at the difference between QNAME in XML and SPARQL Stuart Williams 2007-09-13
ACTION-35 (edit) closed complete review of terminology section of of 4 July versioning draft Stuart Williams 2007-09-13 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-36 (edit) closed summarize passwords in the clear discussion to Mary [MEZ] and make plans for further progress Stuart Williams 2007-08-24 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-37 (edit) closed update all 3 documents in versioning finding David Orchard 2007-08-24 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-38 (edit) closed review the XML part again Norman Walsh 2008-02-14 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-39 (edit) closed notify the TAG when binary XML drafts become available Dan Connolly 2007-08-30 binaryXML-30
ACTION-40 (edit) closed Send MEZ email asking for a joint meeting with the Security WGduring the Plenary Stuart Williams 2007-10-25 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-41 (edit) closed Investigate getting Tim Berners-Lee 2007-09-06
ACTION-42 (edit) closed Check with Dan Stuart Williams 2007-09-06 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-43 (edit) closed Find the paper that he annotated on the plane (and transcribe comments on "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web"). Tim Berners-Lee 2007-09-17 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-44 (edit) closed Post his message to the HTML WG list David Orchard 2007-09-13 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-45 (edit) closed Add GRDDL to the draft XML Schema namespace document so that RDF can be retreived. Henry Thompson 2007-09-13 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-46 (edit) closed review Cool URIs for the Semantic Web Norman Walsh 2007-10-11 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-47 (edit) closed Review the 14 Sep draft of the Cool URIs for the SemWeb document on behalf of the TAG and bring the comments back to the TAG Tim Berners-Lee 2007-09-24 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-48 (edit) closed Produce an exemplary implementation of XHTML Modularization using substitution groups for both bottom-up extensibility and top-down modularity Henry Thompson 2007-10-12 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-49 (edit) closed Investigate the feasibility of having a Movable Type blog at /blog/tag Dan Connolly 2007-10-18
ACTION-50 (edit) closed Investigate two AJAX libraries and see how well they support exposing URIs for intermediate results. Rhys Lewis 2007-11-28 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-51 (edit) closed And Dan work together to articulate the story that the TAG wants to tell. David Orchard 2007-10-04 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-52 (edit) closed Relay comments as constructed today to the SemWeb EO IG editors of "Cool URIs..." Norman Walsh 2007-09-26 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-53 (edit) closed Update the current version of the Dereferencing URIs draft to show that we will not formally publish it. Rhys Lewis 2007-09-26 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-54 (edit) closed produce another revision of the namespaceDocument-8 draft from Norm Henry Thompson 2007-09-26 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-55 (edit) closed Work with SKW on a few paragraphs of thinking around a URI testing group (IG/WG/XG?) Dan Connolly 2008-01-24 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-56 (edit) closed Produce a new draft of the namespaceDocument-8 finding based on Henry's proposal, shown at the Southampton F2F and using GRDDL Norman Walsh 2007-09-27 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-57 (edit) closed Pursue Feb Vancouver hosting offer via WBS, pbly for 3 days Stuart Williams 2007-10-04
ACTION-58 (edit) closed fix .htaccess in 2007/09 so that .owl files get the right mime type Henry Thompson 2007-10-04 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-59 (edit) closed Talk to XProc chair regarding possible joint meeting at plenary Stuart Williams 2007-10-04
ACTION-60 (edit) closed Suggest to Steve that Binary XML be put on plenary agenda Tim Berners-Lee 2007-10-04 binaryXML-30
ACTION-61 (edit) closed Follow up with Amy on Tim's schedule for 2008 Stuart Williams 2008-02-01
ACTION-62 (edit) closed Update to say "this is old; see " Stuart Williams 2007-10-11
ACTION-63 (edit) closed Review EXI measurements against the TAG bar, due Oct 31st David Orchard 2007-10-31 binaryXML-30
ACTION-64 (edit) closed to contact editors of Cool URIs to determine when/how to carry our interaction forward. . . Stuart Williams 2007-10-18 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-65 (edit) closed look at the name of the Purpose property class to see if we can't do better Henry Thompson 2007-11-02 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-66 (edit) closed to fix the first two diagrams Norman Walsh 2007-10-12 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-67 (edit) closed Wrangle an invitation for Noah to the W3C/IETF liason call Dan Connolly 2007-10-25 schemeProtocols-49
ACTION-68 (edit) closed to draft an update for 25 Oct 2007 David Orchard 2007-10-25 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-69 (edit) closed Check into [ in ipv6 and hence host names Henry Thompson 2007-11-08
ACTION-70 (edit) closed Send a comment to xhtml folks of Please explain your intentions wrt to the use of CURIEs in conjunction with html@href Stuart Williams 2007-11-08 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-71 (edit) closed Liase with his contact in the EXI working group to get a sense of the group's current feeling Henry Thompson 2007-11-12 binaryXML-30
ACTION-72 (edit) closed Produce another draft of the namespaces document taking into account the difference between namespace usage in RDF and XML Henry Thompson 2007-12-31 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-73 (edit) closed Contact the XHTML 2 WG about the fact that the TAG has been experimenting with modularisation Henry Thompson 2007-11-30 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-74 (edit) closed Explore TAG liason role to Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc Stuart Williams 2007-11-12 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-75 (edit) closed Ask Norm to be point person for passwordsInTheClear-52 Stuart Williams 2007-11-13
ACTION-76 (edit) closed Put a bow on the Nov TAG ftf meeing record with photos in TAG blog Dan Connolly 2007-11-20
ACTION-77 (edit) closed Williams to respond to Shane on behalf of TAG indicating concerns about [...] syntax and use of CURIEs where URI is expected. Stuart Williams 2007-11-22 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-78 (edit) closed Repackage proposed response to EXI workgroup. Henry Thompson 2007-11-22 binaryXML-30
ACTION-79 (edit) closed Get a test action item from fixed tracker Henry Thompson 2007-12-04
ACTION-80 (edit) closed Review Henry Thompson 2008-02-25 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-81 (edit) closed Review Stuart Williams 2008-02-14 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-82 (edit) closed Review Norman Walsh 2008-02-14 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-83 (edit) closed Review Stuart Williams 2007-12-06
ACTION-84 (edit) closed Review David Orchard 2007-12-06
ACTION-85 (edit) closed Produce another draft of Passwords in the Clear finding, based on comments from 15 November telcon, publish it and invite comment David Orchard 2008-01-31 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-86 (edit) closed Make editorial corrections to and post that to the EXI WG on behalf of the TAG Henry Thompson 2007-12-06 binaryXML-30
ACTION-87 (edit) closed Try examples from ns8 draft in OWL tools Dan Connolly 2008-02-27 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-88 (edit) closed Review Norman Walsh 2008-02-14 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-89 (edit) closed Note the old submission about logout button under passwordsInTheClear Dan Connolly 2008-01-17 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-90 (edit) closed Review henry's new document Dan Connolly 2008-03-14 xmlFunctions-34
ACTION-91 (edit) closed Write a finding about the current state of application state management on the web. T.V. Raman 2008-02-18 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-92 (edit) closed Consider whether or not he wants to post an issue re: POWDER/rules Tim Berners-Lee 2008-04-10
ACTION-93 (edit) closed Review EXI WDs since 20 Dec Henry Thompson 2008-09-23 binaryXML-30
ACTION-94 (edit) closed Invite discussion of HTML 5 ping attribute in www-tag after some review by tag members. (html WG mailing list is ) Noah Mendelsohn 2008-01-17 whenToUseGet-7
ACTION-95 (edit) closed Ask SWEO working group for one week extension for review of their document Dan Connolly 2008-01-24 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-96 (edit) closed Review latest draft with respect in particular to his earlier comments Norman Walsh 2008-01-24 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-97 (edit) closed Create a diff of passwordsInTheClear Norman Walsh 2008-02-07 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-98 (edit) closed Craft comments and send them on our behalf. Noah Mendelsohn 2008-02-07 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-99 (edit) closed Revise the finding and publish it directly, unless he feels the need for more review before publication David Orchard 2008-02-14 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-100 (edit) closed S, with help from JR, to try to formulate something which pulls our input together Henry Thompson 2008-02-21 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-101 (edit) closed , Tim to produce Visio diagram to send to Leo Dan Connolly 2008-02-21 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-102 (edit) closed Review RDFa LC spec Norman Walsh 2008-03-21 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-103 (edit) closed Review RDFa LC spec by 21 Mar Jonathan Rees 2008-03-21 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-104 (edit) closed Summarize feedback on passwords-in-the-clear draft of 11 Feb David Orchard 2008-02-28 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-105 (edit) closed Send email about growth of context dependence in URI interpretation T.V. Raman 2008-03-04 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-106 (edit) closed Make a pass over the WebArch 2.0 doc't which adds a paragraph, and connects up to issues list Norman Walsh 2008-11-28
ACTION-107 (edit) closed Review compatibility-strategies section 3 (soon) and 5 for May/Bristol Dan Connolly 2008-05-15 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-108 (edit) closed Review compatibility-strategies section 2, 4 a week after DO signals review Ashok Malhotra 2008-04-04 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-109 (edit) closed Review compatibility-strategies section 3, 4, 5 due 2008-04-10 T.V. Raman 2008-04-04 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-110 (edit) closed Review compatibility-strategies section 3, 4, 5 Norman Walsh 2008-04-04 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-111 (edit) closed Revise version of compatibility strategies document by next telecon (13 march) David Orchard 2008-03-13 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-112 (edit) closed Review compatibility strategies section 2 due 2008-04-04 Noah Mendelsohn 2008-05-15 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-113 (edit) open HT to a) revise composition.pdf to take account of suggestions from Tim & Jonathan and feedback from email and b) produce a new version of the Elaborated Infoset finding, possibly incorporating some of the PDF Henry Thompson 2013-01-01 xmlFunctions-34
ACTION-114 (edit) closed Henry to find the counter example that made it necesseary to make a terniary relationship Henry Thompson 2008-03-06 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-115 (edit) closed Henry to improve the presentation of the way the ontology reconstructs RDDL 'purpose', and to attempt to address skw's concern about the subject of the so-called purpose relation Henry Thompson 2008-03-06 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-116 (edit) closed Align the tabulator internal vocabulary with the vocabulary in the rules, getting changes to either as needed. Tim Berners-Lee 2011-02-11 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-117 (edit) closed Convey to the authors of the SWEO group the TAG's resolution Tim Berners-Lee 2008-03-06 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-118 (edit) closed Call for review of "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters" draft finding after collecting any input for a week T.V. Raman 2008-03-06 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-119 (edit) closed Henry review of "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters" , preferably this week Henry Thompson 2008-03-27 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-120 (edit) closed Review of "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters" , preferably this week Dan Connolly 2008-03-20 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-121 (edit) open HT to draft TAG input to review of draft ARK RFC Henry Thompson 2013-01-01 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-122 (edit) closed Call for interest in www-tag (among other places) in link-header-or-something-like-it Jonathan Rees 2008-03-06 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-123 (edit) closed Send pointers to MS and Ruby Namespace proposals David Orchard 2008-03-20 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-124 (edit) closed Review XRI response to our questions Norman Walsh 2008-03-20 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-125 (edit) closed Review XRI response to our questions Stuart Williams 2008-03-20 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-126 (edit) closed Henry to post a redraft of comment (3) from to Henry Thompson 2008-03-27 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-127 (edit) closed Henry, Norm, Dave -- revise minutes from f2f with Jonathan's changes Henry Thompson 2008-04-03
ACTION-128 (edit) closed Send final text HTML WG Stuart Williams 2008-04-03 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-129 (edit) closed Draft comment for feedback of RDFa review Norman Walsh 2008-04-03 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-130 (edit) closed Consult with Dan and Ralph about the gap between the XHTML namespace and the GRDDL transformation for RDFa Tim Berners-Lee 2008-10-15 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-131 (edit) closed Wordsmith Stuart's P1 proposal Noah Mendelsohn 2008-04-10 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-132 (edit) closed Draft to a stronger piece outlining when the ARIA approache would not be practical Tim Berners-Lee 2008-05-01 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-133 (edit) closed Ask raman what he thinks should be done wrt css versioning David Orchard 2008-04-17 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-134 (edit) closed Ask security context about the exact breakage of digest David Orchard 2008-04-17 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-135 (edit) closed Make the change to passwords MUST NOT be sent in the clear David Orchard 2008-04-17 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-136 (edit) closed Liaise with michael cooper on their expectations of the TAG Dan Connolly 2008-04-17 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-137 (edit) closed Henry to find out what Jonathan would like Henry to do with respect to this document and do it. Henry Thompson 2008-04-24 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-138 (edit) closed Revise passwords in clear finding to discuss strong passwords with digest auth. David Orchard 2008-05-08 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-139 (edit) closed Review Dave's redraft of passwords in the clear (dealing with digest auth and strong passwords) Noah Mendelsohn 2008-05-08 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-140 (edit) closed Revise strategies part of XML Versioning finding by 13 May 2008 David Orchard 2008-05-08 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-141 (edit) closed Henry to circulate the document with a cover note that expresses that the TAG now has a working hypothesis that the colon is technically feasible and invites continuing discussion. Henry Thompson 2008-05-15 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-142 (edit) closed Review Raman's draft of webApplicationState-60 Norman Walsh 2008-11-28 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-143 (edit) closed Review Raman's draft of webApplicationState-60 Stuart Williams 2009-03-03 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-144 (edit) closed Attempt to articulate some of the higher level questions for inclusion in the draft. Noah Mendelsohn 2009-03-03 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-145 (edit) closed Add public prose around his slides at the AC meeting to make the case for extensiblity and flexible XML Tim Berners-Lee 2008-12-11 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-146 (edit) closed Review 2008-05-13 versioning draft Norman Walsh 2008-05-26 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-147 (edit) closed Review 2008-05-13 versioning draft Noah Mendelsohn 2008-06-07 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-148 (edit) closed See if he can develop a formal basis for the definition of extensibility, possibly includiing definitions of forwards/backwards compatibility Jonathan Rees 2008-05-26 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-149 (edit) closed Henry to help Jonathan with ACTION-148 and ACTION-158 Henry Thompson 2008-05-26 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-150 (edit) closed Finish refs etc on passwords in the clear finding [inc post Sept 2008 F2F updates] David Orchard 2008-10-16 passwordsInTheClear-52
ACTION-151 (edit) closed Announce namespaceDocument-8 finding on tag-announce etc. Henry Thompson 2008-05-27 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-152 (edit) closed Review overlap between the HCLSI URI note and HT's w.r.t. contribution to TAG finding on UrnsAndRegistries Jonathan Rees 2008-05-27 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-153 (edit) closed Report problem with base URI design in draft-nottingham-http-link-header Dan Connolly 2008-05-27 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-154 (edit) closed Reply publicly to Phil with respect to our decision on Link: Jonathan Rees 2008-05-27 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-155 (edit) closed Review The Self-Describing Web, either the 12 May draft or the draft that comes out of this meeting Norman Walsh 2008-05-27
ACTION-156 (edit) closed Review The Self-Describing Web, either the 12 May draft or the draft that comes out of this meeting Stuart Williams 2008-05-27
ACTION-157 (edit) closed Put up Web poll re. dates for Dec 10-12 f2f Stuart Williams 2008-05-28
ACTION-158 (edit) closed Write up thoughts on versioning and share with the group Jonathan Rees 2008-05-28 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-159 (edit) closed Update compatibility strategies document in response to f2f discussion David Orchard 2008-05-28 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-160 (edit) closed Check with Henry and Raman as whether they agree with the position Stuart Williams 2008-06-05 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-161 (edit) closed " take a snapshot of this to store in tag working document area, as a start" Stuart Williams 2008-06-12 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-162 (edit) closed Respond to Marcus re widget: URI scheme Stuart Williams 2008-06-26
ACTION-163 (edit) closed Coordinate with Ted to build a sample catalog Henry Thompson 2010-03-01 scalabilityOfURIAccess-58
ACTION-164 (edit) closed Create a new issue, uriBasedPackageAccess-nn Stuart Williams 2008-07-03 uriBasedPackageAccess-61
ACTION-165 (edit) closed Formulate erratum text on versioning for the web architecture document John Kemp 2009-02-24 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-166 (edit) closed And Dan to resolve the fact that GRDDL does not define a set of triples to be derived from an arbitrary URI (i.e. from the namespace document?) Tim Berners-Lee 2008-07-02 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-167 (edit) closed S to start a thread on non-DNS authority resolution on www-tag Henry Thompson 2008-07-17 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-168 (edit) closed Circulate draft of our next Quarterly Summary Dan Connolly 2008-07-31
ACTION-169 (edit) closed Draft quarterly summary Dan Connolly 2008-07-31
ACTION-170 (edit) closed Coordinate response to CURIE last call (with help from Ashok) Noah Mendelsohn 2008-09-18 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-171 (edit) closed Coordinate response regarding WS-* inquiry from PLH Dan Connolly 2008-10-02
ACTION-172 (edit) closed Craft a message to www-tag announcing reopenning of contentTypeOverride-24 ( Henry Thompson 2008-09-03 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-173 (edit) closed Review "Content Transformation Guidelines" and suggest whether the TAG should provide an official comment Norman Walsh 2008-10-16 genericResources-53
ACTION-174 (edit) closed Encourage discussion of proposal around or or http://xri/ or in www-tag Stuart Williams 2008-09-30 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-175 (edit) closed Collect input from TimBL and others and revise issue description Stuart Williams 2008-09-30 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-176 (edit) closed send comments on exi w.r.t. evaluation and efficiency Noah Mendelsohn 2009-03-02 binaryXML-30
ACTION-177 (edit) closed Schedule more discussion of exi architecture charset/encoding etc. Stuart Williams 2008-09-30 binaryXML-30
ACTION-178 (edit) closed update draft of finding on uniform access to metadata. Jonathan Rees 2009-02-13 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-179 (edit) closed Contact HTML WG chairs about TPAC possibilities... spec modularization, etc. Stuart Williams 2008-10-02 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-180 (edit) closed Write to EXI WG wrt EXI Best Practices of 2007-12-19 saying that, presuming the draft still reflects their intent, the TAG is happy, but would like a more explicit statement of the 'fudge' involved in treating EXI as a Content Encoding Henry Thompson 2008-10-02 binaryXML-30
ACTION-181 (edit) closed Update versioning formalism to align with terminology in versioning compatibility strategies Jonathan Rees 2009-01-23 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-182 (edit) closed Provide example for jar to work into the formalism David Orchard 2008-12-05 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-183 (edit) closed Incorporate formalism into versioning compatibility strategies David Orchard 2009-03-03 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-184 (edit) closed contact Lisa D of IESG, cc www-tag, to explain about 303, with cool URIs and webarch as references. Jonathan Rees 2009-01-29 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-185 (edit) closed Review the GPNs and try to put them in the buckets on an email thread. Norman Walsh 2008-10-15
ACTION-186 (edit) closed Review the current CURIE editors draft against the changes requested by the TAG and inform the group of his disposition. Jonathan Rees 2008-10-22 abbreviatedURIs-56
ACTION-187 (edit) closed Talk with TimBL about install-time names for widgets Dan Connolly 2008-10-26 uriBasedPackageAccess-61
ACTION-188 (edit) closed Investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. Dan Connolly 2009-03-17 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-189 (edit) closed S. Send public comment to www-tag about the XRI proposal and the establishment of base URI. Henry Thompson 2008-11-12 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-190 (edit) closed Make the above resolution visible on www-tag Stuart Williams 2008-11-12
ACTION-191 (edit) closed Announce decision on rdf-in-html-35 and invite feedback Dan Connolly 2008-12-04 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-192 (edit) closed Close ISSUE-35 with a public explanation Dan Connolly 2008-11-20
ACTION-193 (edit) closed Try to draft a blog posting adapted from, with help from TVR Dan Connolly 2009-02-25 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-194 (edit) closed Revise Self-Describing Web Draft Finding in response to September 2008 F2F meeting Noah Mendelsohn 2008-12-05 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-195 (edit) closed Find record of webapps/tag discussion of widget package uris Stuart Williams 2008-11-27
ACTION-196 (edit) closed Notify webapps wg that TAG is unlikely to meet the 3 month timeframe and ask for notification when tests relevant to widget URIs become available Stuart Williams 2008-11-21 uriBasedPackageAccess-61
ACTION-197 (edit) closed Relay 3-5 Mar 2009 SFO proposal to TAG candidates and collect feedback Stuart Williams 2009-02-01 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-198 (edit) closed Ask IANA to continue to serve the old address in webarch for the URI scheme registry Dan Connolly 2009-01-15 webarch maintenance
ACTION-199 (edit) closed Follow up on error handling thread (8 Oct) Henry Thompson 2009-02-17 errorHandling-20
ACTION-200 (edit) closed Revise "Uniform Access to Metadata" (needs title change) to add XRD use case Jonathan Rees 2009-02-24 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-201 (edit) open Report on status of AWWSW discussions Jonathan Rees 2012-10-02 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-202 (edit) closed Review Ashok Malhotra 2009-01-15 siteData-36
ACTION-203 (edit) closed Discuss Access Control misnomer with Interaction Domain staff Dan Connolly 2009-01-13 WebApps access control requirements review CLOSED ON 12 MAY 2011
ACTION-204 (edit) closed Talk with Mark Miller about web app security and report back Jonathan Rees 2009-05-26 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-205 (edit) closed Henry to begin responding to Marcos asking the question: Why does the spec not say "A conforming spec MUST recommend a hierarchical adressing schems that can be used to address the individual resources within a widget resource from within a config doc, widget, or other constituent of the same widget pkg." Henry Thompson 2009-01-15 WebApps access control requirements review CLOSED ON 12 MAY 2011
ACTION-206 (edit) closed Query WebApps whether external access to widgets via URIs is ever expected Stuart Williams 2009-01-29 WebApps access control requirements review CLOSED ON 12 MAY 2011
ACTION-207 (edit) closed Try to wordsmith to get rid of 'Semantic Web' and submit for review Jonathan Rees 2009-01-15 selfDescribingWeb-51
ACTION-208 (edit) closed make 2 tweaks re "attribution of libel" concern from 15 Jan telcon Noah Mendelsohn 2009-01-16 selfDescribingWeb-51
ACTION-209 (edit) closed Attempt to address critical concerns from end of 11 Dec self-describing web discussion Noah Mendelsohn 2009-01-15 selfDescribingWeb-51
ACTION-210 (edit) closed announce TAG ftf minutes (cleaned up by Noah, reviewed by Norm) Dan Connolly 2009-01-07
ACTION-211 (edit) closed Draft discussion of x- tokens and squatting for self-describing web finding, if review shows it's not already there Dan Connolly 2009-01-22 selfDescribingWeb-51
ACTION-212 (edit) closed Change two good practice notes in sections 5.1 and 5.2 of Self-describing Web Noah Mendelsohn 2009-01-15 selfDescribingWeb-51
ACTION-213 (edit) pending review Prepare 18 April 2013 Telcon Agenda Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-16 weekly
ACTION-214 (edit) closed April regrets: Raman (9th 16ht 23rd) Henry (9th) Tim (23rd) Noah Mendelsohn 2009-04-08 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-215 (edit) closed Send minutes of 15 Apr TAG teleconference to www-tag for review John Kemp 2010-04-19 weekly
ACTION-216 (edit) closed Publish SDW finding, with 4 changes as noted in minutes of 22 Jan 2009 tag telcon due 29 jan 2009 Noah Mendelsohn 2009-02-12 selfDescribingWeb-51
ACTION-217 (edit) closed Raise moving the registry to with Mark Nottingham Jonathan Rees 2009-02-24 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-218 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of ISSUE-20 for 19 Feb 2009 telcon Noah Mendelsohn 2009-02-17 errorHandling-20
ACTION-219 (edit) closed Plan F2F Meeting - schedule quick update on 12 Feb Telcon Noah Mendelsohn 2009-02-10 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-220 (edit) closed Make sure minutes for 22nd are dealt with Noah Mendelsohn 2009-02-12
ACTION-221 (edit) closed Work with Dave Orchard to close up the formalism facet of the versioning document, due in two weeks Jonathan Rees 2009-02-24 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-222 (edit) closed Draft a note to W3C staff regarding maintaining working links, for TAG review Larry Masinter 2009-02-12
ACTION-223 (edit) closed Attempt to fix the broken links in Mapping between URIs and Internet Media Types John Kemp 2009-02-12
ACTION-224 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of metadata (scope, issue, coordination, workshop, etc) as item on next telecon Noah Mendelsohn 2009-02-12 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-225 (edit) closed Prepare draft minutes for telcon of 05 Feb 2009 Jonathan Rees 2009-02-09 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-226 (edit) closed Report at March on tagSoup progress since TPAC Dan Connolly 2009-02-24 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-227 (edit) closed Summarize TAG work on metadata, with Larry Jonathan Rees 2009-02-24
ACTION-228 (edit) closed Plan March 2009 F2F Agenda and Logistics Noah Mendelsohn 2009-02-24 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-229 (edit) closed Noah to respond to John Kemp proposal of Feb 17 on versioning Noah Mendelsohn 2009-04-14 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-230 (edit) closed Get Noah to look at Dan Connolly 2009-03-09 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-231 (edit) closed Draft replacement for \"how to use conneg\" stuff in HTTP spec Larry Masinter 2010-01-20 genericResources-53
ACTION-232 (edit) closed Follow-up to Hausenblas once there's a draft of HTTPbis which has advice on conneg Larry Masinter 2010-01-29 genericResources-53
ACTION-233 (edit) closed Report back from IETF/HTML liason meeting in March regarding MIME type override Larry Masinter 2009-03-11 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-234 (edit) closed Review the current draft of Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters for possible publication John Kemp 2009-03-11 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-235 (edit) closed Review the current draft of Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters for possible publication Ashok Malhotra 2009-03-11 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-236 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of the stress on media types imposed by client-side synthesised content Noah Mendelsohn 2009-05-05 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-237 (edit) closed Ask the XProc WG what their plans are in the area of the default processing model Henry Thompson 2009-04-07 xmlFunctions-34
ACTION-238 (edit) closed - Ask Security Maintenance WG about relevance of a default processing model John Kemp 2009-03-12 xmlFunctions-34
ACTION-239 (edit) closed alert chair when updates to description of xmlFunctions-34 are ready for review (or if none made) Henry Thompson 2009-11-06 xmlFunctions-34
ACTION-240 (edit) closed Read thread on RDFa, CURIEs and profile and summarize John Kemp 2009-03-21 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-241 (edit) closed Review TAG versioning situation and report back to TAG and HTML Larry Masinter 2009-04-09 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-242 (edit) closed Inform the TAG about the mobile workshop report Dan Connolly 2009-05-05 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-243 (edit) closed Assemble minutes from SFO for day 1 based on Dan Connolly 2009-03-17 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-244 (edit) closed Plan June TAG F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2009-06-12 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-245 (edit) closed Noah to respond to TPAC survey saying TAG will meet Monday and Friday (half days) Noah Mendelsohn 2009-04-02 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-246 (edit) closed Circulate a proposal framing this issue Henry Thompson 2009-04-07
ACTION-247 (edit) closed Noah to schedule followup on Raman proposal: publish issue 60 draft 2009-03-24 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-248 (edit) closed Prepare a new draft of for review by the group T.V. Raman 2009-04-02 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-249 (edit) closed Put the next draft of of into WD-publication-ready form Henry Thompson 2009-04-02
ACTION-250 (edit) closed Check with DanC or others to get him/them to suitably frame the discussion of Issue-24 for a subsequent meeting Noah Mendelsohn 2009-04-02
ACTION-251 (edit) closed Assemble the Mar 2009 f2f minutes from the now-complete 3 daily records Noah Mendelsohn 2009-04-02
ACTION-252 (edit) closed Noah to schedule discussion of Autumn TAG F2F - see minutes of 26 March 2009 Noah Mendelsohn 2009-03-31 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-253 (edit) closed Brief the TAG on progress on \"web addresses in HTML\" draft Dan Connolly 2009-04-16 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-254 (edit) closed Send email to www-tag announcing issue-63 Larry Masinter 2009-06-23 metadataArchitecture-63
ACTION-255 (edit) closed Contact Sam to ask (a) how can the TAG be helpful (b) offer set up phone call involving Sam & 1 or 2 others John Kemp 2009-05-13 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-256 (edit) closed Write to Bob Freund, WS-RA chair, stating that there will probably not be any concerns from TAG Noah Mendelsohn 2009-04-16
ACTION-257 (edit) closed invite Mark Not or Lisa D to revisit progress in IETF/HTML liaison on content sniffing Noah Mendelsohn 2009-09-04 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-258 (edit) closed Follow up with Larry around extensibility of HTTP and the methods used to extend it Noah Mendelsohn 2009-05-19 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-259 (edit) closed Kick off discussion of versioning principles to apply to HTML, engage jonathan and henry. Larry Masinter 2009-05-01 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-260 (edit) closed Review and post the email exchange he had with Larry on versioning about 1-2 months ago Jonathan Rees 2009-04-23 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-261 (edit) closed Followup with Mark Nottingham and Lisa D. regarding Adam Barth's sniffing draft Larry Masinter 2009-08-01 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-262 (edit) closed Notify the POWDER WG Dan Connolly 2009-05-13 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-263 (edit) closed Summarize LEIRIs and "4 specs" in mail to www-tag Henry Thompson 2009-04-28 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-264 (edit) closed Draft agenda item for upcoming telcon discussion of geolocation and privacy Ashok Malhotra 2009-08-04
ACTION-265 (edit) closed Work with Larry, Henry to frame technical issues relating to the vairous overlapping specs. about URIs, IRIs and encoding on the wire Dan Connolly 2009-07-13 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-266 (edit) closed Send a note to www-tag pointing out that discussion is open on the WD for ISSUE-60 Noah Mendelsohn 2009-05-14 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-267 (edit) closed [Trivial] Fix bad link in 4/2 minutes Jonathan Rees 2009-05-21
ACTION-268 (edit) closed Noah to announce trivial action policy to group [Trivial] (see minutes of 14 May 2009) Noah Mendelsohn 2009-05-17 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-269 (edit) closed Fix TAG page Noah Mendelsohn 2009-05-28
ACTION-270 (edit) closed Provide additional material for review at F2F for Issue 41 Larry Masinter 2009-06-22 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-271 (edit) closed Work with jar to draft strawman agenda for F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2009-06-11 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-272 (edit) closed Report back to the TAG on outcome of collaboration with LM on Versioning Jonathan Rees 2009-06-15 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-273 (edit) closed Carry forward framing issues around Archicture of APIs, with help from JK and LM Ashok Malhotra 2009-08-25
ACTION-274 (edit) closed See if I can reconstruct a discussion with tlr where present course and speed will lead to GET-based links becoming regarded as unsafe Dan Connolly 2009-06-04
ACTION-275 (edit) closed Propose concrete steps wrt GeoPriv after consultion with W3C members/staff Dan Connolly 2009-06-30
ACTION-276 (edit) closed Take GeoPriv discussion with IETF forward in person in July Larry Masinter 2009-08-04
ACTION-277 (edit) closed Ensure patent policy issue is resolved with Art Noah Mendelsohn 2009-09-08 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-278 (edit) closed Draft changes to 2.7 of Metadata in URIs to cover the "Google Calendar" case Jonathan Rees 2010-02-07 metadataInURI-31
ACTION-279 (edit) closed Draft a message to webapps chairs relaying TAG concerns around CORS Henry Thompson 2009-06-24
ACTION-280 (edit) closed (with John K) to enumerate some CSRF scenarios discussed in Jun in Cambridge John Kemp 2011-03-20 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-281 (edit) closed Keep an eye on progress of link header draft, report to TAG, warn us of problems (ISSUE-62) Ashok Malhotra 2009-11-13 UniformAccessToMetadata-62
ACTION-282 (edit) open Draft a finding on metadata architecture. Jonathan Rees 2013-04-01 metadataArchitecture-63
ACTION-283 (edit) closed Update document on version identifiers w.r.t. Cambridge June discussion Larry Masinter 2009-12-10 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-284 (edit) closed Flesh out the Web Application ( ) outline with as many sentences as he can Jonathan Rees 2009-09-15
ACTION-285 (edit) closed Make sure TPAC logistics are straight Noah Mendelsohn 2009-10-20 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-286 (edit) closed Check with John and Raman on agreed Dec. 8-10 2009 MIT F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2009-07-24 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-287 (edit) closed Schedule telcon time for Larry to walk us through a few short sections of HTML 5 document Noah Mendelsohn 2009-08-04
ACTION-288 (edit) closed Arrange "divying" of HTML 5 into sections such that each part of spec is read by at least one TAG member Henry Thompson 2009-07-02
ACTION-289 (edit) closed Tell Tim about HTML Reading plan [trivial] Noah Mendelsohn 2009-07-30
ACTION-290 (edit) closed Write to Geolocation WG saying "we have concern that the spec does not say enough user privacy" Noah Mendelsohn 2009-07-30
ACTION-291 (edit) closed Follw up with HT re Action 279 next steps [trivial] Noah Mendelsohn 2009-07-30
ACTION-292 (edit) closed Alert group to review HTML Authoring Drafts [trivial] [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2009-10-13 HTML 5 review
ACTION-293 (edit) closed Read HTML spec parts from due 30 Aug Dan Connolly 2009-08-30
ACTION-294 (edit) closed Read HTML spec parts from Larry Masinter 2009-08-13
ACTION-295 (edit) closed Monitor geolocation response to IETF GEOPRIV comments on last call and report to the TAG Dan Connolly 2009-09-25
ACTION-296 (edit) closed update ISSUE-62 and ISSUE-63 to reference each other Larry Masinter 2009-11-18 metadataArchitecture-63
ACTION-297 (edit) closed Investigate and report to TAG on IETF progress on sniffing features in HTTPbis Larry Masinter 2009-08-20
ACTION-298 (edit) closed Notify the TAG of the next IRI draft Larry Masinter 2009-09-16 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-299 (edit) closed Notify the TAG when the HTML WG gets closer to closing issue-4 html-versioning Dan Connolly 2009-11-11 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-300 (edit) closed Prepare draft on device APIs John Kemp 2009-09-15
ACTION-301 (edit) closed Review websocket protocol/api motivation and brief TAG at Sep ftf John Kemp 2009-09-24
ACTION-302 (edit) closed Raise (as individual issue) question of 3 words "other applicable specifictions" in 3.2.1 (3.3.1) of HTML 5 Noah Mendelsohn 2010-09-29 HTML 5 review
ACTION-303 (edit) closed Draft text on writing references Henry Thompson 2009-10-28 HTML 5 review
ACTION-304 (edit) closed Write up issue around normative references to particular versions of specs Larry Masinter 2009-09-30 HTML 5 review
ACTION-305 (edit) closed Schedule time at TPAC for joint session with HTML WG Noah Mendelsohn 2009-10-15 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-306 (edit) closed Work with Raman, LM, JK to update Web APplication architecture outline based on discussions at TAG meetings Ashok Malhotra 2009-11-20 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-307 (edit) closed Raise issue of work items moving between W3C working groups and also with IETF Dan Connolly 2009-09-30
ACTION-308 (edit) closed Propose updates to Authoritative Metadata and Self-Describing Web to acknowledge the reality of sniffing John Kemp 2010-01-14 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-309 (edit) closed draft input to HTTP bis draft re sniffing based on 8 Dec discussion Henry Thompson 2009-12-09 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-310 (edit) closed Check with Sam Ruby on ECMA/W3C activities at TPAC Noah Mendelsohn 2009-10-01 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-311 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of a persistent domain name policy promotion Noah Mendelsohn 2009-11-10 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-312 (edit) closed Find a path thru the specs that I think contradicts Dan's reading of webarch Jonathan Rees 2009-12-01 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-313 (edit) closed Talk to Balisage participants about XML namespace work, discuss TAG interest in this area, and summarize John Kemp 2009-11-18 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-314 (edit) closed Check with Amy on room availability for 17-19 March 2010 TAG F2F and suggest to Ian that he mention this meeting in TAG election call for nominations Noah Mendelsohn 2009-11-12 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-315 (edit) closed Follow up on best plan for HTML / TPAC Dan Connolly 2009-10-20 HTML 5 review
ACTION-316 (edit) closed Henry S. Thompson to draft for proposed TAG feedback on the text/html media type registration in the 25 September draft of HTML5 Henry Thompson 2009-10-13 HTML 5 review
ACTION-317 (edit) closed Read and send some notes to the TAG T.V. Raman 2009-10-16 HTML 5 review
ACTION-318 (edit) closed Send note to Device APIs and Policy (DAP) Working Group on behalf of the TAG Noah Mendelsohn 2009-11-20 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-319 (edit) closed Consider HTML media type issue for TPAC agenda(s) Noah Mendelsohn 2009-10-29 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-320 (edit) closed Respond to HTML WG chairs with suggested TPAC topics -- see minutes of 22 Oct Noah Mendelsohn 2009-10-29 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-321 (edit) closed lightly edit TAG input to DAP WG per 8 Oct and tell Noah Larry Masinter 2009-11-20 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-322 (edit) closed brief Science Commons counsel re forbidding hyperlinking Jonathan Rees 2010-08-20 deepLinking-25
ACTION-323 (edit) closed As Thomas for a report form the security BOF Dan Connolly 2009-12-08 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-324 (edit) closed Invite Thomas to report on actions from TPAC security BOF Dan Connolly 2009-11-13 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-325 (edit) closed Assign himself an action to track the text """urce with the text/html type asserts that the resource is an HTML document using the HTML syntax." with "XML documents that use elements or attributes from the HTML namespace and that are served over the wire (e.g. by HTTP) must be sent using an XML MIME type such as application/xml or application/xhtml+xml and must not be served as text/html. [RFC3023]" we don't have a satisfactory state. If the""" Henry Thompson 2009-11-13 HTML 5 review
ACTION-326 (edit) closed track HTML WG progress on their bug 8154 on polyglot documents Henry Thompson 2010-01-21 HTML 5 review
ACTION-327 (edit) closed Review Microsoft's namespaces in HTML 5 proposal Henry Thompson 2009-11-19 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-328 (edit) closed Convey to the EXIWG the resolution "We thank the EXI WG for registering the conetnt encoding and encourage them in their endeavours.". Noah Mendelsohn 2009-11-13 binaryXML-30
ACTION-329 (edit) closed Schedule F2F of Henry's work on referencing changing specs Noah Mendelsohn 2009-11-13 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-330 (edit) closed Prepare Dec f2f agenda in collaboration with Noah etc. Dan Connolly 2009-11-24 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-331 (edit) closed Consider ways to track the 'confused deputy problem' issue in webapps/cors Dan Connolly 2009-11-24 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-332 (edit) closed Note that the HTML 5 spec has a proposed design for mixing in SVG and MathML, which is said to be the scope of IsSUE-33 mixedUIXMLNamespace-33 Dan Connolly 2010-02-25 mixedUIXMLNamespace-33
ACTION-333 (edit) closed Check logistics for December F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2009-11-12 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-334 (edit) closed Start an email thread regarding the treatment of pre-HTML5 versions in the media type registration text of HTML5 Henry Thompson 2009-12-02 HTML 5 review
ACTION-335 (edit) closed Remind us about data-* when progress on distributed extensibility next becomes available Dan Connolly 2010-06-15 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-336 (edit) closed Prep Metadata Architecture for Dec f2f Ashok Malhotra 2009-11-13 UniformAccessToMetadata-62
ACTION-337 (edit) closed Prepare material for next phone conf metadata formats/representations Larry Masinter 2010-01-28 metadataArchitecture-63
ACTION-338 (edit) closed send Tim's minutes from 6 November to Dan for formatting Noah Mendelsohn 2009-11-12 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-339 (edit) closed Alert TAG election nominees [trivial, self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2009-12-23 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-340 (edit) closed summarize recent discussion around XHR and UMP John Kemp 2010-06-04 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-341 (edit) closed Follow up with Thomas about security review activities for HTML5 Yves Lafon 2011-05-10 HTML 5 review
ACTION-342 (edit) closed ask the TAG again about more formally tracking security issues in HTML5 Noah Mendelsohn 2010-05-18 HTML 5 review
ACTION-343 (edit) closed Discuss petname application to IRI spoofing in public-iri and www-tag Larry Masinter 2010-03-04 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-344 (edit) closed Alert TAG chair when CORS and/or UMP goes to LC to trigger security review Jonathan Rees 2012-03-27 metadataInURI-31
ACTION-345 (edit) closed investigate possible convergence of phonegap and w3C widgets Noah Mendelsohn 2010-02-17 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-346 (edit) closed Collect March 2010 W3C Team day info Dan Connolly 2009-12-16 F2F meetings
ACTION-347 (edit) closed Research 303 caching change in HTTPbis Jonathan Rees 2010-01-05 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-348 (edit) closed Research reasons why browser providers (e.g. Mozilla) aren't willing to meet requests (e.g. from purl) to retain address bar URL following successful redirect Jonathan Rees 2010-03-10 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-349 (edit) closed Write up speaks_for applied to httpRedirections and httpRange using motivating examples Dan Connolly 2010-02-11 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-350 (edit) closed Revise based on feedback on www-tag and the feedback from TAG f2f 2009-12-09 discussion Larry Masinter 2011-11-29 HTML 5 review
ACTION-351 (edit) closed Look into a workshop on persistence... perhaps the June 2010 timeframe Henry Thompson 2010-03-16 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-352 (edit) closed Integrate whiteboard drawings into a prose document about ways to distribute applications John Kemp 2010-05-06 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-353 (edit) closed Do just a bit of work framing some issues around identification for Ajax apps (remembering the merged maps use case) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-03-08 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-354 (edit) closed Review client side storage apis (web simple storage etc.), looking for architectural issues or other critical problems... or interesting design features the TAG should know about Ashok Malhotra 2010-03-08 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-355 (edit) closed Explore the degree to which AWWW and associated findings tell the interaction story for Web Applications John Kemp 2011-02-02 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-356 (edit) closed Work with Carine Bournez to schedule followup meeting on xmlnames followup discussion Noah Mendelsohn 2010-03-27 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-357 (edit) closed Elaborate the DPD proposal to address comments from #xmlnames and tag f2f discussion of 2009-12-10, particularly wrt integration with XML specs and wrt motivation Henry Thompson 2010-05-17 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-358 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of 'usage of 'resource' vs 'representation' in HTML 5, CSS, HTML 4, SVG, ...' [note follow-up discussion in www-archive] Noah Mendelsohn 2010-01-07 HTML 5 review
ACTION-359 (edit) closed Communicate TAG resolution to HTML WG Noah Mendelsohn 2009-12-17 HTML 5 review
ACTION-360 (edit) closed Clean up TAG ftf minutes 8 Dec John Kemp 2009-12-17 F2F meetings
ACTION-361 (edit) closed Clean up TAG ftf minutes 9 Dec Henry Thompson 2009-12-17 F2F meetings
ACTION-362 (edit) closed Announce TAG ftf minutes 8-10 Dec Noah Mendelsohn 2009-12-05 F2F meetings
ACTION-363 (edit) closed Inform SemWeb CG about market developments around webfinger and metadata access, and investigate relationship to RDFa and linked data Jonathan Rees 2010-06-23 UniformAccessToMetadata-62
ACTION-364 (edit) closed Ask HTML WG team contacts to make a change proposal re issue-53 mediatypereg informed by HT's analysis and today's discussion Dan Connolly 2010-02-25 HTML 5 review
ACTION-365 (edit) closed Put up Doodle poll Henry Thompson 2009-12-24 F2F meetings
ACTION-366 (edit) closed Bring f2f date proposal to group based on poll input and ask Raman and Tim about availability Noah Mendelsohn 2010-01-06 F2F meetings
ACTION-367 (edit) closed Ask the HTML5 chairs to treat our 8220 bug as input to the poll, specifically as "An objection to keeping Microdata in", cc to Noah Mendelsohn 2010-02-10 HTML 5 review
ACTION-368 (edit) closed Write up version change ontology as blog item Dan Connolly 2010-06-03 Metadata Architecture
ACTION-369 (edit) closed Write a shorter document on version indicators Larry Masinter 2010-02-04 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-370 (edit) closed HST to send a revised-as-amended version of to the HTTP bis list on behalf of the TAG Henry Thompson 2010-05-17 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-371 (edit) closed Schedule TAG discussion of DAP WG query on policy (self-assigned) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-01-26 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-372 (edit) closed Tell the HTML WG the TAG encourages the direction Roy's headed on resource/representation and endorse his request for more time. Larry Masinter 2010-01-20 HTML 5 review
ACTION-373 (edit) closed Convey, re language reference, to encourage the path they've indicated; we can't tell if we're satisifed; we'll stay tuned and comment when drafts become available Noah Mendelsohn 2010-01-28 HTML 5 review
ACTION-374 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of broader extensibility mechanisms question (including this) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-04-01 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-375 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of TAG contributions to W3C Web Site (self-assigned, TRIVIAL) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-01-26 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-376 (edit) closed Send to www-tag a pointer to and brief summary of Mobile Web Best Practices working group's "Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies" and its implications for content sniffing : Daniel Appelquist 2010-03-17 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-377 (edit) closed Frame discussion about how TAG communicated with WGs Noah Mendelsohn 2010-03-27 HTML 5 review
ACTION-378 (edit) closed Draft suggested text re resource/representation in HTML 5 for discussion with LMM and JAR Dan Connolly 2010-02-03 HTML 5 review
ACTION-379 (edit) closed Check whether HTML language reference has been published Noah Mendelsohn 2011-04-26 HTML 5 review
ACTION-380 (edit) closed Draft response to Fredrick, short and to the point. Larry to review. Daniel Appelquist 2010-03-04 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-381 (edit) open Spend 2 hours helping Ian with Jonathan Rees 2012-12-31 TAG/W3C web site, blog, etc.
ACTION-382 (edit) closed Review Web Arch web material on W3C Web Site and make proposals for changes or TAG action Larry Masinter 2010-05-31 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-383 (edit) closed Review DanC's email on speaks_for Larry Masinter 2010-03-09 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-384 (edit) closed CVS usage edits Noah Mendelsohn 2010-05-11 TAG/W3C web site, blog, etc.
ACTION-385 (edit) closed Take approval of minutes 28 Jan offline Noah Mendelsohn 2010-02-19 weekly
ACTION-386 (edit) closed Review draft-barth-sniff and send comments, cc TAG Larry Masinter 2010-04-08 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-387 (edit) closed Review JK/NM's stuff on sniffing, authoritative metadata, self-describing web, incl. Henry Thompson 2010-06-07 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-388 (edit) closed Take a look at LMM's doctype/versioning proposal Jonathan Rees 2010-02-11 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-389 (edit) closed Take Dan's proposal on resource/representation and turn it into a change proposal Dan Connolly 2010-04-06 HTML 5 review
ACTION-390 (edit) closed Review ISSUE-58 and suggest next steps Daniel Appelquist 2011-03-01 scalabilityOfURIAccess-58
ACTION-391 (edit) closed Prepare March 2010 ftf agenda Noah Mendelsohn 2010-03-12
ACTION-392 (edit) closed Look into using new client side storage APIs as an RDFa or tabulator data store Dan Connolly 2010-03-17 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-393 (edit) closed Update HTML WG co-chairs along the lines of ... DOCTYPE... workflow... media type.. Noah Mendelsohn 2010-03-09 HTML 5 review
ACTION-394 (edit) closed Compare Noah and Tyler's proposals on this subject John Kemp 2010-03-17 metadataInURI-31
ACTION-395 (edit) closed Guide TAG to a response on HTML decentralized extensibility (self-assigned) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-03-23 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-396 (edit) closed Henry to draft emails for NM to send to HTML WG chairs and to Liam+MS authors encouraging a change proposal wrt distr. extensibility by 23 March Noah Mendelsohn 2010-03-05 LanguageVersioning-41
ACTION-397 (edit) closed Frame F2F discussion on geolocation and geopriv, with help from DKA Ashok Malhotra 2010-03-10 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-398 (edit) closed Prepare plan for resolving issue-27 IRIEverywhere for F2F discussion Larry Masinter 2010-03-10 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-399 (edit) closed Prepare F2F discussion of sniffing, being sure to check status of other pertinent actions John Kemp 2010-03-18 contentTypeOverride-24
ACTION-400 (edit) closed Remind noah about if he forgets Dan Connolly 2010-03-24 F2F meetings
ACTION-401 (edit) closed Ask WebApps working group to review John Kemp's taxonomy Ashok Malhotra 2010-03-18 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-402 (edit) closed Summarize JAR's message to HT re HTTP-based naming and put it(?) on the agenda Jonathan Rees 2010-03-18 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-403 (edit) closed Ensure that TAG responds to Murata Makoto's request for RelaxNG Schemas for XHTML (self-assigned) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-06-02 HTML 5 review
ACTION-404 (edit) open Track HTML WG ISSUE-27 rel-ownership Yves Lafon 2016-12-05 HTML 5 review
ACTION-405 (edit) closed Ask the HTML WG to do produce a WG Note that satisfied the document the TAG resolved it wants (sort about polyglot documents) Dan Connolly 2010-03-31 HTML 5 review
ACTION-406 (edit) closed Get the TAG to evaluate the decentralized proposals in the HTML WG Noah Mendelsohn 2010-04-13 HTML 5 review
ACTION-407 (edit) closed Propose an update to DanC's prose from to explicitly reference or encorporate the HTML history, similarly to the way 2854 does Henry Thompson 2010-04-22 HTML 5 review
ACTION-408 (edit) closed Look into next steps on a workshop around device APIs, privacy etc. with tlr Daniel Appelquist 2010-03-31 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-409 (edit) closed Run Larry's plan for closing IRIEverywhere by the XML Core WG Henry Thompson 2010-06-22 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-410 (edit) closed Let the TAG know whether and when the IRIEverywhere plan in HTML WG went as planned Larry Masinter 2010-11-01 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-411 (edit) closed Take the next step on announcing IRIEverywhere Larry Masinter 2010-04-13 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-412 (edit) closed Try the clarification question, blog item, or wiki approach to metadata-in-uris vs CSRF Dan Connolly 2010-06-07 metadataInURI-31
ACTION-413 (edit) closed Suggest a path thru some logic terminology that might speed up httpSemantics discussions Dan Connolly 2010-05-07 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-414 (edit) closed Prepare a draft agenda, including goals and means, for a proposed afternoon session with invited guests, and circulate for discussion prior to a decision, on the subject of addressing the persistence of domain names Henry Thompson 2010-06-01 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-415 (edit) closed Edit ftf minutes day 1 (Wednesday 24 March) John Kemp 2010-04-02 F2F meetings
ACTION-416 (edit) closed Work on diagrams in "From Server-side to client-side" section of webapps material John Kemp 2011-03-01 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-417 (edit) closed Frame section 7, security John Kemp 2011-01-25 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-418 (edit) closed Initiate discussion of what the TAG thinks of JJ's proposed scoping work, and whether and if so how the TAG will participate Noah Mendelsohn 2010-05-06 TAG/W3C web site, blog, etc.
ACTION-419 (edit) closed Edit minutes for ftf day 3 (Friday 26 March) Henry Thompson 2010-04-02 F2F meetings
ACTION-420 (edit) closed What is different about xhtml basic 1.1 (in particular re: namespaces) Daniel Appelquist 2010-04-29
ACTION-421 (edit) closed Frame the discussion of EXI deployment at a future meeting Henry Thompson 2011-01-21
ACTION-422 (edit) closed Examine the current text of his client state finding and update appropriately with Noah's email from ACTION-353 T.V. Raman 2010-05-31 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-423 (edit) closed Verify with TAG TPAC plans and communicate to W3C teem due April 13 Noah Mendelsohn 2010-04-13 F2F meetings
ACTION-424 (edit) closed Start discussion on www-tag about additional finding/web architecture around MIME types in web architecture, updating existing findings Larry Masinter 2010-06-07 w3cMediaType-1
ACTION-425 (edit) closed Draft updated MIME finding(s), with help from DanA, based on www-tag discussion Larry Masinter 2010-05-31 w3cMediaType-1
ACTION-426 (edit) closed Noah to follow up on April 1 discussion of resource/representations (self-assigned) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-04-20 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-427 (edit) closed Read 4 distributed extensibility proposals and summarize them w.r.t. proposals TAG has discussed to date John Kemp 2010-11-01 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-428 (edit) closed Sketch a plan to contact stakeholders regarding distributed extensibility T.V. Raman 2010-04-22 HTML 5 review
ACTION-429 (edit) closed Work on arrangements for a TAG F2F, probably @ Google early Oct (self-assigned) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-15 F2F meetings
ACTION-430 (edit) closed Propose a plan for his contributions to section 5: Client-side state Ashok Malhotra 2010-09-09 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-431 (edit) closed Contact Jeff/PLH regarding particiapation in W3C core mission TF Ashok Malhotra 2010-05-13
ACTION-432 (edit) closed Review client state finding update w.r.t. maps case Noah Mendelsohn 2010-05-18 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-433 (edit) closed Help Tim get in touch with staff etc. re XML/HTML unification Tim Berners-Lee 2010-05-28 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-434 (edit) closed Prepare discussion of structure of what we want to do about web apps architecture... Daniel Appelquist 2010-10-18
ACTION-435 (edit) closed Consult Tyler Close regarding UMP-informed web storage vulnerability analysis Jonathan Rees 2010-06-22 Web Application Architecture
ACTION-436 (edit) closed Bring "Schemas for XHTML" inquiry to the attention of Michael Smith, HTML Activity Lead Dan Connolly 2010-06-08
ACTION-437 (edit) closed Create a task force on XML / HTML convergence Tim Berners-Lee 2011-06-01 HTML-XML-Divergence-67
ACTION-438 (edit) closed Comment to web storage guys: basically all of this is origin-based, but section 6.1 has a 'may' -- is this a door being held open for CORS? Ashok Malhotra 2010-06-15
ACTION-439 (edit) closed Introduce signature-based approaches to access control Daniel Appelquist 2010-10-14
ACTION-440 (edit) closed Ask Hixie what is meant in this [section 9.2] by "retrieving an external entity" and could some clarification be added. Henry Thompson 2011-05-16
ACTION-441 (edit) closed Draft proposed TAG comment on 3023bis regarding fragment ID handling Noah Mendelsohn 2010-06-16
ACTION-442 (edit) closed Try and integrate NM and TVRs words into a coherent draft Ashok Malhotra 2010-09-09
ACTION-443 (edit) closed Chase down what specs say regarding looking up fragid in 2nd representation if not found in 1st representation Jonathan Rees 2010-06-23
ACTION-444 (edit) closed Draft a white paper on link persistence Jonathan Rees 2010-10-11 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-445 (edit) closed test creation of action Jonathan Rees 2010-06-22
ACTION-446 (edit) closed Testing action creation Jonathan Rees 2010-06-22 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-447 (edit) closed Coordinate TAG positions on media type related work with IETF, and to represent TAG at IETF meetings in Mastricht Due: 2010-07-20 Yves Lafon 2010-07-20
ACTION-448 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of on 26 August (followup to 24 June and 12 August discussion) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-12
ACTION-449 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of pushback on generic handling of fragment IDs in application/xxx+xml media types (self-assigned) Noah Mendelsohn 2010-09-16 rdfURIMeaning-39
ACTION-450 (edit) closed Investigate generic processing of svg+xml and XHTML+xml Yves Lafon 2010-07-01 rdfURIMeaning-39
ACTION-451 (edit) closed Attempt to close ISSUE-36 (dummy action so that this shows up in agenda planning) Jonathan Rees 2010-07-09 siteData-36
ACTION-452 (edit) closed Schedule, when Tim is available, discussion of redirection from A#B to C#D Noah Mendelsohn 2010-08-17 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-453 (edit) closed Let 3023bis folks know that we are aiming to resolve generic processing concerns in Sept, after Larry returns. Noah Mendelsohn 2010-09-16
ACTION-454 (edit) closed Take lead in organizing outside contacts for TAG F2F Daniel Appelquist 2010-10-05
ACTION-455 (edit) closed Schedule discussion on privacy workshop outcomes. Noah Mendelsohn 2010-09-07
ACTION-456 (edit) closed Locate past HTTP WG discussion on Location: A#B change, and make the TAG aware of it Yves Lafon 2010-08-17
ACTION-457 (edit) closed Respond to Paul Cotton indicating TAG awareness that all current proposals have advocates, and will therefore not be dropped. Noah Mendelsohn 2010-08-19
ACTION-458 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of followup actions for TAG to coordinate with IETF on MIME-type related activities Noah Mendelsohn 2011-09-01 mimeAndWeb-66
ACTION-459 (edit) closed Schedule F2F discussion of IRIbis status and Larry's proposal Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-05
ACTION-460 (edit) closed Coordinate with IAB regarding next steps on privacy policy Daniel Appelquist 2011-07-21
ACTION-461 (edit) closed Draft "finding" on Web Apps API design Daniel Appelquist 2010-12-31
ACTION-462 (edit) closed Write draft of best practices on redirection for secondary resources (with help from Tim) Yves Lafon 2010-10-05
ACTION-463 (edit) closed Respond positively to Mark Nottingham regarding meeting with Alexey at TPAC Noah Mendelsohn 2010-09-23
ACTION-464 (edit) closed Coordinate agenda for TAG/IETF meeting at TPAC Yves Lafon 2010-10-23
ACTION-465 (edit) closed Schedule F2F discussion of ACTION-282, "which metadata mechanisms to use when". Get reading list from Larry and www-tag. Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-05
ACTION-466 (edit) closed Ask Norm, Roy and Martin for concrete use cases where generic processing of fragment ids is important Larry Masinter 2010-10-12
ACTION-467 (edit) closed Revise Mime & Web blog entry, perhaps leading to Internet Draft Larry Masinter 2010-09-21
ACTION-468 (edit) closed Invite Thinh to telcon where Tim will be available to discuss "forbidding of hyperlinking" Noah Mendelsohn 2010-11-30 deepLinking-25
ACTION-469 (edit) closed Offer to organizers of AC to do short session answering questions and/or giving TAG status report Noah Mendelsohn 2010-09-30
ACTION-470 (edit) closed Ask Thomas about TAG involvement in privacy workshop Noah Mendelsohn 2010-09-30
ACTION-471 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of "Like SVG" Dist Extensibility Proposal for HTML5 Noah Mendelsohn 2010-09-28 TagSoupIntegration-54
ACTION-472 (edit) closed Update the mime-draft based on comments & review Larry Masinter 2011-07-30 mimeAndWeb-66
ACTION-473 (edit) closed Draft possible TAG response on HTML extensibility Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-07
ACTION-474 (edit) closed Ask Raman to set up phone at F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-14
ACTION-475 (edit) closed Write finding on client-side storage, DanA to review Ashok Malhotra 2011-08-24 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-476 (edit) closed Draft a short note to 3023bis editors reflecting the discussion / consensus... Jonathan Rees 2010-10-26 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-477 (edit) closed Organize meeting on persistence of domains Henry Thompson 2011-10-04
ACTION-478 (edit) open Prepare a second draft of a finding on persistence of references, to be based on decision tree from Oct. 2010 F2F Jonathan Rees 2012-10-06 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-479 (edit) closed Ping Thomas again on Dec. Privacy workshop Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-27
ACTION-480 (edit) closed Draft overview document framing Web applications as opposed to traditional Web of documents Jeni Tennison 2011-07-05
ACTION-481 (edit) closed Update client-side state document with help from Raman Ashok Malhotra 2011-09-10 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-482 (edit) closed Write a draft on client-side storage with help from DanA Due: 2010-11-30 Ashok Malhotra 2010-10-27
ACTION-483 (edit) closed Inform TAG of TPAC meeting schedule Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-27
ACTION-484 (edit) closed Alert chairs, ac-forum, www-tag of TAG availability for Monday session at TPAC Daniel Appelquist 2010-10-27
ACTION-485 (edit) closed Have Amy reserve rooms for TAG F2F Feb 8-10 2011 Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-27
ACTION-486 (edit) closed Schedule group discussion of goals and roadmap for metdata work Noah Mendelsohn 2010-10-27
ACTION-487 (edit) closed Assess potential impact of IRI draft on RDF/XML, OWL, and Turtle Jonathan Rees 2011-12-01 IRIEverywhere-27
ACTION-488 (edit) closed Solicit at TPAC perspectives on what TAG could/should do on APIs Due: 2010-11-09 Daniel Appelquist 2010-10-28
ACTION-489 (edit) closed Prepare early draft of TAG thoughts on implications of Evercookie. Due: 2010-12-08 Daniel Appelquist 2010-10-28
ACTION-490 (edit) closed Noah and others(?) going to privacy workshop to report back to the TAG? Noah Mendelsohn 2010-12-21
ACTION-491 (edit) closed Schedule telcon attempt to formulate health warning on secondary resource redirection noting Larry proposal in 21 Oct 2010 F2F record Noah Mendelsohn 2010-11-09
ACTION-492 (edit) closed Review Larry's health warning on redirection to secondary resources and either agree or fix Jonathan Rees 2010-10-28
ACTION-493 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of interim work on ACTION-355 Due: 2010-11-09 Noah Mendelsohn 2010-11-09
ACTION-494 (edit) closed Reach out to Device APIs chair to see about joint TAG session Noah Mendelsohn 2010-11-08
ACTION-495 (edit) closed Organize something with Geo for Friday morning. Daniel Appelquist 2010-11-08
ACTION-496 (edit) closed Update Guide to TAG participation on intent to set specific deliverables for each discussion Noah Mendelsohn 2010-11-08
ACTION-497 (edit) closed Prepare us for a teleconference with IETF-IAB on possible prague IETF presentation. Larry Masinter 2010-12-21 Coordination with IAB (of IETF) on architecture of web applications
ACTION-498 (edit) closed Report results of HTML5 WG consideration of conformance for extensions (their ISSUE 140), get TAG to prepare change proposal if necessary Noah Mendelsohn 2010-11-12
ACTION-499 (edit) closed Prepare product description page for work on IETF presentation. Noah Mendelsohn 2011-03-01 Coordination with IAB (of IETF) on architecture of web applications
ACTION-500 (edit) closed Coordinate about TAG participation in IETF/IAB panel at March 2011 IETF Larry Masinter 2011-02-15 Coordination with IAB (of IETF) on architecture of web applications
ACTION-501 (edit) closed Follow up on whether GeoLocation finds reasonable answer on giving permission per site/app etc [self-assigned] Ashok Malhotra 2011-12-06
ACTION-502 (edit) closed Report back on discussions with Ben Adida regarding fragid semantics for RDFa Jonathan Rees 2010-11-29
ACTION-503 (edit) closed Publicize to www-tag & chairs health warning on secondary resourc redirection as resolved on 18 Nov 2010 Noah Mendelsohn 2010-11-25
ACTION-504 (edit) closed Make sure ACTION-355 links all significant writings including use cases. John Kemp 2011-01-27
ACTION-505 (edit) closed Start a document wrt issue-25 Daniel Appelquist 2011-03-01 deepLinking-25
ACTION-506 (edit) closed Noah to bring proposed W3C Actions on Privacy before the TAG - TLR to report back to IETF Noah Mendelsohn 2011-01-11
ACTION-507 (edit) closed With Noah to suggest next steps for TAG on privacy Daniel Appelquist 2011-05-03
ACTION-508 (edit) closed Draft proposed bug report against HTML5 media type registration regarding interpretation of fragid in HTML-based AJAX apps Larry Masinter 2011-07-19
ACTION-509 (edit) closed Communicate with RDFa WG regarding documenting the fragid / media type issue Jeni Tennison 2011-12-13
ACTION-510 (edit) closed Write a note conveying the TAG's concerns re: the microdata -> RDF URI mappings in the HTML5 microdata draft Due: 2011-01-20 Tim Berners-Lee 2011-04-26
ACTION-511 (edit) closed Send email framing TAG work on registries Larry Masinter 2011-01-20
ACTION-512 (edit) closed Do F2F local arrangements Noah Mendelsohn 2011-01-27
ACTION-513 (edit) closed Do F2F agenda Noah Mendelsohn 2011-01-27
ACTION-514 (edit) closed Draft a finding on API minimization Robin Berjon 2012-05-01 API Minimization
ACTION-515 (edit) closed (as trackbot proxy for John) who will publish, slightly cleaned up, with help from Noah and Larry Larry Masinter 2011-07-30
ACTION-516 (edit) closed Talk with Thomas Roessler about organizing W3C architecture work on security Yves Lafon 2011-07-19
ACTION-517 (edit) closed Figure out what to say about scalability of access at IETF panel Larry Masinter 2011-02-15
ACTION-518 (edit) closed Henry to report back on efforts to get undertakings from open-source tool authors to ship pre-provisioned catalogs configured into their tools Henry Thompson 2011-08-10
ACTION-519 (edit) open Frame architectural opportunities relating to scalability of resource access Peter Linss 2012-11-06
ACTION-520 (edit) closed Settle London vs. Edinburgh for Sept. 13-15 F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2011-05-31 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-521 (edit) closed Figure out where we stand with on the rec track Noah Mendelsohn 2011-08-23
ACTION-522 (edit) closed Build Tracker product page for HTML/XML Unification Noah Mendelsohn 2011-05-17
ACTION-523 (edit) closed (with help from Noah) build good product page for client storage finding, identifying top questions to be answered on client side storage Ashok Malhotra 2012-01-17
ACTION-524 (edit) closed Close versioning product Noah Mendelsohn 2011-04-05
ACTION-525 (edit) closed Check with John before closing WebApps access control Noah Mendelsohn 2011-05-17
ACTION-526 (edit) closed Do first draft product stuff for MIME and related core web mechanisms Noah Mendelsohn 2011-05-17 mimeAndWeb-66
ACTION-527 (edit) closed Make sure we make progress on ACTION-519 and ACTION-517 in time to provide input to Prague IETF meeting, talk to be ready by mid-March Noah Mendelsohn 2011-02-17
ACTION-528 (edit) closed Create and get consensus on a product page and tracker product page for persistence of names Henry Thompson 2012-01-24 Persistence of identifiers
ACTION-529 (edit) closed Schedule telcon discussion of a potential TAG product relating to offline applications and packaged Web Noah Mendelsohn 2011-02-17
ACTION-530 (edit) closed Draft slides for IETF meeting, with help from Larry Due 2011-02-22 Henry Thompson 2011-03-15
ACTION-531 (edit) closed Draft document on architectural good practice relating to registries Larry Masinter 2011-12-26 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-532 (edit) closed Propose changes to status of issue-39 & issue-57, and perhaps opening new issue relating to H. Halpin's concerns about 200 responses Due: 2011-02-22 Jonathan Rees 2011-02-21 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-533 (edit) closed Schedule TAG discussion of #! (check with Yves) [self-assigne] Noah Mendelsohn 2011-04-05 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-534 (edit) closed Create issue page relating to Harry Halpin's concerns about 200/303 responses Jonathan Rees 2011-03-03 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-535 (edit) closed Draft IAB meeting slide on scalability issues. Noah Mendelsohn 2011-03-03
ACTION-536 (edit) closed Work with HST to identify a way forward wrt interaction Noah Mendelsohn 2011-10-11 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-537 (edit) closed Reach out to Web apps chair to solicit help on framing architecture (incluing terminology, good practice) relating to interaction Daniel Appelquist 2011-07-15
ACTION-538 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of Ashok's post F2F client state draft for 24 March [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2011-03-22
ACTION-539 (edit) closed Coordinate with Thomas Roessler about the registries issue background Larry Masinter 2011-03-24
ACTION-540 (edit) closed Try to arrange for Thomas Roessler to participate in the meeting about Registries at the IETF meeting in Prague Larry Masinter 2011-03-24
ACTION-541 (edit) closed Helped by DKA to produce draft on technical issues relating to copyright/linking Jeni Tennison 2012-08-01
ACTION-542 (edit) closed And Henry to report on IETF Meeting Due 2011-04-07 Larry Masinter 2011-03-31
ACTION-543 (edit) open Propose addition to Fragid draft to discuss sem-web use of fragids not grounded in media type Peter Linss 2012-09-26
ACTION-544 (edit) closed Propose TAG input, if any, to possible workshop on packaged Web apps Daniel Appelquist 2011-08-01
ACTION-545 (edit) closed Report to TAG, after privacy workshop, regarding architecture issue on privacy and especially degree to which use cases beyond those addressed by "Do Not Track" need attention Ashok Malhotra 2011-05-03
ACTION-546 (edit) closed Ask Jim Gettys about joining us for lunch at June F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2011-05-31 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-547 (edit) closed Ask on www-tag and Web Apps mailing lists for advice on moving forward with Daniel Appelquist 2011-05-17
ACTION-548 (edit) closed Ask Norm about HTML/XML at June F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2011-05-24 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-549 (edit) closed (with help from Henry and Yves) make proposals for topics to be pursued with IAB Larry Masinter 2011-06-02
ACTION-550 (edit) closed With help from Noah to plan TAG work on privacy, leading to session at F2F, next step is contact with TLR Daniel Appelquist 2011-05-12
ACTION-551 (edit) closed Create agenda for 6-8 June 2011 F2F [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2011-05-24 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-552 (edit) closed Create logistics page for 6-8 June TAG F2F [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2011-05-17 Meeting planning and records
ACTION-553 (edit) closed With Jonathan to prepare F2F discussion of fragids including #!, RDFa, 3023bis, etc. Jeni Tennison 2011-05-19
ACTION-554 (edit) closed Formulate product page for TAG work on security including John Kemp security draft Due: 2011-05-24 Noah Mendelsohn 2011-09-15
ACTION-555 (edit) closed Follow up with HTML WG chairs as to why Noah Mendelsohn 2011-06-02
ACTION-556 (edit) closed Follow up with HTML WG chairs as to why is not normative Noah Mendelsohn 2011-06-30
ACTION-557 (edit) closed Draft note for chairs list on TAG interest in hearing of architectural issues and comments relating to HTML5...draft to be sent to Larry Masinter 2011-06-02
ACTION-558 (edit) closed Review Microdata last call Due 2011-06-06 Jeni Tennison 2011-06-02
ACTION-559 (edit) closed Review HTML+RDfa last call Due 2011-06-06 Jeni Tennison 2011-06-02
ACTION-560 (edit) closed Review HTML polyglot last call Henry Thompson 2012-10-05
ACTION-561 (edit) closed Ask Norm to tell us how much has changed on HTML/XML Noah Mendelsohn 2011-06-02
ACTION-562 (edit) closed Organize F2F session on IRIbis and 3023bis Henry Thompson 2011-06-02
ACTION-563 (edit) open Arrange for periodic TAG key issues reports to Jeff per June 2011 F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2013-05-18
ACTION-564 (edit) open Track fragid issues in 3023bis, report to TAG and/or communicate with 3023bis editors as appropriate Henry Thompson 2012-12-01
ACTION-565 (edit) closed Talk to Bernard about possible IAB/TAG co-location Noah Mendelsohn 2011-08-16
ACTION-566 (edit) closed Investigate possible liaison or meeting with IETF (maybe IAB) on privacy Yves Lafon 2012-01-24
ACTION-567 (edit) closed Draft a document describing problems around fragids and ways things should be changed Jeni Tennison 2011-06-28
ACTION-568 (edit) closed Draft note for Jeff Jaffe listing 5 top TAG priorities as trackable items. Noah Mendelsohn 2012-01-03
ACTION-569 (edit) closed Check with Peter on January TAG date Noah Mendelsohn 2011-06-15
ACTION-570 (edit) closed Inform Amy of January TAG date Noah Mendelsohn 2011-06-15
ACTION-571 (edit) closed Write up comments on microdata and RDFa Jeni Tennison 2011-08-31 RDFinXHTML-35
ACTION-572 (edit) closed Look at appcache in HTML5 Yves Lafon 2012-03-06
ACTION-573 (edit) closed Send Jeni's note to HTML WG, RDFa, and W3C staff on Wed 22 June 2011 if there are no objections received by the 21st Due 2011-06-22 Noah Mendelsohn 2011-06-23
ACTION-574 (edit) closed Review in preparation for TAG review Due 2011-07-12 Ashok Malhotra 2011-06-30
ACTION-575 (edit) closed Send as edited Due 2011-06-24 Noah Mendelsohn 2011-06-30
ACTION-576 (edit) closed With help from Henry to figure out impact of RDFa core on generic fragids story, especially in 3023bis Jonathan Rees 2011-10-11
ACTION-577 (edit) closed Prepare 3023bis discussion of processor profiles and "IRIbis and HTML5", leftover from 23 June discussion, when Larry is available Henry Thompson 2011-09-06
ACTION-578 (edit) closed Make sure HTML/XML work gets TAG review when ready Due: 2011-08-01 Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-27
ACTION-579 (edit) closed Solicit review of issue-57 (definition discovery) document from readers of public-lod and/or semantic-web lists [self-assigned] Jonathan Rees 2011-06-30
ACTION-580 (edit) closed Schedule discussion (on 4 Aug 2011) of resonses to TAG concerns expressed under ACTION-510, e.g. Noah Mendelsohn 2011-08-02
ACTION-581 (edit) closed Include discussion of Authoring Spec status resolution in 14 July 2011 Agenda [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2011-07-12 HTML 5 review
ACTION-582 (edit) closed Inform HTML WG of satisfaction with authoring spec resolution Noah Mendelsohn 2011-07-21
ACTION-583 (edit) closed (with help from Dan) organize TAG review of proposed W3C charter on tracking protection (privacy) Due 2011-07-26 Ashok Malhotra 2011-08-30
ACTION-584 (edit) closed Ask Norm to participate in next TAG call regarding clarifying what the TAG wants out of the task force. Noah Mendelsohn 2011-08-30
ACTION-585 (edit) closed Meet with Yves prior to the IETF document to review this draft-freed-media-type-regs-00. Larry Masinter 2011-07-28
ACTION-586 (edit) closed Add text covering advice equivalent to "Use of AJAX implementation technology is not a sufficient excuse for failing to provide first class URI identification for documents on the Web" Ashok Malhotra 2011-08-11
ACTION-587 (edit) closed Prepare issue-57 and issue-63 documents for TAG members to discuss at Sept F2F Jonathan Rees 2011-10-11
ACTION-588 (edit) closed Work with Larry to update mime-web product page Due 2011-08-18 Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-13
ACTION-589 (edit) closed Work with Jonathan to update URI definition discovery product page Due: 2011-08-18 Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-23
ACTION-590 (edit) closed Follow up with Addison Phillips on Unicode normalization Noah Mendelsohn 2011-08-30
ACTION-591 (edit) closed Ping Norm end of Sept. on revised HTML/XML report per discussion on 1 Sept 2011 Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-27
ACTION-592 (edit) closed Draft possible TAG position statement on Unicode, and alert Addison Phillips of our intention to attempt to get agreement starting in October after the F2F Peter Linss 2011-09-08
ACTION-593 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of JavaScript vs. REST Client APIs [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2011-10-01 API Minimization
ACTION-594 (edit) closed With Peter and Henry produce partial revision of fragment id finding Yves Lafon 2012-03-13
ACTION-595 (edit) closed Draft a report on Mime and the Web Larry Masinter 2012-01-24
ACTION-596 (edit) closed Copy edit the finding on application state Due: 2011-09-21 Jonathan Rees 2011-09-20
ACTION-597 (edit) closed Publish a final draft for public review of the finding on Application State Ashok Malhotra 2011-12-01
ACTION-598 (edit) closed Publish as a note what had been the FPWD (Raman's draft) on client side state Yves Lafon 2012-01-24
ACTION-599 (edit) closed Close out HTML5 review product Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-20
ACTION-600 (edit) closed Report to TAG on goals, scope and progress to date for work Daniel Appelquist 2011-10-25
ACTION-601 (edit) closed Document in product pages wrapup of HTML5 last call work, leading to HTML next review Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-27
ACTION-602 (edit) closed Work with IETF liaisons to propose possible TAG participation in IETF Paris Noah Mendelsohn 2012-03-13
ACTION-603 (edit) closed Mention to Ian to document level of TAG commitment in nomination info Noah Mendelsohn 2011-11-01
ACTION-604 (edit) closed Propose TPAC breakout on copyright and linking Daniel Appelquist 2011-09-27
ACTION-605 (edit) closed Talk to Ian about whether a 15 min plenary presentation on TAG status would be appropriate at TPAC. Noah Mendelsohn 2011-10-11
ACTION-606 (edit) open Invite I18N and other concerned groups to provide written technical input as prep to discussion with the TAG regarding unicode normalization Peter Linss 2012-10-31
ACTION-607 (edit) closed Find an appropriate way to make available to the Web App Sec working group Larry Masinter 2011-09-22
ACTION-608 (edit) closed Schedule telcon discussion of TAG goals on privacy Noah Mendelsohn 2011-10-04
ACTION-609 (edit) closed Draft initial cut at Daniel Appelquist 2011-10-25
ACTION-610 (edit) closed Draft initial cut at Jeni Tennison 2012-05-29
ACTION-611 (edit) closed Draft initial cut at Larry Masinter 2012-05-01
ACTION-612 (edit) closed Respond to Ian suggesting a BOF but not a breakout on TAG focus, and ask again about dinner. Noah Mendelsohn 2011-10-06
ACTION-613 (edit) closed Organize deep linking breakout at TPAC Daniel Appelquist 2011-10-06
ACTION-614 (edit) closed Report on progress relating to RDFa and Microdata Jeni Tennison 2012-01-06
ACTION-615 (edit) closed Check on possible meeting with SPDY folks on 31 Oct at TPAC Yves Lafon 2011-10-13
ACTION-616 (edit) closed Contact Fred Hirsch to suggest joint TAG/DAP meeting at TPAC on REST vs. Javascript APIs Noah Mendelsohn 2011-10-20
ACTION-617 (edit) open Work with Noah to take off the Rec track Yves Lafon 2012-11-08
ACTION-618 (edit) closed With help from Larry, Noah, and Jeni to prepare analysis on development around HTTP, like spdy, ssl use, websocket... Yves Lafon 2011-12-06
ACTION-619 (edit) closed Report on status of 3023bis after TPAC Henry Thompson 2012-02-14
ACTION-620 (edit) closed With help from Jonathan, to report on persistent domain workshop Henry Thompson 2012-01-24 Persistence of identifiers
ACTION-621 (edit) closed With Dan to figure out whether we want a TAG bof at TPAC Noah Mendelsohn 2011-10-20
ACTION-622 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of as possible new TAG work focus (per Edinburgh F2F) [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-20 HTML 5 review
ACTION-623 (edit) closed Pull together plans for IETF<-> TAG coordination at TPAC Larry Masinter 2011-11-03
ACTION-624 (edit) closed Draft for TAG consideration a call for httpRange-14 change proposals Jonathan Rees 2011-12-31 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-625 (edit) closed Schedule followup discussion of (per agreement in Santa Clara) Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-21
ACTION-626 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of how, if at all, TAG should continue to be involved with SPDY Noah Mendelsohn 2011-11-15
ACTION-627 (edit) closed Schedule very detailed line-by-line review of Pub&Linking draft at January F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2012-01-31
ACTION-628 (edit) closed Work with Chris Lilley to bring forward prose for 3023bis wrt generic processing of fragment identifiers which addresses the rdf+xml and xhtml+xml issues Henry Thompson 2012-04-02
ACTION-629 (edit) closed With help from Jeni to propose changes to goals, success criteria etc. for publishing/linking product page Daniel Appelquist 2012-01-17
ACTION-630 (edit) closed Draft note to Web apps on Appcache/local store relationship, post to for TAG approval Due: 2011-11-11 Ashok Malhotra 2011-11-11
ACTION-631 (edit) closed Suggest how is best to deal with explicit reference to only Microdata (not RDFa) from HTML spec Jeni Tennison 2011-11-18
ACTION-632 (edit) closed Frame issues around client-side storage work Ashok Malhotra 2012-02-14
ACTION-633 (edit) closed Drive TAG review of Geolocation last call Due 2011-12-06 Ashok Malhotra 2011-12-06
ACTION-634 (edit) closed With help from Noah to publish as a TAG Finding Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-20
ACTION-635 (edit) closed Update product page for Frag IDS and Mime types, to include realistic goals and dates Henry Thompson 2012-09-11
ACTION-636 (edit) closed Update product page for Mime and the Web Noah Mendelsohn 2012-07-15
ACTION-637 (edit) closed Ask PLH to join us in Dec. to bring us up to speed on, and also join in F2F discussion Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-20
ACTION-638 (edit) closed Help Noah figure out best ways, if at all, for TAG to participate in IETF paris Yves Lafon 2012-03-26
ACTION-639 (edit) closed Invite Mark Nottingham to SPDY/HTTP F2F session Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-15
ACTION-640 (edit) closed Frame F2F discussion of SPDY/HTTP futures Yves Lafon 2011-12-15
ACTION-641 (edit) closed Try and find list of review issues relating to HTML5 from earlier discussions Noah Mendelsohn 2012-03-01
ACTION-642 (edit) closed With help from Larry to propose plan to liaise with PLH to register HTML media type Jeni Tennison 2012-01-17
ACTION-643 (edit) closed Redraft something on this html5 review in 3 weeks. Larry Masinter 2011-12-29
ACTION-644 (edit) closed Draft proposed alternative text to e-mail announcing end of "product" work on HTML 5 last call ( ) Due 2012-01-10 Larry Masinter 2012-01-10
ACTION-645 (edit) closed Take off draft indication and put dates on URI Definition and Discovery Product page Noah Mendelsohn 2011-12-29
ACTION-646 (edit) closed With help from Noah, update product page and product index to reflect publication of Client-Side state finding Ashok Malhotra 2012-01-03 webApplicationState-60
ACTION-647 (edit) closed Draft product page on client-side storage focusing on specific goals and success criteria Robin Berjon 2012-06-29
ACTION-648 (edit) closed Post call for change proposals to amend the resolution to httpRange-14 per 4 January 2012 TAG Resolution Jonathan Rees 2012-02-18 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-649 (edit) closed Produce a document with examples motivating the technical points in the Copyright/Linking document Jeni Tennison 2012-03-20
ACTION-650 (edit) closed Review what provenance WG is doing with an eye to application to privacy issues Jonathan Rees 2012-09-22
ACTION-651 (edit) closed Announce closing of Web App State Product Due: 2012-01-17 Noah Mendelsohn 2012-01-12
ACTION-652 (edit) closed DanA to come back with a proposal on API minimization draft Yves Lafon 2012-01-17 API Minimization
ACTION-653 (edit) closed Schedule telcon discussion of Persistence product page (which was drafted for but not reviewed at F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2012-01-17
ACTION-654 (edit) closed Write "product" page summarizing wrapup of RDFa/Microdata work Jeni Tennison 2012-01-31
ACTION-655 (edit) closed Check Norm Walsh draft of W3C Note with the TAG, draft cover letter to include with Note, and review that with the TAG Noah Mendelsohn 2012-01-31
ACTION-656 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of possibly getting W3C to invest in technologies for liberal XML processing (e.g. XML5) Noah Mendelsohn 2012-04-24
ACTION-657 (edit) closed Schedule telcon discussion of possible XML/HTML Unification next steps Noah Mendelsohn 2012-04-10
ACTION-658 (edit) closed Prepare telcon discussion of protocol-related issues, e.g. Websockets/hybi (but not SPDY) Yves Lafon 2012-03-20
ACTION-659 (edit) closed Track IETF efforts on HTTP 2.0 & SPDY Yves Lafon 2013-01-01
ACTION-660 (edit) closed Integrate input from DKA and Yves for note to Jeff, and draft section on CA Due: 2012-10-17 Noah Mendelsohn 2012-01-31
ACTION-661 (edit) closed Ask harry and thomas to join us on a future TAG call. Ashok Malhotra 2012-01-13
ACTION-662 (edit) closed Redraft proposed product page on API Minimization ( Robin Berjon 2012-01-31
ACTION-663 (edit) closed Verify with Harry Halpin the TAG's plan to "keep an eye" on CA issues, and solicit his and TLR's help in keeping us informed Due: 2012-01-31 Noah Mendelsohn 2012-01-31
ACTION-664 (edit) closed Announce completion of TAG work on Microdata/RDFa as recorded in and to finalize the product page and associated links Noah Mendelsohn 2012-05-01
ACTION-665 (edit) closed Follow up with Harry Halpin on 19 January 2012 telcon discussion of CAs Noah Mendelsohn 2012-01-26
ACTION-666 (edit) closed Update to reflect agreement on 26 January telcon regarding settling at F2F Henry Thompson 2012-09-01
ACTION-667 (edit) open Check, when publishing and linking wraps, whether it's time to reinvest in Noah Mendelsohn 2013-06-04
ACTION-668 (edit) open Eventually, probably after registries work is done, ask whether TAG wants to reinvest in MIME/Web Due 2013-01-31 Noah Mendelsohn 2013-05-15
ACTION-669 (edit) open Review and see whether TAG needs to do more on references to evolving specs Due: 2012-08-01 Henry Thompson 2013-01-01
ACTION-670 (edit) closed Update product priority list to mark MIMEWeb completed after final product page available Noah Mendelsohn 2012-05-08
ACTION-671 (edit) closed Respond to Jeff Jaffe, on the public list, using the text agreed on the telcon of 16 Feb 2012 Noah Mendelsohn 2012-02-23
ACTION-672 (edit) pending review Work with PLH to create W3C-sponsored registry of HTML extensions, and get that referenced from HTML media type registration, per Jeni Tennison 2012-11-06
ACTION-673 (edit) closed Prepare for F2F discussion of httpRange-14 change proposals Due 2012-03-13 Jonathan Rees 2012-03-27
ACTION-674 (edit) closed encourage Chris Lilley to meet with us to discuss 3023bis and semantics of Fragment Identifiers Noah Mendelsohn 2012-03-16
ACTION-675 (edit) closed frame discussion of semantics of fragids and rfc 3023bis Henry Thompson 2012-03-27
ACTION-676 (edit) closed Check with Norm whether there is sufficient feedback on HTML/XML to merit F2F discussion Noah Mendelsohn 2012-03-15
ACTION-677 (edit) closed Contact HTML WG co-chairs to ask about timing for output of Encrypted Media TF Noah Mendelsohn 2012-04-24
ACTION-678 (edit) closed Ask Dom if there's something he think would be worth discussing with the TAG Robin Berjon 2012-03-22
ACTION-679 (edit) closed check how Appcache should fit into Ashok's storage document Yves Lafon 2012-05-01
ACTION-680 (edit) closed Lead TAG telcon review (rescheduled) of Jeni Tennison 2012-04-24
ACTION-681 (edit) closed HST to prepare TAG discussion of Henry Thompson 2012-04-30
ACTION-682 (edit) open When HTTPbis group says time is right, suggest to TAG sections of HTTPbis specification that TAG should review Jonathan Rees 2012-10-06
ACTION-683 (edit) closed Figure out who might be a good choice to present Hybi (and as appropriate WebSocket protocols) to the TAG Yves Lafon 2012-12-04
ACTION-684 (edit) closed Update Privacy by Design in APIs Robin Berjon 2012-05-08
ACTION-685 (edit) closed create a product page proposing the Task Force on Web Security/Privileges/Trust/etc. Robin Berjon 2012-09-30
ACTION-686 (edit) open try to find who is in charge of the current browser content sniffing clustermess, and see if there is a way of moving out of the quagmire Larry Masinter 2013-01-08
ACTION-687 (edit) closed Look for opportunities to discuss putting forward something to the AB about the Process and the failed reference from REC drafts to expired RFCs as a side-effect of scope creep etc. Noah Mendelsohn 2012-05-22
ACTION-688 (edit) closed work with Noah to draft a further request to the 3023bis editor from the TAG to include advice along the lines in the discussion on media types and fragment identifiers at the f2f on 2012-04-04 Henry Thompson 2012-05-01
ACTION-689 (edit) closed work with Noah to draft a further request to the 3023bis editor from the TAG to include advice regarding what a particular +xml media type registration should do wrt fragid semantics along the lines in the discussion on media types and fragment identifiers at the f2f on 2012-04-04 Henry Thompson 2012-10-01
ACTION-690 (edit) closed sort next steps on Fragment Identifiers and Mime Types Jeni Tennison 2012-05-05
ACTION-691 (edit) closed Prepare table as described in 2012-04-04 minutes, for TAG review Jonathan Rees 2012-04-24 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-692 (edit) closed consider JAR's april request to discuss, for 10 mins, issues list at oct f2f Noah Mendelsohn 2012-09-10
ACTION-693 (edit) closed Draft scope and goals for the Patterns/Pitfalls work in local/remote storage synch Robin Berjon 2012-04-19
ACTION-694 (edit) closed work up simple intro to http+aes uri scheme and schedule discussion, possibly with PLH Noah Mendelsohn 2012-08-01
ACTION-695 (edit) closed Check with Thomas Roessler on whether security review of CORS is coming up in W3C/IETF liaison Jonathan Rees 2012-09-11
ACTION-696 (edit) closed frame discussion of XML-ER goals and use cases Jeni Tennison 2012-04-24
ACTION-697 (edit) closed Prepare for discussion of CA infrastructure weakness (e.g. DANE) Larry Masinter 2012-05-29
ACTION-698 (edit) closed Schedule discussion of how to take forward the TAG concerns with respect to managing fragment identifer schemes, inheritance and overlap Noah Mendelsohn 2012-05-01
ACTION-699 (edit) open check that W3C has found a good home for the output of the HTML Data TF, especially microdata/RDF conversion Jeni Tennison 2012-10-26
ACTION-700 (edit) closed Send note to tag@ that he will send later to the AB (as himself) proposing the changes to electoral proceedings Robin Berjon 2012-11-30
ACTION-701 (edit) closed Follow up with Robin on election reform Noah Mendelsohn 2012-08-01
ACTION-702 (edit) closed Follow up with Robin on election reform proposals Noah Mendelsohn 2012-05-03
ACTION-703 (edit) closed Put health warning in "Booth Script" for formatting minutes Noah Mendelsohn 2012-05-10
ACTION-704 (edit) open with help from Jeni and Henry to try to identify next steps for moving forward on httpRange-14 Jonathan Rees 2012-09-17
ACTION-705 (edit) closed Noah to schedule discussion of IAB Privacy Terminology note [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2012-05-22
ACTION-706 (edit) closed Keep an eye on and relation to RFC 3023bis - Due: 2012-??=?? Henry Thompson 2012-05-24
ACTION-707 (edit) closed keep an eye on and relation to RFC 3023bis Henry Thompson 2012-10-05
ACTION-708 (edit) closed Check with Chris Lilley on likely near term progress of RFC 3023bis Henry Thompson 2012-09-01
ACTION-709 (edit) closed Talk to Jeff & W3M about TAG futures Noah Mendelsohn 2012-06-06
ACTION-710 (edit) open keep an eye on issues relating to CA infrastructure weakness, including DANE Larry Masinter 2012-12-01
ACTION-711 (edit) open report on CSS WG plans for documenting policies relating to deployment and withdrawal of vendor-prefixed identifiers Peter Linss 2012-11-20
ACTION-712 (edit) closed Help us decide whether to have F2F session on i18n and comparison Due 2012-05-29 Peter Linss 2012-05-31
ACTION-713 (edit) closed Incorporate into Privacy document "There are concerns wrt protocols and privacy, there are concerns wrt APIs and privacy. We're working on APIs, IETF are working on protocols, we will collaborate and try to converge at least on terminology going forward" Robin Berjon 2012-09-13
ACTION-714 (edit) closed Communicate that tThe TAG thinks the W3C should have a working group working on Privacy, with scope to include the area covered by the "Some Patterns..." document currently under development in the TAG Yves Lafon 2012-10-26
ACTION-715 (edit) closed prepare draft FPWD of some patterns for privacy in APIs, to be reviewed by TAG and published Robin Berjon 2012-09-13
ACTION-716 (edit) open Update privacy product page to indicate a) possible handoff to other group b) liaison with IAB & IETF privacy interest group c) goal to initiate larger activity in privacy - Due: 2012-07-31 Noah Mendelsohn 2013-06-11
ACTION-717 (edit) closed Propose outline for possible TAG document (finding or rec) on architectural issues relating to storage sync, linked data, etc. Due 2012-07-15 Ashok Malhotra 2012-10-10
ACTION-718 (edit) open Propose goals and success critera for TAG work on architectural issues relating to storage sync, linked data, etc. Ashok Malhotra 2012-11-13
ACTION-719 (edit) closed Reply to Hannes pointing to the minutes, summarizing the discussion, and asking him if he has any more specific questions. Larry Masinter 2012-06-20
ACTION-720 (edit) closed Make sure we have somewhere to meet in London 7-9th October Noah Mendelsohn 2012-06-20
ACTION-721 (edit) closed Update product index to target date on publishing & linking Noah Mendelsohn 2012-06-20
ACTION-722 (edit) closed Review 'publishing and linking' due Jonathan Rees 2012-08-06
ACTION-723 (edit) open Record final closing of work on HTML/XML Unification in product page Noah Mendelsohn 2013-06-11
ACTION-724 (edit) open investigate possible TAG efforts on URI scheme proliferation and extension points Henry Thompson 2012-11-06
ACTION-725 (edit) pending review With help from Peter, to create big picture overview coming out of analysis of TAG effectiveness Jeni Tennison 2012-11-20
ACTION-726 (edit) closed Make a list of questions to which webarch and the findings suggest answers, as input to possible 'study design' and/or communication to chairs etc. Jonathan Rees 2012-09-17 ultimateQuestion-42
ACTION-727 (edit) closed With help from JAR and Larry to work on a plan for taking a slightly stronger version of the Copyright and Linking draft forward Ashok Malhotra 2012-07-17
ACTION-728 (edit) closed find editor for copyright and linking after group reviews Ashok's proposals on stronger messages Noah Mendelsohn 2012-07-12
ACTION-729 (edit) closed do new draft of fragids finding Jeni Tennison 2012-07-10
ACTION-730 (edit) closed working with Yves to publish FPWD on Fragids Jeni Tennison 2012-07-31
ACTION-731 (edit) closed And Ashok to remove the best practises parts of the P&L document Larry Masinter 2012-08-09
ACTION-732 (edit) closed prepare FPWD on Publishing and Linking Larry Masinter 2012-09-05
ACTION-733 (edit) closed prepare for 30 minute report on HTTP 2.0/SPDY at October 2012 F2F Larry Masinter 2012-09-28
ACTION-734 (edit) closed schedule discussion of vendor prefixes (ACTION-711) at F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2012-09-20
ACTION-735 (edit) closed Check on AB interest in TAG effectiveness Yves Lafon 2012-09-06
ACTION-736 (edit) closed Prod Henry on ACTION-724 for F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2012-09-06
ACTION-737 (edit) closed On Tuesday 4 Sept, if no objections, publish FPWD on Publishing and Linking Yves Lafon 2012-09-06
ACTION-738 (edit) closed Only if there's e-mail news: schedule another discussion of World Wide Web Objectives Matrix per ACTION-726 Noah Mendelsohn 2012-09-25
ACTION-739 (edit) closed Schedule F2F discussion of XXX handler registration see discussion on 20 Sept. Noah Mendelsohn 2012-09-27
ACTION-740 (edit) closed Update the governance frame for Oct F2F discussion Larry Masinter 2012-09-27
ACTION-741 (edit) closed Check with Norm Walsh on closing out HTML/XML unification work Noah Mendelsohn 2013-03-19
ACTION-742 (edit) closed Excavate a statement on the TAG voting issue from email/minutes that we can consider as a basis for email to the AB Henry Thompson 2012-10-04
ACTION-743 (edit) closed Schedule F2F discussion of issues report to Jeff Jaffe, see ACTION-563 Noah Mendelsohn 2012-10-04
ACTION-744 (edit) closed Send a message to the AB to ask them to review the election procedures for the TAG Noah Mendelsohn 2012-10-14
ACTION-745 (edit) closed Get LCWD of fragids & media types published and respond to comments Jeni Tennison 2013-01-01
ACTION-746 (edit) closed Raise a bug on registerContentHandler and registerProtocolHandler to ask for specification of how fragids are handled Jeni Tennison 2012-10-30
ACTION-747 (edit) open Update product page on publishing and linking: dates and link to public draft Ashok Malhotra 2012-10-28
ACTION-748 (edit) closed prepare draft of Publishing and Linking by Oct 15 Ashok Malhotra 2012-10-15
ACTION-749 (edit) open With help from HT and JT to draft the TAG's response to the ISSUE-57 change proposal process initiated on 29 February 2012, based on and F2F minutes of 8 October 2012. Jonathan Rees 2013-07-01 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-750 (edit) closed Contact Ian about TAG participation in TPAC -- see minutes of 8 Oct late afternoon Henry Thompson 2012-10-30
ACTION-751 (edit) open With help from JAR and JT to produce a publishable version of Issue57Proposal27 (, due 2012-12-31 Henry Thompson 2012-12-31
ACTION-752 (edit) closed Update URIs in data primer based on discussion at Tuesday F2F Jeni Tennison 2012-11-13
ACTION-753 (edit) closed do first draft of technical issues list for Jeff Larry Masinter 2012-10-22
ACTION-754 (edit) closed With Larry work out what the exit criteria from CR for fragids best practices should be Jeni Tennison 2013-03-05
ACTION-755 (edit) open with help from Ashok (and TAG), decide exit criteria on Publishing & Linking - must be ahead of CR Larry Masinter 2012-11-20
ACTION-756 (edit) closed Draft rough product page / briefing pape for "distributed web applications" Jeni Tennison 2012-11-06
ACTION-757 (edit) open think about how to evaluate results vs. success criteria on closed work Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-23
ACTION-758 (edit) open Working with experts in security community, to suggest projects TAG might undertake relating to security Ashok Malhotra 2012-11-20
ACTION-759 (edit) closed frame for telcon discussion possible TAG work relating to DWIM and Issue errorHandling-20 Larry Masinter 2012-11-13
ACTION-760 (edit) closed Send Steve Zilles note saying Henry, Larry, Peter, Ashok, Tim and Jeni (Wed) could meet with AB Noah Mendelsohn 2012-10-16
ACTION-761 (edit) open based on TPAC feedback to propose either specific TAG goal/product page on offline apps, or propose future occasional discussion w/o deliverable, or propose to drop it Ashok Malhotra 2012-11-27
ACTION-762 (edit) open prepare for review a draft of a TAG Note focusing on the minimization message in the privacy finding. PL to check w/Robin and Dan first. Peter Linss 2012-11-27
ACTION-763 (edit) closed prepare response to last call feedback on Publishing and Linking Ashok Malhotra 2013-01-07
ACTION-764 (edit) closed arrange for expert review of Publishing and Linking last call draft Ashok Malhotra 2012-11-08
ACTION-765 (edit) closed Take draft warnings off F2F minutes Noah Mendelsohn 2012-11-15
ACTION-766 (edit) closed Respond to e-mail on AWWW "typo" saying TAG did not agree that a change was needed Noah Mendelsohn 2012-11-15
ACTION-767 (edit) open Propose division of issues into OPEN/POSTPONED, etc. Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-16
ACTION-768 (edit) closed Investigate hosting Cambridge meeting Jan 15-17 Noah Mendelsohn 2012-12-06
ACTION-769 (edit) closed Informally inform Jeff that we did not at this time identify urgent technical matters for his consideration Noah Mendelsohn 2012-12-06
ACTION-770 (edit) closed Reserve January TAG space/food Noah Mendelsohn 2013-01-03
ACTION-771 (edit) closed Draft e-mail responding to request to rescind polyglot request to HTML WG? Jeni Tennison 2012-12-13
ACTION-772 (edit) closed With help from Larry to propose CR exit criteria for fragids finding Jeni Tennison 2013-02-12
ACTION-773 (edit) closed Line up reviewers for Publishing and Linking and invite to participate in F2F Ashok Malhotra 2012-12-20
ACTION-774 (edit) closed Frame F2F discussion of Privacy by design note, and possible followup up with privacy group. Due: 2013-01-08 Peter Linss 2012-12-20
ACTION-775 (edit) closed Invite nominees to TAG F2F [self-assigned] Noah Mendelsohn 2012-12-20
ACTION-776 (edit) closed With help from Larry to redraft Publishing and Linking, responding to comments, for review at F2F Ashok Malhotra 2013-04-02
ACTION-777 (edit) closed Draft proposed response to Richard Cyganiak's comments on Fragids Jeni Tennison 2013-01-10
ACTION-778 (edit) closed Figure out where our old TAG blog stuff is. Yves Lafon 2013-01-31
ACTION-779 (edit) closed schedule F2F discussion of whether and how to pursue Publishing and Linking Noah Mendelsohn 2013-03-01
ACTION-780 (edit) closed Draft note to PING asking them to pick up our incomplete work on privacy by design by APIs Ashok Malhotra 2013-01-31
ACTION-781 (edit) closed prepare reading and discussion on Defining URIS (ISSUE-57) for March F2F Jeni Tennison 2013-03-05
ACTION-782 (edit) closed schedule F2F discussion of polyglot, the TAG's request to HTML WG on polygot, and HTML/XML Unification Noah Mendelsohn 2013-03-01
ACTION-783 (edit) closed Send to PING Noah Mendelsohn 2013-02-14
ACTION-784 (edit) open with help from Yehuda to frame F2F discussion of layering Alex Russell 2013-03-04
ACTION-785 (edit) closed schedule discussion of developer involvement/outreach at F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2013-03-04
ACTION-786 (edit) closed frame, with help from Alex, discussion of Javascript API Design Issues for F2F Marcos Caceres 2013-03-04
ACTION-787 (edit) closed solicit informal discussion on HTML WG list of clarifying: polyglot doesn't restrict html5 futures Alex Russell 2013-02-25
ACTION-788 (edit) closed Frame F2F discussion of liaison with ECMA TC39 Yehuda Katz 2013-03-07
ACTION-789 (edit) open With help from Anne to review TAG finding on application state and propose TAG followup to promote good use of URIs for Web Apps including those with persistent state with focus on actual examples Yehuda Katz 2013-04-16
ACTION-790 (edit) closed Do new Editor's Draft of fragids spec for approval to publish as CR Jeni Tennison 2013-04-25
ACTION-791 (edit) closed Redraft proposed "status" section that TAG is suggesting for Polyglot Alex Russell 2013-04-16
ACTION-792 (edit) open with help from Alex talk to TC39 about helping with WebIDL (agreed on Monday 18 March) Yehuda Katz 2013-05-21
ACTION-793 (edit) closed draft disclaimer text for Authoritative Metadata Anne van Kesteren 2013-04-05
ACTION-794 (edit) open Draft text on closing of issue RDFinXHTML-35 Jeni Tennison 2013-04-11
ACTION-795 (edit) open Draft text on closing of ISSUE-46 Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-11
ACTION-796 (edit) open Develop new ideas for improved synergy with and outreach to the developer community Marcos Caceres 2013-05-20
ACTION-797 (edit) open tweak product page for Fragment ids Jeni Tennison 2013-04-30
ACTION-798 (edit) open Will republish Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-25
ACTION-799 (edit) closed Republish authoritative metadata finding Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-25
ACTION-800 (edit) open with help from slightlyoff, and annevk to investigate nosniff current status Yehuda Katz 2013-05-14
ACTION-801 (edit) closed publish as a W3C Note and announce Yves Lafon 2013-04-30
ACTION-802 (edit) open Bring new W3C initiatives to TAG's attention, open-ended, due 2015-12-31 Yves Lafon 2015-12-31
ACTION-803 (edit) closed Talk with Art Barstow and/or Charles Mac??-Neville to find out who from Webapps might come to talk to us Daniel Appelquist 2013-06-05
ACTION-804 (edit) closed Invite Olivier Theroux to lunch on Friday due 2013-05-29 Yves Lafon 2013-05-30
ACTION-805 (edit) closed Find a representative of Web RTC to talk to the TAG Anne van Kesteren 2013-08-21
ACTION-806 (edit) closed Invite Phil Archer to talk to the TAG Jeni Tennison 2013-07-18
ACTION-807 (edit) closed Invite someone from Responsive Images CG to talk to the TAG Daniel Appelquist 2013-06-05
ACTION-808 (edit) closed Pull together a plan for TC39 participation at TPAC in November in China Daniel Appelquist 2013-06-05
ACTION-809 (edit) open And alex will create an initial draft of high level view/survey and how they relate to system capabilities Yehuda Katz 2013-06-05
ACTION-810 (edit) closed Create a first draft of capability document guidelines Jeni Tennison 2013-06-05
ACTION-811 (edit) open Send a note to the web audio working group with some architectural suggestions. Yehuda Katz 2013-06-06
ACTION-812 (edit) open Move the source into [private w3c] github with help from Marcos Henry Thompson 2013-06-07
ACTION-813 (edit) open Initiate email discussion on how we decide what bits of AWWW to work on, i.e. to collect some starting points for the scoping discussion, with help Jeni Henry Thompson 2013-06-07
ACTION-814 (edit) open present on midi on future telcon Marcos Caceres 2013-06-30
ACTION-815 (edit) pending review invite Anssi to present on DAP/Sysapps on future telcon Daniel Appelquist 2013-06-15
ACTION-816 (edit) open write readme for architectural principles of promises Yehuda Katz 2013-07-01
ACTION-817 (edit) open write readme on extending HTML responsibly Alex Russell 2013-07-01
ACTION-818 (edit) open coordinate redesign of home page, finding lists, etc. Peter Linss 2013-08-01
ACTION-819 (edit) open set up mirroring of git repos Peter Linss 2013-07-04
ACTION-820 (edit) closed Send an email to the AB telling them that we are ready to give input on modularization and references if they work on that topic Daniel Appelquist 2013-07-04
ACTION-821 (edit) closed Talk to Jeff about TC39 to TPAC Daniel Appelquist 2013-07-04
ACTION-822 (edit) open Send email to public-script-coord about TC39 and TPAC Alex Russell 2013-07-04
ACTION-823 (edit) open Write a blog post on http 2.0. Yves Lafon 2013-08-01
ACTION-824 (edit) open Add some ideas to the tag-site-redesign readme file.. Daniel Appelquist 2013-08-01
ACTION-825 (edit) closed Schedule a follow-up on web audio with olivier and chris from web audio. Daniel Appelquist 2013-08-08
ACTION-826 (edit) open Work on a statement or document on data races with Alex. Yehuda Katz 2013-08-08
ACTION-827 (edit) closed Talk to wendy about possible amicus brief on recent evolution of publishing and linking Daniel Appelquist 2013-09-19
ACTION-828 (edit) closed Reach out to plh about f2f, and topics like api guide Yves Lafon 2013-09-19
ACTION-829 (edit) closed Stay on top of dev gettogether planning and make sure it a) gets announced and b) happens Anne van Kesteren 2013-09-26
ACTION-830 (edit) open : work to align with the extensible web cg] Yehuda Katz 2013-10-07
ACTION-831 (edit) open Start writing some text for security recommendations with agl's help Alex Russell 2013-10-08
ACTION-832 (edit) open Invite dmitry to present about web components Alex Russell 2013-10-08
ACTION-833 (edit) open Write some text about capability layering Yehuda Katz 2013-10-08
ACTION-834 (edit) open Start fleshing out an api review document Сергей - Sergey Константинов - Konstantinov 2015-01-01
ACTION-835 (edit) open Draft a note regarding constraints and decisions regarding zip urls Yehuda Katz 2013-10-08
ACTION-836 (edit) pending review Invite tim and doug to join a tag call Daniel Appelquist 2013-10-09 JSON-FU
ACTION-837 (edit) open Write up something to send to web audio working group Alex Russell 2013-10-09
ACTION-838 (edit) open Fix the tracker system so it can handle alumni names as well as current members Noah Mendelsohn 2013-10-09
ACTION-839 (edit) open Talk to wendy and philippe about tpac meetings Daniel Appelquist 2013-10-09
ACTION-840 (edit) open Document his recommendations to the sysapps wg regarding de-packagizng the specs Yehuda Katz 2013-10-09
ACTION-841 (edit) open Ask robin what's going on Daniel Appelquist 2013-10-09
ACTION-842 (edit) closed Check on status of jeni's documents. Yves Lafon 2013-10-09
ACTION-843 (edit) closed Start on the securing the web document. Daniel Appelquist 2013-11-07
ACTION-844 (edit) open Draft text for a W3C Liaison Statement to IETF Mailing List Daniel Appelquist 2013-11-15 JSON-FU
ACTION-845 (edit) open Report back on a TAG telecon on the outcome of discussions in TC39 Meeting on JSON discussion Alex Russell 2013-11-28 JSON-FU
ACTION-846 (edit) open Make edits to the tag home page and product page accordingly. Daniel Appelquist 2014-01-14
ACTION-847 (edit) open Draft a review of web crypto api Alex Russell 2014-01-14
ACTION-848 (edit) open Prepare an input into the strint workshop from the tag Alex Russell 2014-01-14
ACTION-849 (edit) open Start documenting web permission patterns with code examples Alex Russell 2014-01-15
ACTION-850 (edit) open Send mail to chairs to ask about apis using permissions Daniel Appelquist 2014-01-15
ACTION-851 (edit) open Draft an analysis document detailing these issues discussed on 209 with a view towards this document being fodder for an rfc. Yves Lafon 2014-01-16
ACTION-852 (edit) closed Start a write-up on this eme discussion. Jeni Tennison 2014-01-16
ACTION-853 (edit) open Start a write-up on architectural / layering considerations on responsive images. Yehuda Katz 2014-01-16
ACTION-854 (edit) open Start working on a design principles write-up on "layering" - an explainer document and faq / examples on the architectural principles. Yehuda Katz 2014-07-31
ACTION-855 (edit) closed Publish capability urls as wd Yves Lafon 2014-02-20
ACTION-856 (edit) open Create a proposal documenting discussion (?) Jeni Tennison 2014-04-08
ACTION-857 (edit) open Make a respec document out of the proposal Jeni Tennison 2014-04-09
ACTION-858 (edit) closed Make a new document on package urls. Jeni Tennison 2014-04-09
ACTION-859 (edit) closed Talk to psig on whether or not it’s possible to amend the tag charter to allow for rec track docs to run under the standard w3c ipr rules. Daniel Appelquist 2014-04-09
ACTION-860 (edit) open And others to do an integrity url spec review Yehuda Katz 2014-04-09
ACTION-861 (edit) open Collaborate with annevk on a plan for general metadata on urls Yehuda Katz 2014-04-09
ACTION-862 (edit) pending review Incoporate comments on guide and put it into respec… Domenic Denicola 2014-04-09
ACTION-863 (edit) closed Do a brain dump on his thoughts Alex Russell 2014-04-09
ACTION-864 (edit) closed Set up a call with web animations spec editor(s) Peter Linss 2014-04-09
ACTION-865 (edit) open Find jquery animations people and ask if they could build on top of web animations Yehuda Katz 2014-07-31
ACTION-866 (edit) closed Draft an initial feedback on applinks Daniel Appelquist 2014-05-15
ACTION-867 (edit) open Respond to feedback on capability urls on www-tag list… Jeni Tennison 2014-06-05
ACTION-868 (edit) open Organize an ad hoc meeting on articulating more of the vision of the extensible web Yehuda Katz 2014-07-30
ACTION-869 (edit) open Send a note to the AB/AC reinforcing our support for Noah's proposal and requesting that they take it up Daniel Appelquist 2014-07-30
ACTION-870 (edit) open Have conversation re: issue in section 3.2 or capability URL draft, feed back to Jeni Alex Russell 2014-07-30
ACTION-871 (edit) open Draft a blog post on permissions request design guidelines for APIs Alex Russell 2014-07-30
ACTION-872 (edit) closed reach out to web animations editors to start the conversation Сергей - Sergey Константинов - Konstantinov 2014-08-07
ACTION-873 (edit) open make a plan outline for involving developers into tests / polyfills more. E.g. encourage spec editors to explicitly call out polysyllable / testable sections, and how to bring developers into those conversations. Domenic Denicola 2014-08-07
ACTION-874 (edit) open Domenic to work with Hixie to get the appropriate hooks into HTML to specify that promises use microtasks. Domenic Denicola 2014-08-07
ACTION-875 (edit) open Yves to help Domenic set things up so promises guide commits flow through automatically to W3C Yves Lafon 2014-08-07
ACTION-876 (edit) open And sergey to re-phrase "fraud" as "attacks" Domenic Denicola 2014-10-07
ACTION-877 (edit) open Add a note generally encouraging accessibility in eme opinion Domenic Denicola 2014-10-07

Add a new action item. See all the action items

Tim Berners-Lee <>, Peter Linss <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Chairs, Yves Lafon <>, Staff Contact
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