ISSUE-46: Impact of changes to XML 1.1 on other XML Specifications
Impact of changes to XML 1.1 on other XML Specifications
- State:
- Product:
- Raised by:
- Opened on:
- 2004-05-19
- Description:
XML 1.1 makes essentially four changes to XML 1.0:
It increases the number of characters
that may legally appear in Names.
Adds several new characters that may
appear in text if they are encoded as
numeric character references (C0
controls except NUL).
Removes several characters so that they
may not appear in text if they are not
encoded as numeric character references
(C1 controls). Adds as a line-end character.
XML Schema 1.0 normatively refers to XML Namespaces 1.0 for the definition of QName and XML Namespaces 1.0 normatively refers to XML 1.0 for the definition of Name and XML 1.0 has fewer Name characters than XML 1.1.
That means that by a strict interpretation of the Recommendations, it is impossible to write an XML Schema for a document that uses the "new" Name characters. And by extension, it is impossible for an XPath expression or a protocol document to use XML 1.1.
- Related Actions Items:
ACTION-17 on Henry Thompson to Check that the XML test suite contains an equivalent test - due 2007-08-27, closed- Related emails:
- Re: Draft TAG Teleconference Minutes 4th of April 2013 (from on 2013-04-05)
- Draft TAG Teleconference Minutes 4th of April 2013 (from on 2013-04-04)
- Agenda for the TAG Teleconference of 4 April 2012 (from on 2013-04-04)
- Minutes of the TAG F2F of 19-21 October 2010 are now ready for review (from on 2010-10-30)
- Setting TAG Priorities - Review of discussion and planning to date (from on 2009-03-22)
- Agenda for TAG Face-to-Face Meeting, 3-5 March 2009 (Redwood Shores, CA) (from on 2009-02-25)
- TAG (from on 2006-12-13)
- TAG (from on 2006-12-13)
- TAG (from on 2006-12-13)
- TAG (from on 2006-12-13)
- (from on 2006-05-03)
- TAG Telcon of 7 February 2006 (from on 2006-02-07)
- 31 January 2006 Tag Teleconference (from on 2006-01-31)
- TAG weekly teleconference (from on 2005-10-04)
- TAG weekly teleconference (from on 2005-10-04)
- Minutes of 28 June 2004 TAG teleconference (from on 2004-06-28)
- Minutes of 14 June 2004 TAG teleconference (from on 2004-06-14)
- Minutes of 7 June 2004 TAG teleconference (from on 2004-06-07)
- Minutes of 7 June 2004 TAG teleconference (from on 2004-06-07)
- Deployment and Support of XML 1.1 (from Mark Nottingham <> on 2004-05-19)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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