Open Actions

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There are 96 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-23 (edit) open track progress of #int bug 1974 in the XML Schema namespace document in the XML Schema WG Henry Thompson 2012-11-06 namespaceDocument-8
ACTION-33 (edit) open revise naming challenges story in response to Dec 2008 F2F discussion Henry Thompson 2013-01-01 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-113 (edit) open HT to a) revise composition.pdf to take account of suggestions from Tim & Jonathan and feedback from email and b) produce a new version of the Elaborated Infoset finding, possibly incorporating some of the PDF Henry Thompson 2013-01-01 xmlFunctions-34
ACTION-121 (edit) open HT to draft TAG input to review of draft ARK RFC Henry Thompson 2013-01-01 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-201 (edit) open Report on status of AWWSW discussions Jonathan Rees 2012-10-02 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-282 (edit) open Draft a finding on metadata architecture. Jonathan Rees 2013-04-01 metadataArchitecture-63
ACTION-381 (edit) open Spend 2 hours helping Ian with Jonathan Rees 2012-12-31 TAG/W3C web site, blog, etc.
ACTION-404 (edit) open Track HTML WG ISSUE-27 rel-ownership Yves Lafon 2016-12-05 HTML 5 review
ACTION-478 (edit) open Prepare a second draft of a finding on persistence of references, to be based on decision tree from Oct. 2010 F2F Jonathan Rees 2012-10-06 URNsAndRegistries-50
ACTION-519 (edit) open Frame architectural opportunities relating to scalability of resource access Peter Linss 2012-11-06
ACTION-543 (edit) open Propose addition to Fragid draft to discuss sem-web use of fragids not grounded in media type Peter Linss 2012-09-26
ACTION-563 (edit) open Arrange for periodic TAG key issues reports to Jeff per June 2011 F2F Noah Mendelsohn 2013-05-18
ACTION-564 (edit) open Track fragid issues in 3023bis, report to TAG and/or communicate with 3023bis editors as appropriate Henry Thompson 2012-12-01
ACTION-606 (edit) open Invite I18N and other concerned groups to provide written technical input as prep to discussion with the TAG regarding unicode normalization Peter Linss 2012-10-31
ACTION-617 (edit) open Work with Noah to take off the Rec track Yves Lafon 2012-11-08
ACTION-667 (edit) open Check, when publishing and linking wraps, whether it's time to reinvest in Noah Mendelsohn 2013-06-04
ACTION-668 (edit) open Eventually, probably after registries work is done, ask whether TAG wants to reinvest in MIME/Web Due 2013-01-31 Noah Mendelsohn 2013-05-15
ACTION-669 (edit) open Review and see whether TAG needs to do more on references to evolving specs Due: 2012-08-01 Henry Thompson 2013-01-01
ACTION-682 (edit) open When HTTPbis group says time is right, suggest to TAG sections of HTTPbis specification that TAG should review Jonathan Rees 2012-10-06
ACTION-686 (edit) open try to find who is in charge of the current browser content sniffing clustermess, and see if there is a way of moving out of the quagmire Larry Masinter 2013-01-08
ACTION-699 (edit) open check that W3C has found a good home for the output of the HTML Data TF, especially microdata/RDF conversion Jeni Tennison 2012-10-26
ACTION-704 (edit) open with help from Jeni and Henry to try to identify next steps for moving forward on httpRange-14 Jonathan Rees 2012-09-17
ACTION-710 (edit) open keep an eye on issues relating to CA infrastructure weakness, including DANE Larry Masinter 2012-12-01
ACTION-711 (edit) open report on CSS WG plans for documenting policies relating to deployment and withdrawal of vendor-prefixed identifiers Peter Linss 2012-11-20
ACTION-716 (edit) open Update privacy product page to indicate a) possible handoff to other group b) liaison with IAB & IETF privacy interest group c) goal to initiate larger activity in privacy - Due: 2012-07-31 Noah Mendelsohn 2013-06-11
ACTION-718 (edit) open Propose goals and success critera for TAG work on architectural issues relating to storage sync, linked data, etc. Ashok Malhotra 2012-11-13
ACTION-723 (edit) open Record final closing of work on HTML/XML Unification in product page Noah Mendelsohn 2013-06-11
ACTION-724 (edit) open investigate possible TAG efforts on URI scheme proliferation and extension points Henry Thompson 2012-11-06
ACTION-747 (edit) open Update product page on publishing and linking: dates and link to public draft Ashok Malhotra 2012-10-28
ACTION-749 (edit) open With help from HT and JT to draft the TAG's response to the ISSUE-57 change proposal process initiated on 29 February 2012, based on and F2F minutes of 8 October 2012. Jonathan Rees 2013-07-01 HttpRedirections-57
ACTION-751 (edit) open With help from JAR and JT to produce a publishable version of Issue57Proposal27 (, due 2012-12-31 Henry Thompson 2012-12-31
ACTION-755 (edit) open with help from Ashok (and TAG), decide exit criteria on Publishing & Linking - must be ahead of CR Larry Masinter 2012-11-20
ACTION-757 (edit) open think about how to evaluate results vs. success criteria on closed work Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-23
ACTION-758 (edit) open Working with experts in security community, to suggest projects TAG might undertake relating to security Ashok Malhotra 2012-11-20
ACTION-761 (edit) open based on TPAC feedback to propose either specific TAG goal/product page on offline apps, or propose future occasional discussion w/o deliverable, or propose to drop it Ashok Malhotra 2012-11-27
ACTION-762 (edit) open prepare for review a draft of a TAG Note focusing on the minimization message in the privacy finding. PL to check w/Robin and Dan first. Peter Linss 2012-11-27
ACTION-767 (edit) open Propose division of issues into OPEN/POSTPONED, etc. Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-16
ACTION-784 (edit) open with help from Yehuda to frame F2F discussion of layering Alex Russell 2013-03-04
ACTION-789 (edit) open With help from Anne to review TAG finding on application state and propose TAG followup to promote good use of URIs for Web Apps including those with persistent state with focus on actual examples Yehuda Katz 2013-04-16
ACTION-792 (edit) open with help from Alex talk to TC39 about helping with WebIDL (agreed on Monday 18 March) Yehuda Katz 2013-05-21
ACTION-794 (edit) open Draft text on closing of issue RDFinXHTML-35 Jeni Tennison 2013-04-11
ACTION-795 (edit) open Draft text on closing of ISSUE-46 Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-11
ACTION-796 (edit) open Develop new ideas for improved synergy with and outreach to the developer community Marcos Caceres 2013-05-20
ACTION-797 (edit) open tweak product page for Fragment ids Jeni Tennison 2013-04-30
ACTION-798 (edit) open Will republish Noah Mendelsohn 2013-04-25
ACTION-800 (edit) open with help from slightlyoff, and annevk to investigate nosniff current status Yehuda Katz 2013-05-14
ACTION-802 (edit) open Bring new W3C initiatives to TAG's attention, open-ended, due 2015-12-31 Yves Lafon 2015-12-31
ACTION-809 (edit) open And alex will create an initial draft of high level view/survey and how they relate to system capabilities Yehuda Katz 2013-06-05
ACTION-811 (edit) open Send a note to the web audio working group with some architectural suggestions. Yehuda Katz 2013-06-06
ACTION-812 (edit) open Move the source into [private w3c] github with help from Marcos Henry Thompson 2013-06-07
ACTION-813 (edit) open Initiate email discussion on how we decide what bits of AWWW to work on, i.e. to collect some starting points for the scoping discussion, with help Jeni Henry Thompson 2013-06-07
ACTION-814 (edit) open present on midi on future telcon Marcos Caceres 2013-06-30
ACTION-816 (edit) open write readme for architectural principles of promises Yehuda Katz 2013-07-01
ACTION-817 (edit) open write readme on extending HTML responsibly Alex Russell 2013-07-01
ACTION-818 (edit) open coordinate redesign of home page, finding lists, etc. Peter Linss 2013-08-01
ACTION-819 (edit) open set up mirroring of git repos Peter Linss 2013-07-04
ACTION-822 (edit) open Send email to public-script-coord about TC39 and TPAC Alex Russell 2013-07-04
ACTION-823 (edit) open Write a blog post on http 2.0. Yves Lafon 2013-08-01
ACTION-824 (edit) open Add some ideas to the tag-site-redesign readme file.. Daniel Appelquist 2013-08-01
ACTION-826 (edit) open Work on a statement or document on data races with Alex. Yehuda Katz 2013-08-08
ACTION-830 (edit) open : work to align with the extensible web cg] Yehuda Katz 2013-10-07
ACTION-831 (edit) open Start writing some text for security recommendations with agl's help Alex Russell 2013-10-08
ACTION-832 (edit) open Invite dmitry to present about web components Alex Russell 2013-10-08
ACTION-833 (edit) open Write some text about capability layering Yehuda Katz 2013-10-08
ACTION-834 (edit) open Start fleshing out an api review document Сергей - Sergey Константинов - Konstantinov 2015-01-01
ACTION-835 (edit) open Draft a note regarding constraints and decisions regarding zip urls Yehuda Katz 2013-10-08
ACTION-837 (edit) open Write up something to send to web audio working group Alex Russell 2013-10-09
ACTION-838 (edit) open Fix the tracker system so it can handle alumni names as well as current members Noah Mendelsohn 2013-10-09
ACTION-839 (edit) open Talk to wendy and philippe about tpac meetings Daniel Appelquist 2013-10-09
ACTION-840 (edit) open Document his recommendations to the sysapps wg regarding de-packagizng the specs Yehuda Katz 2013-10-09
ACTION-841 (edit) open Ask robin what's going on Daniel Appelquist 2013-10-09
ACTION-844 (edit) open Draft text for a W3C Liaison Statement to IETF Mailing List Daniel Appelquist 2013-11-15 JSON-FU
ACTION-845 (edit) open Report back on a TAG telecon on the outcome of discussions in TC39 Meeting on JSON discussion Alex Russell 2013-11-28 JSON-FU
ACTION-846 (edit) open Make edits to the tag home page and product page accordingly. Daniel Appelquist 2014-01-14
ACTION-847 (edit) open Draft a review of web crypto api Alex Russell 2014-01-14
ACTION-848 (edit) open Prepare an input into the strint workshop from the tag Alex Russell 2014-01-14
ACTION-849 (edit) open Start documenting web permission patterns with code examples Alex Russell 2014-01-15
ACTION-850 (edit) open Send mail to chairs to ask about apis using permissions Daniel Appelquist 2014-01-15
ACTION-851 (edit) open Draft an analysis document detailing these issues discussed on 209 with a view towards this document being fodder for an rfc. Yves Lafon 2014-01-16
ACTION-853 (edit) open Start a write-up on architectural / layering considerations on responsive images. Yehuda Katz 2014-01-16
ACTION-854 (edit) open Start working on a design principles write-up on "layering" - an explainer document and faq / examples on the architectural principles. Yehuda Katz 2014-07-31
ACTION-856 (edit) open Create a proposal documenting discussion (?) Jeni Tennison 2014-04-08
ACTION-857 (edit) open Make a respec document out of the proposal Jeni Tennison 2014-04-09
ACTION-860 (edit) open And others to do an integrity url spec review Yehuda Katz 2014-04-09
ACTION-861 (edit) open Collaborate with annevk on a plan for general metadata on urls Yehuda Katz 2014-04-09
ACTION-865 (edit) open Find jquery animations people and ask if they could build on top of web animations Yehuda Katz 2014-07-31
ACTION-867 (edit) open Respond to feedback on capability urls on www-tag list… Jeni Tennison 2014-06-05
ACTION-868 (edit) open Organize an ad hoc meeting on articulating more of the vision of the extensible web Yehuda Katz 2014-07-30
ACTION-869 (edit) open Send a note to the AB/AC reinforcing our support for Noah's proposal and requesting that they take it up Daniel Appelquist 2014-07-30
ACTION-870 (edit) open Have conversation re: issue in section 3.2 or capability URL draft, feed back to Jeni Alex Russell 2014-07-30
ACTION-871 (edit) open Draft a blog post on permissions request design guidelines for APIs Alex Russell 2014-07-30
ACTION-873 (edit) open make a plan outline for involving developers into tests / polyfills more. E.g. encourage spec editors to explicitly call out polysyllable / testable sections, and how to bring developers into those conversations. Domenic Denicola 2014-08-07
ACTION-874 (edit) open Domenic to work with Hixie to get the appropriate hooks into HTML to specify that promises use microtasks. Domenic Denicola 2014-08-07
ACTION-875 (edit) open Yves to help Domenic set things up so promises guide commits flow through automatically to W3C Yves Lafon 2014-08-07
ACTION-876 (edit) open And sergey to re-phrase "fraud" as "attacks" Domenic Denicola 2014-10-07
ACTION-877 (edit) open Add a note generally encouraging accessibility in eme opinion Domenic Denicola 2014-10-07

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Tim Berners-Lee <>, Peter Linss <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Chairs, Yves Lafon <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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